Darkscotia Apprentices - Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K

Nice, great explanation... but I have noticed using a heater to get my temps up... if I get near 80 with heaters my humidity is around 32%. If I let it set around 75 in my room, heater doesn't Come on as much and humidity sits around 40-45... in the summer, the room is warmer of course sits around 78-80 and the humidity is around 50-60%
I understand water air holds more moisture, but it seems HOW it was heated seems to make a difference as well? Idk... this is just my experience so far, fighting with humidity for the last 2 years or so.
Yup we got off topic a bit in places but there still lots of learning going on here. As doc and myself are still at early stages of the plants life there's not much to touch on. Every once and awhile I'll update journal bringing all docs info forward. Yeah we talked about lights and electrical all good info related to growing. Yes not related not docs kit but still very helpful. As the plants start to really take off the bullshiting will probably slow and the info will pick up.
Sorry you have to read through our bullshitting while we kill time.
I like the BS...that's why i stay,..just like Hook just said. The info is all here...in real, live time:)

I can understand HF's point...but...the banter along the way, is part of the reason that I luv this site...it offers friendships, and opportunities to connect to produce quality herb...distractions aside...there is a lot of good knowledge being put forth...cheerz..h00k...:hookah:
:passitleft:....Hook, ..top of the day to ya sir....:high-five:

I agree and my comment was not intended to be abrasive, I love this place good folks with lots of knowledge and having fun along the way,
Just most of the threads intended for learning with doc in the title gets extremely lengthy :peacetwo:
Yes , your very correct HF, the majority of threads get very lengthy and there is a lot of BS along the way. Please keep in mind , this is real time and gets very boring at times, as has been mentioned too. I'm sure Scotia and Doc will occasionally bring info forward for a review. Please stick around, things will/are getting fun. My grow is presently just a week or so ahead of Doc's and Scotia's , so i will be staying close by.:circle-of-love:Have a great Sunday HF..:high-five:

I've been working on it. Just don't want to resort to adding heater cause then I believe my rh will drop out of range. Maybe I'll try my oil filled heater. Not sure if they dry out the air that much
Ya, i had to add thew heater, do every winter,..no choice . Would rather have my temps at 68-75 than 65-70.
That little Huey i set up last night needs water every 6 hrs. or so...big fuggin PITA! It raises the RH asbout 3-5 points...big deal...bahhh.
Have a great day bud!:high-five:

Was just thinking while fighting to get back my few degrees that this new light won't give out .Typically I'd have a speed controller hooked to exhaust fan. But cause I have a max fan pro it had built in speed controller so I had it on the min fan setting. Never thought to hook another speed controller to that to slow it down even more.
No,..don't do it. That built in speed controller is pre set at that lowest speed for a very good reason. If you run the fan much slower than that you will burn out the windings,..especially the start winding. I recommend adding a speed controller to growers ,..but run it at between 65-85%. I also advise to buy a bigger fan/filter combo than is necessary for your space. That way you don't have to always have the fan screaming away , being loud, and generally harder on it. But not too slow , just dial it down some . If you understand just how our carbon filters work , you can get a much longer life span out of them if you run the fan at those reduced speeds.Cheers bud!

Anytime you raise the temp. your humidity is going to fall. The warmer the air, the more moisture it will hold. It's not that the heater is drying out the air it's just that the air can hold more water so your RELATIVE humidity drops. 50% relative humidity at 75 degrees will fall to a lower relative humidity when the temp goes up. Same amount of moisture in the room it's just that 80 degrees (or whatever) can hold more water so your relative humidity drops. I think we are really looking for the best vapor pressure density (google it). This is why we fight PM. When the lights go off, the room temp drops and the relative humidity shoots up quick causing the right conditions for PM. A dehumidifier is a must at lights off. I hope that made sense.
Spoken like an AC Mechanic/Technician would......thanks for that Neiko!:Namaste:
Anytime you raise the temp. your humidity is going to fall. The warmer the air, the more moisture it will hold. It's not that the heater is drying out the air it's just that the air can hold more water so your RELATIVE humidity drops. 50% relative humidity at 75 degrees will fall to a lower relative humidity when the temp goes up. Same amount of moisture in the room it's just that 80 degrees (or whatever) can hold more water so your relative humidity drops. I think we are really looking for the best vapor pressure density (google it). This is why we fight PM. When the lights go off, the room temp drops and the relative humidity shoots up quick causing the right conditions for PM. A dehumidifier is a must at lights off. I hope that made sense.

Makes perfect sense neikodog.

