Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

So, I'm seeing purple petioles and not-so-shiny leaves.

If you can use a smaller bucket to fit just the one, go ahead and mix up a gallon of water with an ounce of Transplant and 6 mils Tea and soak it good. That's the Rescue Drench.

Let is soak for a few minutes. She'll sing to you tomorrow.

Thanks doc, the purple petioles just started couple days ago. Right when it got cold. I found my heat problem. I have a mini split, with 2 inside units, one for each room. The one in my veg room, the electronic control board fried somehow. Spend all this $ and damn thing only lasted 6 months.

Thanks doc and gang. I really think this is where I've been running into issues. Because I'm not starting off good, seems like once everything is set it's smooth sailing. That and I way I over think shit.

We'll see how she looks tomorrow ..
For sure. As soon as I implement the drench they turn a hole different plant. And there leaves tell there story.

Yep! Keep watching closely. Don't worry about taking notes....just engage all your senses and take it all in.

I've been thinking about this HB thing pretty much to the exclusion of everything(one) else for the last couple months and I think I've stumbled upon somthing worth sharing. I've already said a bit about it, but I'll say more:

What we're trying to do here is something on a higher level than just feeding plants and soil. Absolutely we're trying to feed the plants/soil as good as we can.....but the approach to doing so isn't quite limited to measuring liquids and weighing pots and managing the environment.

Yes, we need to do all that and do it right!

But what takes it to the next level is when we ourselves begin to function according to OUR roots. We're not supposed to be disconnected from the earth, insulated from the earth via rubber shoes, rubber tires, (i know it's not real rubber....it's worse) many storied buildings, no time to take off our shoes and walk on the beach, swim in the lake....

No time to be outside working with nature.

Well, technology is changing much faster than our basic neurology! Sure, as marvelous intelligent creatures we adapt to artificial lights, random and changing photoperiods, and so forth......but our ancient DNA is designed to commune with nature, to help our environment thrive, to cultivate crops, tend flocks, watch stars, moon and sun.....pay attention to the wind, the shadows, where the sun sets, where it rises, when the birds sing...how they sing, etc.

All of that is hardwired, deep within us.

The more we pay attention to the plants with a sense of wonder, the more all that ancient programming kicks in and starts humming away in the background----no effort on our part needed, just a sense of wonder focused on the plants and soil.

Things will start to "click." You'll know what to do. You'll be doing what you're supposed to do.

Science has given us the soil.....by studying and copying naturally occurring, mineralized, productive soils around the world. But cultivation isn't "just" science. There's another dimension that is mystical, ancient and can't be taught didactically. It is precisely this level we're trying to reach with High Brix growing!

We've got the best replication of productive soil we can have......short of living on the side of a volcano. What's needed now is to interact with and manage the living things in those pots.....and that only comes by experience.

Each of us can do this, but it might take longer for some than others. I think this is why chefs have done so damn well with HB. They understand chemistry from a different perspective than a guy in a white coat who does quantitative analysis on various substances. Chef's may not understand that heat breaks polypeptide bonds in proteins and that's what makes and egg go from raw to cooked.......but chef's definitely know how to use that process and make tasty eggs, done just right etc.

While we all need to start with numbers and measuring cups....I'd like us to all end up just sort of knowing what to do without all the measuring.

I used to say, "follow directions for a couple runs and learn how the products work." I still mean that, but I guess I mean more than that:

Follow directions for as many runs as needed until the products, the soil and the plants start obeying your will and you understand their needs and applications on a deep, mystical level.

Again, gaze at them, notice things. Count the serrations on the leaves, note their colors.....is the petiole all purple, half and half, or all green? Do the stems glow bright green, or do they have purple streaks? Notice it all. Don't write it down, just pay attention, day after day.

