Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Hi Doc! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if it winds up being misleading. The directions say .5 to 1ml of drench per gallon of soil and to double for dunking.

I have 3 vegging girls each in #1's. Would I be correct to use 6 ml of drench and about .6ml of tea (it does not say in the directions, I know it used to and it also used to say 1/2-1 oz of drench for the 6 plants so pretty sure the directions were revised.) all in 2.5 gallons of water, remember I only have 3 #1's.

If this is a good question then great and if it's bad, maybe we can get it removed.
Hi Doc! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if it winds up being misleading. The directions say .5 to 1ml of drench per gallon of soil and to double for dunking.

I have 3 vegging girls each in #1's. Would I be correct to use 6 ml of drench and about .6ml of tea (it does not say in the directions, I know it used to and it also used to say 1/2-1 oz of drench for the 6 plants so pretty sure the directions were revised.) all in 2.5 gallons of water, remember I only have 3 #1's.

If this is a good question then great and if it's bad, maybe we can get it removed.

It's a great question. I've revised and re-revised the directions several times......each time with the intent of making things more clear because someone has said they're confused....while others insist they were never confused! Some veterans still think the very first set of directions is fine and they follow them!

I always water 6 or more plants at a time, so I still use oz-per-sq ft calculations. I also don't measure things....I just pour from a gallon jug into a bucket.

In your case, when watering 3 vegging plants, assuming everything is going well, the numbers you give are just fine! As for the Tea....don't get too worried between .6 mils and 1 or 2 mils. Just make it easy on yourself and use 1 or 2 mils. It doesn't have to be exact.

Again, underfeeding is more problematic than overfeeding....if they look like they're stalled or starving, increase feeding starting with Transplant.

I'm going to re-print the labels to say ".5 to 3 mils of drench per gallon of soil." Double for dunking. But since I have thousands of labels, it will be a while before we see them. I'll figure out a way to explain this....

Again, underfeeding and loss of soil energy is more problematic than overfeeding......from the directions:

General Wisdom and Good Advice:

The high side of the feeding schedule works better than the low side. If you know your crop and know it is a “light feeder” start on the low side. If you know your crop is robust and likes to gobble up nutrition, start on the heavy side. All recommendations can be safely doubled, even tripled without burning the plants, but doing so often results in no obvious benefit to plant health. Exceptions are one-time applications of Rescue and Super drenches.

I'm convinced that no directions can replace a gardener's intuition. We've got to start somewhere and the directions are definitely the place to start, but at some point each of us needs to feel confident to increase, decrease or otherwise change something based on their local conditions.

when it comes down to it, I'm basically following directions even with my pouring/plopping technique. what we're seeing on this thread is a lot of troubleshooting....much of akin to taking an a 3.9 GPA student to a 4.0.

If everything is going well, stick to the directions. If things seem anemic....increase drenches, starting with Transplant.

That's basically what a Super Drench is, afterall.
Go ahead and give them a Transplant drench. They look good, but it will put your mind at ease and won't hurt.

If you're mixing 2.5 gallons you'll have quite a bit left over, yes? If it was me, I'd put one ounce (1 oz) in that bucket, with 5 mils of Tea. It's a strong drench, but it won't hurt and the roots will definitely be happy after that. Pure water with 1/4 trans on the next one for sure.

Please note, this is a heavy drench. Heavier than normal, but the pattern in your garden is that the plants don't completely engage the soil without a bit of coaxing, so that's why I made that decision.


We double everything when we dunk, plus we want some insurance on the roots....so that seems about right.

What's getting me to wonder is why some people have trouble at this stage and others don't. The important thing is to fix it...which is easy and something we can all do....but why do some have trouble and some don't?

That I don't know.

I do know that they'll come right around with the next drench. Be sure to use pure water next drench.

Can I ask another Question

Can the above Drench/DUNK be HARMFUL if not really needed ? If Not why not
just make it part of the instructions for the first Dunk ? Wont this solve the problem
for most ?
Thanks Doc! I just wanted to make sure. This journal is helping. Flush and SD for my bloomers tonight. My seedlings started their 16/8 schedule yesterday, 1 week after they popped out of the soil and they look awesome! It's been 10 days since I dropped wthe seeds in the soil which was thouroghly wet and soil still seems a little wet on the surface, pots are still heavy but will start sprinkling some water around the edges leaving 3" diameter around stem like Scotia "Lucky" has been doing. Still having fun!