I have a suggestion that may or may not fit into what Doc and you are doing with this thread. I see you have a pile of links in your SIG all ready, but if you could do summary to this point and link it in your sig then as it is updated the next week you change the sig link to the latest summary. Title like "Summary of current HB grow with DOC". This would give Doc and you a place to quickly look back also.

Ok, I will shut up now.

I have a suggestion that may or may not fit into what Doc and you are doing with this thread. I see you have a pile of links in your SIG all ready, but if you could do summary to this point and link it in your sig then as it is updated the next week you change the sig link to the latest summary. Title like "Summary of current HB grow with DOC". This would give Doc and you a place to quickly look back also.

Ok, I will shut up now.

Nothing wrong with your suggestion,..good on ya Meds!:high-five:
Very interesting light there van. Will be interesting when you get it to watch it grow some nice plants. Any other people on 420 using it yet

Not that I have seen. I was torn between that and the NextLight Mega. But the numbers on the Fluence Spydrx Plus were just a little better and I have seen what they can do first hand.

I have a suggestion that may or may not fit into what Doc and you are doing with this thread. I see you have a pile of links in your SIG all ready, but if you could do summary to this point and link it in your sig then as it is updated the next week you change the sig link to the latest summary. Title like "Summary of current HB grow with DOC". This would give Doc and you a place to quickly look back also.

Ok, I will shut up now.

No need for anyone to shut up. I like the suggestion,very good idea. Really busy this week but when I get a chance I'll add it to my sig . Would I start that under new journals or a different category.
Great idea my friend. I'm stealing your title and all.

I have a suggestion...

... I like the suggestion,very good idea. Really busy this week but when I get a chance I'll add it to my sig . Would I start that under new journals or a different category.
Great idea my friend. I'm stealing your title and all.

Hey DS, you could always blog it - then it is always editable and easy to link to. So just blog your 'pulling it together' posts.

Not that I have seen. I was torn between that and the NextLight Mega. But the numbers on the Fluence Spydrx Plus were just a little better and I have seen what they can do first hand.

Have you looked at chilled boards, they are a little more efficient than the Fluence, same samsungs diodes. About same price, chill may be a hair higher not sure. I have way too much in my flower light, around 4K. But I have total control on spectrum, 1550 watts at wall. PPFD up to 1800, at every point, even on outside edges. Most lights drop off to nothing, why the spider is a good light. Has great spread and no hot spots. The price really isn't too bad for what your getting, why it's a top 5 prefab light
Not that I have seen. I was torn between that and the NextLight Mega. But the numbers on the Fluence Spydrx Plus were just a little better and I have seen what they can do first hand.

Very interesting van. Went to my buddies hydro store the other day to buy seeds. We got to talking about lights and guess what light there becoming a Canadian distributor for. Yup thats right the fluence.
Says there pricing to so tight that the price on there website is what they will pay for it then mark it up lol.
So no deals at all which sucks.
No need for anyone to shut up. I like the suggestion,very good idea. Really busy this week but when I get a chance I’ll add it to my sig . Would I start that under new journals or a different category.
Great idea my friend. I’m stealing your title and all.

I would keep it in this journal. I would just make a new link in your list of sigs and make this the top one.
No,..don't do it. That built in speed controller is pre set at that lowest speed for a very good reason. If you run the fan much slower than that you will burn out the windings,..especially the start winding. I recommend adding a speed controller to growers ,..but run it at between 65-85%. I also advise to buy a bigger fan/filter combo than is necessary for your space. That way you don't have to always have the fan screaming away , being loud, and generally harder on it. But not too slow , just dial it down some . If you understand just how our carbon filters work , you can get a much longer life span out of them if you run the fan at those reduced speeds.Cheers bud!

BTW If anyone has a HARBOR FREIGHT near by they carry the exact same SPEED CONTROLLER
you will purchase at a Grow Shop but at half the price, they are in the router section

Also I use them with a "KILL-A WATT" Purchase at Harbor freight as well, that way I set
the SPEED CONTROLLER using the read out from the Watt reading on the Kill-a-watt
(just watch the watt go up or down as I turn the speed dial)
I can really dial it in and can come back to the same speed by adjusting back to old Watt pull reading

Can be kept above 75% no problem

EDIT: Another Cool thing about the "Kill-A-Watt" (better model) you can enter the
cost of you elect bill KWh and it will give a running read out of exactly how much its
costing, either at that moment or by week, month, year it will also AVERAGE the cost
for as long as its been on so after a couple grows you know your average cost per ....
Thanks for that justmeds. I can’t figure out how to do that. Is that the blog option. If I hit the blog option does it post to this journal. I’ve personally never did this only know how post to my journals and others. I’ll figure it out

This would be something you add to your Signature in your user profile.
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