Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

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[QUOTE Another Cool thing about the "Kill-A-Watt" (better model) you can enter the
cost of you elect bill KWh and it will give a running read out of exactly how much its
costing, either at that moment or by week, month, year it will also AVERAGE the cost
for as long as its been on so after a couple grows you know your average cost per ....[/QUOTE]

I don't wanna' know!...:jawdropper:...:rofl:...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Very interesting van. Went to my buddies hydro store the other day to buy seeds. We got to talking about lights and guess what light there becoming a Canadian distributor for. Yup thats right the fluence.
Says there pricing to so tight that the price on there website is what they will pay for it then mark it up lol.
So no deals at all which sucks.

Yeah thats basically what the owner of my grow store says as well. He pays essentially website price and makes about 50 bucks per light (but he can't keep them on his shelf). But he sells a lot of them so I guess what he lacks in profit per item, he makes up for in numbers. Says he sells about 20 per month.
Have you looked at chilled boards, they are a little more efficient than the Fluence, same samsungs diodes. About same price, chill may be a hair higher not sure. I have way too much in my flower light, around 4K. But I have total control on spectrum, 1550 watts at wall. PPFD up to 1800, at every point, even on outside edges. Most lights drop off to nothing, why the spider is a good light. Has great spread and no hot spots. The price really isn't too bad for what your getting, why it's a top 5 prefab light

No I have never looked at chilled boards. I will have to google them. Yeah the coverage of the Spydrx Plus is insane. My brother tried to sell me on them (he's a commercial grower) when I told him I was going to start growing and wanted to use LEDs. I just wasn't willing to invest that much money initially on something I didn't know if I would stick with. Well here we are about a year later and I end up right back where he pointed me LOL. I will never tell him that though!! Can't have anything else going to his head. Here is one of his harvests under his. He grows some freaking monster plants.....but hes a hydro guy and I just can't get on board that.

No I have never looked at chilled boards. I will have to google them. Yeah the coverage of the Spydrx Plus is insane. My brother tried to sell me on them (he's a commercial grower) when I told him I was going to start growing and wanted to use LEDs. I just wasn't willing to invest that much money initially on something I didn't know if I would stick with. Well here we are about a year later and I end up right back where he pointed me LOL. I will never tell him that though!! Can't have anything else going to his head. Here is one of his harvests under his. He grows some freaking monster plants.....but hes a hydro guy and I just can't get on board that.


Holy colas Batman
Holy colas Batman

I am telling you...I have seen some people grow some good plants on here....and as much as I hate to give my little brother props, he grows some absolute monsters. But I hate smoking his bud....no where near as smooth as my soil grown buds.
Everything we have done to date from seedling till now. Thanks everyone for there input
Posting pics first, editing later.
more in a bit

Fill the pots full of High Brix soil. Soak them thoroughly, drain this way and that....add more soil back in and moisten that....make the divet, plant the seed.

Finishing up here:

After the pots were dunked and drained, topped off with more soil which was moistened, I used a pen and made a hole about 1/4 inch deep. Sprinkled a small amount of Roots! in and around the hole, and placed the seeds using chopsticks, as I find the little devils stick to my fingers.

After placing each seed, I carefully pinch the small hole close and place the containers over on the heat mat. You only want to raise the soil a degree or two....1 hour on 3 hours off is about right.

Be patient, they'll come up. We wants roots, not foliage.....the tap root will be properly anchored, colonized and 4 to inches long before they break ground.

Be patient. Fast isn't always best.

Got a text from the guy who is filling in while I'm away: one is up. The others will be along shortly.


So while that pot dries out and the roots grow, dribble about 1/4 cup water on top, but not right at the base of the seedling.

Give it about a 3 inch dry circle around the stem.

The tap root is close to the bottom of the pot now. We can encourage lateral branching of the roots by keeping just a bit of moisture in the upper region of the soil.

Play close attention to the next few weeks and how and when we water.

OK....now we're starting off on the right foot! The roots are much bigger than the foliage now....and we want to not only keep it that way, we want to emphasize roots.

Now is the boring, long wait between watering and drenches at this stage. Pay attention to the weight of the pot and as it dries out, put just a bit of water down the top so the roots start branching in all directions. About 1/4 cup is all you need.

The wet/dry cycle will encourage massive roots, short internodes, thick, strong stems and a good leaf/calyx ratio.

Hopefully, mine came up too! I haven't seen them in a week.

Just visited my garden.

Two of four up.


I did not soak these seeds prior to putting them into dirt, so I'll allow another 3 days before I replant with two more seeds, in order to get 4.

Some seeds come up really fast, others take longer. These have taken quite a while....but they're up and healthy and will grow strong.

I was a bit worried too.....LOL. But this is how I always germinate seeds so I knew they'd arrive in time....which they did.

When the seed starts its life in mineralized, living soil, and gravitropism allows the tap root to orient itself properly we've got our best chance for healthy plants. Each step builds on the other.