We're supposed to do this stuff. We're designed to do it. And each of us can be far better at it that we know.
After looking at my little ones, I'll probably have to give them all a rescue drench. But that's no problem, I'm slowly learning. I had synthetics down pretty good, this organic is a little different thinking. But it's starting to sink in, wish I could just reset my brain lol. The soil I'm using was cooked back in June last year, and it got kinda dry, I think the temps were alright.
What a good read....OK,...OK,...so i'm about to meet Doc.......people will say to me....they met the man ,...who met Doc Bud...:adore:...That was a movie line ...i think , maybe a Seinfeld episode...LOL:):high-five:

I gotta get back to watching some good movies again. Haven't watched tv in a year or so. Might be a good time to get all the old Clint Eastwood movies out lol
Damn Doc, I've been trying to teach people this about nature and ourselves for a long time. Most think I'm crazy to run barefoot or in my huaraches... fact of the matter is... I love to feel
Close to nature. I don't listen to music when I run, I enjoy the sounds all around me. And when I see people running or walking in these ridiculous shoes nowadays, listening to music and playing with their phones... I sigh inside and say... you guys have no idea what you're missing. My point here being, I understand that line of thinking, and will adapt it to my growing as well. Thank you for the beautiful words Doc, very well said and beautifully written.
Yep! Keep watching closely. Don't worry about taking notes....just engage all your senses and take it all in.

I've been thinking about this HB thing pretty much to the exclusion of everything(one) else for the last couple months and I think I've stumbled upon somthing worth sharing. I've already said a bit about it, but I'll say more:

What we're trying to do here is something on a higher level than just feeding plants and soil. Absolutely we're trying to feed the plants/soil as good as we can.....but the approach to doing so isn't quite limited to measuring liquids and weighing pots and managing the environment.

Yes, we need to do all that and do it right!

But what takes it to the next level is when we ourselves begin to function according to OUR roots. We're not supposed to be disconnected from the earth, insulated from the earth via rubber shoes, rubber tires, (i know it's not real rubber....it's worse) many storied buildings, no time to take off our shoes and walk on the beach, swim in the lake....

No time to be outside working with nature.

Well, technology is changing much faster than our basic neurology! Sure, as marvelous intelligent creatures we adapt to artificial lights, random and changing photoperiods, and so forth......but our ancient DNA is designed to commune with nature, to help our environment thrive, to cultivate crops, tend flocks, watch stars, moon and sun.....pay attention to the wind, the shadows, where the sun sets, where it rises, when the birds sing...how they sing, etc.

All of that is hardwired, deep within us.

The more we pay attention to the plants with a sense of wonder, the more all that ancient programming kicks in and starts humming away in the background----no effort on our part needed, just a sense of wonder focused on the plants and soil.

Things will start to "click." You'll know what to do. You'll be doing what you're supposed to do.

Science has given us the soil.....by studying and copying naturally occurring, mineralized, productive soils around the world. But cultivation isn't "just" science. There's another dimension that is mystical, ancient and can't be taught didactically. It is precisely this level we're trying to reach with High Brix growing!

We've got the best replication of productive soil we can have......short of living on the side of a volcano. What's needed now is to interact with and manage the living things in those pots.....and that only comes by experience.

Each of us can do this, but it might take longer for some than others. I think this is why chefs have done so damn well with HB. They understand chemistry from a different perspective than a guy in a white coat who does quantitative analysis on various substances. Chef's may not understand that heat breaks polypeptide bonds in proteins and that's what makes and egg go from raw to cooked.......but chef's definitely know how to use that process and make tasty eggs, done just right etc.

While we all need to start with numbers and measuring cups....I'd like us to all end up just sort of knowing what to do without all the measuring.

I used to say, "follow directions for a couple runs and learn how the products work." I still mean that, but I guess I mean more than that:

Follow directions for as many runs as needed until the products, the soil and the plants start obeying your will and you understand their needs and applications on a deep, mystical level.