Can I ask another Question

Can the above Drench/DUNK be HARMFUL if not really needed ? If Not why not
just make it part of the instructions for the first Dunk ? Wont this solve the problem
for most ?

The "problem" is solved for most already. What has happened lately is that all those veteran growers, for one reason or the other aren't here quite as much. At the same time, several brand new folks all seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot a month or so ago.

So, when I revise the directions, I'm often doing it for 1 or 2 people....most often 1 single person who is confused.

As for the strong drenches being harmful.....if done repeatedly and to excess they can be, but one or two done at the right time is helpful, not harmful.

So, "MOST" don't have issues at all. Instagram is full of folks who aren't here so much anymore but who are KILLING IT with High Brix. Most of my time and energy is spent trying to make things clear and easy for a small number of new kit users.

I'm quite happy with the situation and quite a sense of fulfillment helping one person get it together.

The important thing here is to learn to think and reason. We're covering enough ground here to make that happen. You're seeing the Rescue Drench for sure. That's part of this process for some.

Later, we'll see the Super Drench....again, part of the process for some, not all. Both of those are "deviations" from the bottle, but mentioned in the directions.
Thanks Doc! I just wanted to make sure. This journal is helping. Flush and SD for my bloomers tonight. My seedlings started their 16/8 schedule yesterday, 1 week after they popped out of the soil and they look awesome! It's been 10 days since I dropped wthe seeds in the soil which was thouroghly wet and soil still seems a little wet on the surface, pots are still heavy but will start sprinkling some water around the edges leaving 3" diameter around stem like Scotia "Lucky" has been doing. Still having fun!

Ween....if your lil pots still seem a bit heavy with moisture...DO NOT give any more water until they are dry...ok....they need to build roots....that's all we want right now is roots...lots of roots.The foliage will come after they build some roots.This is a very critical step.....make the roots go looking for moisture...don't hand it to them ..make them work for it.Your girls will thank you for it.Cheers bud....don't mean to sound bossy........that's a mini hug!...
The "problem" is solved for most already. What has happened lately is that all those veteran growers, for one reason or the other aren't here quite as much. At the same time, several brand new folks all seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot a month or so ago.

So, when I revise the directions, I'm often doing it for 1 or 2 people....most often 1 single person who is confused.

As for the strong drenches being harmful.....if done repeatedly and to excess they can be, but one or two done at the right time is helpful, not harmful.

So, "MOST" don't have issues at all. Instagram is full of folks who aren't here so much anymore but who are KILLING IT with High Brix. Most of my time and energy is spent trying to make things clear and easy for a small number of new kit users.

I'm quite happy with the situation and quite a sense of fulfillment helping one person get it together.

The important thing here is to learn to think and reason. We're covering enough ground here to make that happen. You're seeing the Rescue Drench for sure. That's part of this process for some.

Later, we'll see the Super Drench....again, part of the process for some, not all. Both of those are "deviations" from the bottle, but mentioned in the directions.

I was trying to help with

"What's getting me to wonder is why some people have trouble at this stage and others don't. The important thing is to fix it...which is easy and something we can all do....but why do some have trouble and some don't? "

EDIT: When I used the term "MOST" it was referring to the ones having trouble above
You're not doing anything at all wrong with mixing/cooking. We're not going to look there for problems, you're more careful than I am!

Tea is fine at 2-3 mils per 5 gallon bucket....especially if all of that is going to find its way into soil. But with dunking, much of it is left behind, so we add more.

Also, you'll notice that Tea is greatly increased with Rescue and Super drenches. Once we get into bloom, and are using saucers you'll see the amounts decrease, especially if we aren't doing root remediation.

I don't think you're doing anything at all wrong....and your plants all look very nice! We're trying for perfection----which I love----and at the same time we're trying to teach the thought process behind it all.

When things are going great----and you're nearly there----the numbers for this next feeding would be different.

One thing I love about High Brix is how we all fret over one leaf......pretty cool if you ask me. Our problems are quite small, compared to other methods.

Hopefully, by now you're starting to understand how the products work in veg and what they do. Things will get more interesting very soon! We're almost ready to start foliar feeding!

