Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Hey there Dark, I asked a question of you over in Duggs thread... don't think you saw it. Was wondering how you like that humidifier and if it's quiet enough to have in a bedroom without disturbing sleep... raining here today so humidity is finally up to par but it hasn't been for a while now. Need to fix that, but if I get a big humi it'll have to go In the bedroom...

I would say yes. But that depends to I guess I could sleep with it on lower settings. But on max she's pretty loud. It raises humidity throughout most of house as well. So you may not even have to have it in your actual grow room could be farther away it may still keep rh fine. I have humidifier outside of the room my tent is in and keeps it perfect so far. Even when I turn on heater to keep at 79f my rh stays the same. I may have to bump the fan up a few notches worse case
Awesome, thanks man! Thinking I could use one, and to have the wife agree, I'll mention to her that her skin won't be so dry in the winter with it ..

Everything in the house suffers when humidity gets super low. Yourself,furniture wood floors and better chance of fighting off viruses they say with proper humidity as well.
Can't see the light but wow those girls are looking very nice. And yes it covers well too lol. Stop posting about lights please I have a light buying addiction people and your not helping lol. Only joking about not posting but I do have a crack like addiction to buying lights lol

Here is some shots that show how the Mega fits in the space.
Today they got their first drench. The other veg plants were on schedule for GE, and these are obviously doing well, so since there was no need to jumpstart the roots, they got the same treatment as everyone else.

2oz. GE plus 5 mils
Tea in 5 gallons of water.

Put that into 2 buckets and dunk two at a time.


Please note the sleepy one. Bone dry and right after 18 hours of light.....normal behavior. She will perk up just fine before lights on.
Today they got their first drench. The other veg plants were on schedule for GE, and these are obviously doing well, so since there was no need to jumpstart the roots, they got the same treatment as everyone else.

2oz. GE plus 5 mils
Tea in 5 gallons of water.

Put that into 2 buckets and dunk two at a time.


Please note the sleepy one. Bone dry and right after 18 hours of light.....normal behavior. She will perk up just fine before lights on.

Mine looked exactly the same today.maybe not as much droop. So they got a 1/4oz transplant dunk to 3 gallons of water. Will post pictures at light on tonight . Looking awesome doc
So the girls have all just about sprung back up already before light on. Picture was taken 1st minute light came on.The worst droopy one before feeding is still slacking a bit. All still have nice shade of green and looking very happy.
As stated earlier the 3 passion all got there 2nd dunk. Mixed at 1/4oz per 3gallons of water(hope that's not to strong).

Sorry about purple. Will take some normal light pics tomorrow was in a rush tonight.
this is going great thus far! for a beginner I've learned a lot so far. so as to the light addiction lol I have 2 600w lights to do my first with, I will buy a LED once i get the swing of things.

Very happy this journal is helping you learn the high brix way. Very awesomeas this is what it was intended for.My led light buying addiction comes from trying to find suitable led to replace all my hps come spring. I used to run 3 rooms with 4 1000 and 600hps and since have only been running one room and used rest of space to try different leds
I am just getting into LEDs myself and decided to build copies of ShiggityFlip's board light. I finally installed them yesterday and they are so bright! I have like 8 to 900 invested in the 4 3 board lights and it seems to be more than enough light for my 4x8 tent.

That light looks great man. I hope Shiggity is ok, miss trying to keep up with what he had going on. I really liked the SIPS idea, think I may play with it some myself in the future.
Here is some shots that show how the Mega fits in the space.

I am just getting into LEDs myself and decided to build copies of ShiggityFlip's board light. I finally installed them yesterday and they are so bright! I have like 8 to 900 invested in the 4 3 board lights and it seems to be more than enough light for my 4x8 tent.

Both of your setups are looking very nice. See what I mean so much to choose from.
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