Again, gaze at them, notice things. Count the serrations on the leaves, note their colors.....is the petiole all purple, half and half, or all green? Do the stems glow bright green, or do they have purple streaks? Notice it all. Don't write it down, just pay attention, day after day.

We're supposed to do this stuff. We're designed to do it. And each of us can be far better at it that we know.

Must agree

And again thats why I HATE THE TIME CHANGE, Daylight savings my ass
Along the Watch, Listen, Learn side of things I
noticed my ROOTS have reached the sides of my
1 gal (I think maybe 1.25 gal) Square Plastic Pot
at day 21 from ground break.

Today, 2 days later, I see 2 more coming out of the lowest side hole.

Approx. 3 weeks from pop (and only day 3 or 4 of veg)
they have reached the wall and now on their way to filling the pot

Oh BTW The Blackberry did do 9 blades at 5th node,
(Maybe I will call her Dolly Parton "9 to 5") Wont
know if there was going to be an 11 since I Fimmed
at the 5th

2 of the 3 needed water today. There was some GE left over from veg watering yesterday, about 1 gallon in the five gallon bucket.

I diluted it 4 to 1 by adding 4 gallons RO to the bucket and dunked them in that. Plain water would have been fine, but I was too lazy to dump out the drench and knew they'd be happy.

The correct thing to do would have been RO and 1/4 trans......but no worries.

Transplant next.

These gals (hopefully) are going to like to be topped, based on structure.

Yep! Keep watching closely. Don't worry about taking notes....just engage all your senses and take it all in.

I've been thinking about this HB thing pretty much to the exclusion of everything(one) else for the last couple months and I think I've stumbled upon somthing worth sharing. I've already said a bit about it, but I'll say more:

What we're trying to do here is something on a higher level than just feeding plants and soil. Absolutely we're trying to feed the plants/soil as good as we can.....but the approach to doing so isn't quite limited to measuring liquids and weighing pots and managing the environment.

Yes, we need to do all that and do it right!

But what takes it to the next level is when we ourselves begin to function according to OUR roots. We're not supposed to be disconnected from the earth, insulated from the earth via rubber shoes, rubber tires, (i know it's not real rubber....it's worse) many storied buildings, no time to take off our shoes and walk on the beach, swim in the lake....

No time to be outside working with nature.

Well, technology is changing much faster than our basic neurology! Sure, as marvelous intelligent creatures we adapt to artificial lights, random and changing photoperiods, and so forth......but our ancient DNA is designed to commune with nature, to help our environment thrive, to cultivate crops, tend flocks, watch stars, moon and sun.....pay attention to the wind, the shadows, where the sun sets, where it rises, when the birds sing...how they sing, etc.

All of that is hardwired, deep within us.

The more we pay attention to the plants with a sense of wonder, the more all that ancient programming kicks in and starts humming away in the background----no effort on our part needed, just a sense of wonder focused on the plants and soil.

Things will start to "click." You'll know what to do. You'll be doing what you're supposed to do.

Science has given us the soil.....by studying and copying naturally occurring, mineralized, productive soils around the world. But cultivation isn't "just" science. There's another dimension that is mystical, ancient and can't be taught didactically. It is precisely this level we're trying to reach with High Brix growing!

We've got the best replication of productive soil we can have......short of living on the side of a volcano. What's needed now is to interact with and manage the living things in those pots.....and that only comes by experience.

Each of us can do this, but it might take longer for some than others. I think this is why chefs have done so damn well with HB. They understand chemistry from a different perspective than a guy in a white coat who does quantitative analysis on various substances. Chef's may not understand that heat breaks polypeptide bonds in proteins and that's what makes and egg go from raw to cooked.......but chef's definitely know how to use that process and make tasty eggs, done just right etc.

While we all need to start with numbers and measuring cups....I'd like us to all end up just sort of knowing what to do without all the measuring.

I used to say, "follow directions for a couple runs and learn how the products work." I still mean that, but I guess I mean more than that:

Follow directions for as many runs as needed until the products, the soil and the plants start obeying your will and you understand their needs and applications on a deep, mystical level.