So, at this point, I"m weighing the pots, moistening the top every couple days and waiting till they need a drink.

Bright light is very important at this time, so make sure they're really getting a good exposure....not enough to bleach them of course....but strong, bright light.

With a T5 I like the bulbs about 5 inches away from the starts. With LED's pretend you're vegging/blooming large plants and give them that amount of light.

We're going to see short, fat, strong stems. Tight internodes and a high calyx to leaf ratio. In other words, sexy cannabis.

Just like yours bro! Same same.

What I'm doing right now is watching and maybe tomorrow I'll dribble a bit of water down the top...not much...just enough to stimulate some roots seeking it out. They're going to town below the surface right now....prolly 6-8 inches long with a branch or two.

Be patient! You've got it all dialed in. This is the boring part of the grow, but there are some important steps and goals to accomplish.


Here's where mine are today. I'm soaking the rest of the seeds to get two more up. These two look just fine.

I could tell the pot was lighter today and the top was dry, so I slowly dripped about 4 ounces of water on the perimeter of the soil.

This will encourage roots to seek moisture laterally, as well as down, giving us the framework for a nice rootball.

Oh. I should add that I'm going to drop the 2 new seeds in the same pots as the two non-starts. All this soil came from the same bin.....

Nothing new today.

Nothing to report here.


I haven't done anything to them since the last posting. They're growing properly.

I expect another two seeds to come up any day now. I chose the four biggest, most speckled seeds of the lot. 2 didn't come up, so the next two were not quite as "nice" as them. Still, I'm expecting them to germ.

Yep, go ahead and give it a bit down the top, just a small amount. The thinking behind this is precisely what you noticed: the pot still has some weight....which we know is moisture.

We don't want the top bone dry and the bottom moist, we'd like to have them dry out simultaneously if possible. There's no need for moisture meters or anything like that---although that would be kinda fun. I don't have time for it right now.....

But doing what we're doing and estimating it will improve things very nicely.

Remember also that our goal at this point is not to grow leaves, but roots. The plant is going to respond to a long interval between rains by growing shorter, with a thick main stem and lots of roots.....traits that are good for indoor growers and at the same time help the plant grow better buds.

So, don't stress on the visible part of the seedling so much.....we're interested mainly in what's happening below. Patience and boredom are the norm at this stage.

So with a quick recap of last few weeks hopefully this actually works this time.

So to sum it all up into one.

1.we filled pots with cooked hb soil
2. Drenched pots in straight water in buckets
3. Topped pots off with cooked hb soil and moistened.
4. Made a divot into soil about 1/4 inch deep and sprinkled roots in and around hole and then carefully
placed seed into divots and pinched off soil closing in seed.
5. Then place under lights and played the waiting game. With every once and awhile dripping water were seeds where placed to ensure they stayed damp( I used paper towel damp and rang out above seeds trick provided by buckshot I think if wrong sorry when I get chance to go back I may have to correct myself lol)
6. Once seeds came up when top soil got dry and pots felt lighter dribbled 1/4 cup of straight water down tops of pots while trying to keep a 2-3 inch dry circle around main stem to enhance root side growth.

Since this us such a boring part of the journal, I thought I'd post some pics of what roots look like after harvest,but everything goes right.


The things I'm showing here will result in roots like that. You all have seen the buds, but you need roots to get those kind of buds, especially in living soil.

Doc I think you should post a picture of the root ball we're pushing for before we up pot. Gives us a goal to reach lol

There are videos on the website, as well as what scoring looks like.




Notice the strong stem.

Another one up. If the fourth comes up well be 4 for 6. Not great, but not bad. These are the slowest seeds I've had in quite a while, but they're showing vigor once they germ.


I don't see a problem there! Seriously, they look just fine. The lower leaves will do that occassionally, but the new growth is turgid and looks great.

Are the pots getting light? If you're worried, a weak Transplant drench can be done at this point. Mix it on the low side.

Pots are getting alot lighter but bottom soil still a bit damper then I'd like. Most times I've grown I've been able to keep those leaves nice and green until I trimmed them off. So when I arrived home to see the browning I shit and though here we go again.i also spent 2 days in the woods in a small camp with next to no sleep lol.
Good to hear though thanks doc. If your not worried then I'm not either now lol. I'll continue to sprinkle water around edges till time is right. Or you say otherwise.

As I've said before....it's not leaves we're after right now, but roots.

Go ahead and give them a half cup of Transplant down the top and then wait for them to dry out before dunking. The reason I'm saying this is to make CERTAIN the soil and roots are communicating and to make sure you don't stress!

Right now, the little plant it putting all of its energy into those roots, desperate to find moisture. If it digests a lower leaf or two in the process....no problem! They'll be plenty more leaves before we're done, and those single blader, early leaves aren't going to be needed or wanted.

Roots....not leaves. Soil.....not plant. We're going to let the soil do the work this time.

