Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

That light looks great man. I hope Shiggity is ok, miss trying to keep up with what he had going on. I really liked the SIPS idea, think I may play with it some myself in the future.

Thanks man! Shiggs journal was one of my favorites to follow. He was always trying to better his set up and did so while sharing great information with other growers. He gave me a couple of great lighting tips that helped me give better light for less money than I would have spent without his advice.
Some pictures under normal light. Keep in mind all my pictures are taken with cell phone. I have a Nikon d7200 not sure why I don't use it. Anyhow some pictures of all girls. 3bigger ones are the passions and the 2 babies are the blue cheese. My 3rd blue cheese never popped out of soil. Both blue cheese shows signs on single blade leafs of discolouration but not worried as 2of3 passion did same thing and they are all just fine. Soil needs to wake up so the tp should help with that.
I'm loving the colour the 3 passions have gotten after docs recommended transplant drench
So far the passion have gotten a transplant drench(dunked) and a 1/4oz transplant to straight water dunk as well. Next feeding going with a GE drench(dunk)unless told otherwise.

The blue cheese has gotten just straight water 2inchs or so from stem whenever top soil dries out. Will get transplant drench(dunk) when pots feels a bit lighter probably another 2 days or so.

The blue cheese

Some pictures under normal light. Keep in mind all my pictures are taken with cell phone. I have a Nikon d7200 not sure why I don't use it. Anyhow some pictures of all girls. 3bigger ones are the passions and the 2 babies are the blue cheese. My 3rd blue cheese never popped out of soil. Both blue cheese shows signs on single blade leafs of discolouration but not worried as 2of3 passion did same thing and they are all just fine. Soil needs to wake up so the tp should help with that.
I'm loving the colour the 3 passions have gotten after docs recommended transplant drench
So far the passion have gotten a transplant drench(dunked) and a 1/4oz transplant to straight water dunk as well. Next feeding going with a GE drench(dunk)unless told otherwise.

The blue cheese has gotten just straight water 2inchs or so from stem whenever top soil dries out. Will get transplant drench(dunk) when pots feels a bit lighter probably another 2 days or so.

The blue cheese


Cool looks like my girls are just about the same stage as your Blue cheese so following should
be easier watching them :cheer::high-five:
I am just getting into LEDs myself and decided to build copies of ShiggityFlip's board light. I finally installed them yesterday and they are so bright! I have like 8 to 900 invested in the 4 3 board lights and it seems to be more than enough light for my 4x8 tent.

Nice light setup Yeti! I can appreciate the work to build those. Yeah Shiggity is the man with the good info. The Mad scientist!
Some pictures under normal light. Keep in mind all my pictures are taken with cell phone. I have a Nikon d7200 not sure why I don't use it. Anyhow some pictures of all girls. 3bigger ones are the passions and the 2 babies are the blue cheese. My 3rd blue cheese never popped out of soil. Both blue cheese shows signs on single blade leafs of discolouration but not worried as 2of3 passion did same thing and they are all just fine. Soil needs to wake up so the tp should help with that.
I'm loving the colour the 3 passions have gotten after docs recommended transplant drench
So far the passion have gotten a transplant drench(dunked) and a 1/4oz transplant to straight water dunk as well. Next feeding going with a GE drench(dunk)unless told otherwise.

The blue cheese has gotten just straight water 2inchs or so from stem whenever top soil dries out. Will get transplant drench(dunk) when pots feels a bit lighter probably another 2 days or so.

The blue cheese


Looking good DS! I notice one of the passions has wrinkled leaves. My OG does the same thing when it is young and just rooting. Then after the roots hook up the wrinkles go away. I always wondered what the heck that is, and chalked it up to genetics.
Looking good DS! I notice one of the passions has wrinkled leaves. My OG does the same thing when it is young and just rooting. Then after the roots hook up the wrinkles go away. I always wondered what the heck that is, and chalked it up to genetics.

Yes so weird I've always noticed same thing with og strain. The wrinkled passions is most healthy plant out of three. The other 2 showed discolouration and this one had stayed nice and green. Even single blade is still green. Hope she hooks up soon and takes off.
Quick question doc. My blue cheese are just about ready for first drench I think. They have nice colour but single blade leafs shows signs of discolouration and rusted look on both blue cheese . Other leaves so far all good and healthy.
What dose should you recommend feeding at. I'll be mixing about 2.5gallons of water to dunk in. Was thinking of doing 1/4 transplant to straight water dunk but with single blades showing problem though I may need to bump that up some. Thanks in advance

Gave me other amnesia lemon girls to my buddy last night and now my tent looks so empty.
Quick question doc. My blue cheese are just about ready for first drench I think. They have nice colour but single blade leafs shows signs of discolouration and rusted look on both blue cheese . Other leaves so far all good and healthy.
What dose should you recommend feeding at. I’ll be mixing about 2.5gallons of water to dunk in. Was thinking of doing 1/4 transplant to straight water dunk but with single blades showing problem though I may need to bump that up some. Thanks in advance

Gave me other amnesia lemon girls to my buddy last night and now my tent looks so empty.

Go ahead and give them a Transplant drench. They look good, but it will put your mind at ease and won't hurt.

If you're mixing 2.5 gallons you'll have quite a bit left over, yes? If it was me, I'd put one ounce (1 oz) in that bucket, with 5 mils of Tea. It's a strong drench, but it won't hurt and the roots will definitely be happy after that. Pure water with 1/4 trans on the next one for sure.

Please note, this is a heavy drench. Heavier than normal, but the pattern in your garden is that the plants don't completely engage the soil without a bit of coaxing, so that's why I made that decision.