Definitely starting to pick up on what the different products do and how the plants seem to react to them. By the time this journal is done I should be ready to rock and roll. No doubt I'll have times I'll still need to ask questions but no doubt will be very successful with this high brix growing. Which someday I hope to be able to pass some knowledge to others correctly. I've always stressed over any parts of girls not looking right. Used to be my downfall of growing but I've learned patience through growing as well so now I've learned to read them and adapt to there behaviour for the most part.

Hi Doc! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question or if it winds up being misleading. The directions say .5 to 1ml of drench per gallon of soil and to double for dunking.

I have 3 vegging girls each in #1's. Would I be correct to use 6 ml of drench and about .6ml of tea (it does not say in the directions, I know it used to and it also used to say 1/2-1 oz of drench for the 6 plants so pretty sure the directions were revised.) all in 2.5 gallons of water, remember I only have 3 #1's.

If this is a good question then great and if it's bad, maybe we can get it removed.

I sometimes feel like I'm asking a stupid question as well. But no question is stupid when your unsure. Better ask then mess up girls and have to ask for remedy at that point

One of the things easily overlooked is to always moisten the new mixed up soil as your filling up the totes or containers .Do not wait until the totes are full...way too hard to mix in the water when they're full!!...Cheers Scotia...Doc and friends!

After my first cook and trying to stir the hole
Bin while adding water was a shit show. I now add water while I add soil bit by bit and stir constantly while adding. Then once bin is full I mix even more then top off with water if needed.
Ween....if your lil pots still seem a bit heavy with moisture...DO NOT give any more water until they are dry...ok....they need to build roots....that's all we want right now is roots...lots of roots.The foliage will come after they build some roots.This is a very critical step.....make the roots go looking for moisture...don't hand it to them ..make them work for it.Your girls will thank you for it.Cheers bud....don't mean to sound bossy........that's a mini hug!...

Ok, no problem! I only mentioned the sprinkling of water because I saw dark doing it in this journal but I will not. I'll go back and quote what I'm talking about.
So all girls got a small watering this morning keeping a 2-3 inch dry circle around main stems.

Doc how much longer do we feed this way before giving pots a good drench again?

Doc, this is what I'm referring to.
Ok, no problem! I only mentioned the sprinkling of water because I saw dark doing it in this journal but I will not. I'll go back and quote what I'm talking about.

I sprinkle water around outter edge after I initially dunk before placing seeds when top part of soil starts to dry but bottom still has weight. Doc says it encourages side growth I think and allows soil to dry evenly(I'll have to look back to be sure) think it may be in my other journal. It seemed to work really well with the amnesia lemon as the root ball was starting to look very good. Look at ring of roots at top of soil where ring of pot was
I sprinkle water around outter edge after I initially dunk before placing seeds when top part of soil starts to dry but bottom still has weight. Doc says it encourages side growth I think and allows soil to dry evenly(I’ll have to look back to be sure) think it may be in my other journal. It seemed to work really well with the amnesia lemon as the root ball was starting to look very good. Look at ring of roots at top of soil where ring of pot was

Yep. That's clear evidence you're following along perfectly. those are nice roots and they're everywhere....not just circling the bottom of the pot. Good job.
Thanks dark! If doc says to go ahead and do this I will. It's been 11 days since I dropped the seeds so starting to dry out a little on top but pots are still pretty heavy. Do you know off hand how many days it was before your first dunk?

We talked about this quite a bit early on in this thread. Dribble maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water on the top so that the top and bottom of the container dry out at the same time.....if possible. This will encourage roots to grow everywhere, as you see in DS's pic.

Here's where mine are at today:


I'm happy with how these look. No action taken today, but I'll probably be mixing up some Brix spray tomorrow, maybe tonite. They're ready!
We talked about this quite a bit early on in this thread. Dribble maybe 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water on the top so that the top and bottom of the container dry out at the same time.....if possible. This will encourage roots to grow everywhere, as you see in DS's pic.

Here's where mine are at today:


I'm happy with how these look. No action taken today, but I'll probably be mixing up some Brix spray tomorrow, maybe tonite. They're ready!

Exciting some brix spraying time.

Thanks dark! If doc says to go ahead and do this I will. It's been 11 days since I dropped the seeds so starting to dry out a little on top but pots are still pretty heavy. Do you know off hand how many days it was before your first dunk?

I'll check when I get home I think it was around 25 days from putting seed into soil. It took almost 6-7 days for seeds to pop out I think. I'll double check when I get home. Seeds went into soil on the nov11
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