Here's where mine are at today:


As you can see, one of the replacement seeds has broken ground. As mentioned before, I simply sowed it right in to the same container as the other non-start....and it came right up. The other replacement still hasn't broken ground. So, we're 3 for 6 on germinating these seeds.

I did absolutely nothing to them today. No watering or anything. They're just doing their thing, growing roots, etc.

So, still nothing showing from seed #4. But here are the other three. No action taken today.


HOw is the weight of the pot now? Close to needing a drench?

We don't actually want them to wilt...but want to get them right before they wilt. Mine weren't ready for a drench yesterday.

I'd say it's time for a first drench! You could do straight water and it would be fine....but I'm going to suggest a Transplant drench. 1 oz per gallon, with 3mil Tea. There is a video on the website and on IG if you want to watch how I do it.

You've got it right, but I wasn't perfectly clear:

1 oz of Transplant per gallon of water.......3mils Tea total.

Again, you've got it right and I'm just repeating this for clarification. Nothing but water on the next one.

Could you do straight water this time? Yes....but by the looks of things they're going to be really happy this way.

Watch what happens in the next 10 days....

Hi DT,

He's dunking, so right there we double it. As I explained above, normally I'd go with straight water, but I'm making a judgement call based on the way his plants look. I'll post pics of mine in a minute.....I'm going to give straight water with 1/4 trans but they're not ready for drench yet.

Think of it like a mini-rescue drench. While I don't see any problems per se......I'm dedicated to making sure he knocks this out of the park, so I'm showing a few tips and tricks here and there.

UPdate: No action taken today. I think they get dunked tomorrow. Plain water on the two big ones....nothing on the small one.


This is two hours after lights off and a bit colder than I'd like....but they're quite perky usually.

Grand Opening Sale

Free Shipping on the Kit, and Bulk Kit, and all orders over $100.

We won't have a deal like this again soon.....so if you're on the fence, now is a good time to make a decision!

Pure water dunk today.


I'm gonna do my best! The reason I went with straight water---which is the usual practice---is because there is good turgor, good growth, lite green petioles and 7 bladed leaves on the second set. In other words, the plant is purring....

If I had some leaf digestion, 3 bladed leaves, purple petioles or poor turgor, I might have opted for another drench, as in Scotia's case, where we went for Transplant, just to make sure the roots don't feel neglected.

No action taken today.....but I do have some observations:

9bladed leaves on the 2nd set!! This is a very happy and vigorous hybrid.

2 phenos from 2 seeds......cross isn't stable yet, which is no problem, but something to be aware of.


Chugging right along. Looks like everything is communicating and on good terms in the soil. Day temp we want nice and warm....79 is perfect. rH about 55 to 60. Nice bright light...we should have a growth spurt between now and and the next watering.

Those few degrees will make a difference. Try to up temps just a bit.
Good morning Scotia , Doc and friends! Wow, now that's a terrific update...pulls everything together ..very , very well done Doc and Scotia. What i see is a few really good tips and tricks for growers to utilize in their own grows. Have to say my fav. is how Doc refills the lil pots after soaking them ...cuz the soil settles a lot initially! Very , very cool tip....fill those pots everyone ...the more soil , the better!
Have a great Monday Scotia , Doc and gang.
Have the day off to rest up from my hockey filled weekend...have to transplant my little ones into the 26ers a bit later today . cheers guys!:high-five:
Transplant drench. No doubt about it!

You're looking good there!

Another transplant drench. Just making sure you remember that the last feeding was a transplant drench @ 1oz tp per gallon of water with 3ml tea.
Not doubting you just reminding just in case you forgot lol. I know your a busy man.
And if still a transplant drench at what dosage would you recommend at.
Good morning Scotia , Doc and friends! Wow, now that's a terrific update...pulls everything together ..very , very well done Doc and Scotia. What i see is a few really good tips and tricks for growers to utilize in their own grows. Have to say my fav. is how Doc refills the lil pots after soaking them ...cuz the soil settles a lot initially! Very , very cool tip....fill those pots everyone ...the more soil , the better!
Have a great Monday Scotia , Doc and gang.
Have the day off to rest up from my hockey filled weekend...have to transplant my little ones into the 26ers a bit later today . cheers guys!:high-five:

Loving picking up all docs and others little tricks. Best part next to meeting awesome people of about journals is picking up little things that typically makes huge differences. Get your rest old man you'll need it for the transplant later lol. Just be happy you don't have to move those 26ers to much later.
Another transplant drench. Just making sure you remember that the last feeding was a transplant drench @ 1oz tp per gallon of water with 3ml tea.
Not doubting you just reminding just in case you forgot lol. I know your a busy man.
And if still a transplant drench at what dosage would you recommend at.

LOL. I thought you were asking about the little ones.

If last feeding was Trans....next time just a light watering. Then GE next. Sorry about that.
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