Go ahead and give them a Transplant drench. They look good, but it will put your mind at ease and won't hurt.

If you're mixing 2.5 gallons you'll have quite a bit left over, yes? If it was me, I'd put one ounce (1 oz) in that bucket, with 5 mils of Tea. It's a strong drench, but it won't hurt and the roots will definitely be happy after that. Pure water with 1/4 trans on the next one for sure.

Please note, this is a heavy drench. Heavier than normal, but the pattern in your garden is that the plants don't completely engage the soil without a bit of coaxing, so that's why I made that decision.


The only thing I'd question is why such a large amount of tea. I thought that 2.5-3ml was sort of max when under 5gallons of water. I noticed that you did that in your other journals somewhere as well and was going to ask why but figured your the doc so why question his means lol.
The only thing I’d question is why such a large amount of tea. I thought that 2.5-3ml was sort of max when under 5gallons of water. I noticed that you did that in your other journals somewhere as well and was going to ask why but figured your the doc so why question his means lol.

We double everything when we dunk, plus we want some insurance on the roots....so that seems about right.

What's getting me to wonder is why some people have trouble at this stage and others don't. The important thing is to fix it...which is easy and something we can all do....but why do some have trouble and some don't?

That I don't know.

I do know that they'll come right around with the next drench. Be sure to use pure water next drench.
We double everything when we dunk, plus we want some insurance on the roots....so that seems about right.

What's getting me to wonder is why some people have trouble at this stage and others don't. The important thing is to fix it...which is easy and something we can all do....but why do some have trouble and some don't?

That I don't know.

I do know that they'll come right around with the next drench. Be sure to use pure water next drench.

I have to wonder if it is in the cook. It seems like Scotia is following exactly what you say to do. Other than environments being different the cook is the only other thing I can think of. Maybe it would be beneficial to have a video showing people how you would mix you soil and get it ready to cook. It seems like there is some disconnect between the soil and roots and you suggest transplant and tea to wake up the soil life. It is possible people are doing something in their mixing and cooking that could be retarding microbial life and not allowing it to work the way it should.
I have to wonder if it is in the cook. It seems like Scotia is following exactly what you say to do. Other than environments being different the cook is the only other thing I can think of. Maybe it would be beneficial to have a video showing people how you would mix you soil and get it ready to cook. It seems like there is some disconnect between the soil and roots and you suggest transplant and tea to wake up the soil life. It is possible people are doing something in their mixing and cooking that could be retarding microbial life and not allowing it to work the way it should.

Yep, it could be that. But I recall him doing a fine job mixing and cooking. And let's be clear, those plants don't look at all bad! They look great.
I have to wonder if it is in the cook. It seems like Scotia is following exactly what you say to do. Other than environments being different the cook is the only other thing I can think of. Maybe it would be beneficial to have a video showing people how you would mix you soil and get it ready to cook. It seems like there is some disconnect between the soil and roots and you suggest transplant and tea to wake up the soil life. It is possible people are doing something in their mixing and cooking that could be retarding microbial life and not allowing it to work the way it should.

Exactly what I've been thinking the hole time. Something I may have done wrong during mix or cook. For me I layed out big tarp and broke open and crushed up all promix and then added admenments and castings mix very good and put into bin while mixing and adding more while damping soil as I go.
Then will filled mixed up even more as best as possible. Everything in one bin. My room temps have always stayed constant between 20c and 27max even summer. Floor is insulated and floored with 2 extra floor insulation pieces under that. Bin never drop below 70f that I ever noticed
We double everything when we dunk, plus we want some insurance on the roots....so that seems about right.

What's getting me to wonder is why some people have trouble at this stage and others don't. The important thing is to fix it...which is easy and something we can all do....but why do some have trouble and some don't?

That I don't know.

I do know that they'll come right around with the next drench. Be sure to use pure water next drench.

Another one of the things I've been doing wrong. I've always keep tea at 2-3ml per 5gallon bucket no matter top feeding or dunking.so much for all the reading I did before purchasing
Exactly what I’ve been thinking the hole time. Something I may have done wrong during mix or cook. For me I layed out big tarp and broke open and crushed up all promix and then added admenments and castings mix very good and put into bin while mixing and adding more while damping soil as I go.
Then will filled mixed up even more as best as possible. Everything in one bin. My room temps have always stayed constant between 20c and 27max even summer. Floor is insulated and floored with 2 extra floor insulation pieces under that. Bin never drop below 70f that I ever noticed

You're not doing anything at all wrong with mixing/cooking. We're not going to look there for problems, you're more careful than I am!

Another one of the things I’ve been doing wrong. I’ve always keep tea at 2-3ml per 5gallon bucket no matter top feeding or dunking.so much for all the reading I did before purchasing

Tea is fine at 2-3 mils per 5 gallon bucket....especially if all of that is going to find its way into soil. But with dunking, much of it is left behind, so we add more.

Also, you'll notice that Tea is greatly increased with Rescue and Super drenches. Once we get into bloom, and are using saucers you'll see the amounts decrease, especially if we aren't doing root remediation.

I don't think you're doing anything at all wrong....and your plants all look very nice! We're trying for perfection----which I love----and at the same time we're trying to teach the thought process behind it all.

When things are going great----and you're nearly there----the numbers for this next feeding would be different.

One thing I love about High Brix is how we all fret over one leaf......pretty cool if you ask me. Our problems are quite small, compared to other methods.

Hopefully, by now you're starting to understand how the products work in veg and what they do. Things will get more interesting very soon! We're almost ready to start foliar feeding!
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