Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

LOL. I thought you were asking about the little ones.

If last feeding was Trans....next time just a light watering. Then GE next. Sorry about that.

Yup I guess the way I laid out the update sort of looks like I was asking that. But thanks for that as that's what they'll get that next time there light.
But no my passions are just about ready for there 2nd feeding. So would you water from top or dunk pots in the water? Thanks in advance
Water from the top as you're dunking....watch the video on my website.....bottom of the page: veg watering tech

Yes I realize that. It's the light watering is what got me. What do you mean by light watering. I plan on dunking every time thorough out veg unless told otherwise but when you said light watering made me think there something mix into water. I'm probably just overthinking again
Ok all I’ve added a link in the signature for the most current updates with docs info without any chatter. I will try and update every few weeks and as thing pick up will update more often. Thanks justmeds for idea.

Works like a champ man, glad to help you out. :thumb:
LOL. I thought you were asking about the little ones.

If last feeding was Trans....next time just a light watering. Then GE next. Sorry about that.

Yes I realize that. It's the light watering is what got me. What do you mean by light watering. I plan on dunking every time thorough out veg unless told otherwise but when you said light watering made me think there something mix into water. I'm probably just overthinking again

Just bumping this to make sure I shouldnt add anything to water doc. Confused by the term light watering when I was going to dunk them
Not that I have seen. I was torn between that and the NextLight Mega. But the numbers on the Fluence Spydrx Plus were just a little better and I have seen what they can do first hand.

I ended up going with the Mega, fills my space with more than enough light. I keep the Grow room fan blowing over the top of it, as it is passive...no built in fans like their 525's.

I was going to build one like Buck, but just did not have the time at the moment I needed one.

Does this 5x6 space nicely!
I ended up going with the Mega, fills my space with more than enough light. I keep the Grow room fan blowing over the top of it, as it is passive...no built in fans like their 525's.

I was going to build one like Buck, but just did not have the time at the moment I needed one.

Does this 5x6 space nicely!

Can't see the light but wow those girls are looking very nice. And yes it covers well too lol. Stop posting about lights please I have a light buying addiction people and your not helping lol. Only joking about not posting but I do have a crack like addiction to buying lights lol
Can’t see the light but wow those girls are looking very nice. And yes it covers well too lol. Stop posting about lights please I have a light buying addiction people and your not helping lol. Only joking about not posting but I do have a crack like addiction to buying lights lol

Psst... I have 2 X Amare SE450UVB, I can hook you up. :rofl:
I have enough lights, fans, carbon filters, etc.. to run 3- 4X4's

EDIT: Not to mention enough seeds to carry me over into the next lifetime. Bought some Darkhorse Bruce Banner 3.0, only to get an email from the vendor they weren't in stock. Swapped out for Strawberry Glue.

Massmedical PanJam is on the way
Hey there Dark, I asked a question of you over in Duggs thread... don't think you saw it. Was wondering how you like that humidifier and if it's quiet enough to have in a bedroom without disturbing sleep... raining here today so humidity is finally up to par but it hasn't been for a while now. Need to fix that, but if I get a big humi it'll have to go In the bedroom...
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