Again, gaze at them, notice things. Count the serrations on the leaves, note their colors.....is the petiole all purple, half and half, or all green? Do the stems glow bright green, or do they have purple streaks? Notice it all. Don't write it down, just pay attention, day after day.

We're supposed to do this stuff. We're designed to do it. And each of us can be far better at it that we know.

So what this says to me is, while there was some diligent scientific processes involved in developing the kit... in the grow room, what we're doing is Alchemy - of a sort...
I found this definition of "cultivation".

(biology) The process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.

I found this definition of "cultivation".

(biology) The process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.


Sounds tricky lol
So what this says to me is, while there was some diligent scientific processes involved in developing the kit... in the grow room, what we’re doing is Alchemy - of a sort...

Not exactly what I was thinking...When I think of Alchemy I think of chemistry and the search for transmutation and turning one thing into another....a sort of intervention and "bending" of natural things if you will.

In the grow room we want to direct and aid the life force of the soil and plants. We're still well within the bounds of our scientific knowledge, but at the same time we recognize the mystery of life and grow accordingly. It's the green thumb thing.
Not exactly what I was thinking...When I think of Alchemy I think of chemistry and the search for transmutation and turning one thing into another....a sort of intervention and "bending" of natural things if you will.

In the grow room we want to direct and aid the life force of the soil and plants. We're still well within the bounds of our scientific knowledge, but at the same time we recognize the mystery of life and grow accordingly. It's the green thumb thing.

Doc sorry to post here and intrude on you and Amy here

My bad Amy .

But if one was to look at doing basic research into your docs high brix kit method where would be a great place to start reading over the next few months ?

Thanks and sorry to intrude again guys .

Happy New Years to both of ya .
Doc sorry to post here and intrude on you and Amy here

My bad Amy .

But if one was to look at doing basic research into your docs high brix kit method where would be a great place to start reading over the next few months ?

Thanks and sorry to intrude again guys .

Happy New Years to both of ya .

Check out his in the lab thread and his Q&A thread. If you look in his sig there is a link that says "how to you the kit" or something to that effect. That will bring you to the latest instructions. I would read that and then go back to the first page and go from there.

Edit: In the lab- In The Lab With Doc Bud

Q&A- Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures
Doc sorry to post here and intrude on you and Amy here

My bad Amy .

But if one was to look at doing basic research into your docs high brix kit method where would be a great place to start reading over the next few months ?

Thanks and sorry to intrude again guys .

Happy New Years to both of ya .

That and his website is full of great info and videos. Sorry if me adding link isn't allowed.

What is Brix? – Minerals, Microbes, and Magic
Not exactly what I was thinking...When I think of Alchemy I think of chemistry and the search for transmutation and turning one thing into another....a sort of intervention and "bending" of natural things if you will.

In the grow room we want to direct and aid the life force of the soil and plants. We're still well within the bounds of our scientific knowledge, but at the same time we recognize the mystery of life and grow accordingly. It's the green thumb thing.

Agreed - I guess I was taking Alchemy a bit more broadly maybe (hence 'of a sort'). Still, I used to do a yoga practice referred to as Alchemic yoga - which was all about stimulating and moving the acids, oils and salts in the body to achieve internal 'cleaning' and lubricating and setting. The way you spoke about being able to reach a point where you can feel or intuit (not quite the right words but you get what I'm referring to yeah?) your way through growing because you've spent so long watching and engaging, in an artisan like way - it reminds me of how the teacher used to describe developing our practice. Plus there's that whole 'shifting the chemistry of the soil' thing that you do, with the CAT for example. So there's some bending going on too! Just bending to replicate apparently ideal natural conditions... so the plant can be it's best, which rarely happens with so much precision in nature. Not arguing... just talking... (hopefully not hijacking the thread with philosophy .).

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