Dank's Adventures In Dankland

I looked at the calendar and today would have been 8 weeks for the 24k's. They were pulled at 55 days. I have them drying in my 32"x48" tent with a 4" carbon filter turned down to half speed. Just enough to replenish the air while scrubbing odors. Today I'll clean up the 4'x8' for the next round of flower. I'll up pot 3 large 24's and put them under the net in there. My scrogs are ugly but it's my way to control the stretch. 24 triples when flipped. My comparison was kinda funky due to the different lights. One was under the R spec QB boards in FFOF, middle was getting mixed spectrum from the R spec and the 4k QB boards ( it's the best looking one ) in super soil, and the last one in SS was under the 4k QB boards. So not a true controlled environment. I'm still thinking the SS mix made the biggest contraboution this round. The R spec so far was not that big of a game changer compared to my previous round of flower with my 4k boards
looking good bud ill pull up a chair rite here and follow along waiting for flowers your starting out nice they look very healthy some of those phones do pretty darn good if you have a laptop you can transfer them onto there and use the photo program to crop and change lighting things like that the secret is to be still both elements you and the plant try and be perfectly still this will greatly improve your pics this one rite here looks real nice so you already have some skill maybe you just don't no it but you do good luck!:)
Thanks for the pic tip honky ,happy Thanksgiving hell yeah brother
How are them Rspecs treating you? Do you think maybe that's why the 24k finished so quick? My hydro plants always finish around then, but I'm lead to believe soil grows take longer to finish, but here you are at day 55, so that makes me think those far reds in the Rspec boards are helping to finish quicker. Your thoughts?
How are them Rspecs treating you? Do you think maybe that's why the 24k finished so quick? My hydro plants always finish around then, but I'm lead to believe soil grows take longer to finish, but here you are at day 55, so that makes me think those far reds in the Rspec boards are helping to finish quicker. Your thoughts?
I do think that they helped finish quicker. This was my 3rd run of them and the fastest finish. Previous round was at 9 weeks on the day. I think they definitely helped that. As far as frost comparison to the last round with the 4k boards, it wasn't that much of a difference. Bottom line so far is R spec might be a marketing thing. But time will tell. I was expecting better resin production compared to before
Today I up potted 3 - 24's into #7's of SS and got them set up in the 4x8. New pots & risers full of organic soil should make for a good run. Hopefully they will finish quickly like the last round
this looks good the perpetual grow is a lot of fun you can dial those 24s in might be in time before the current harvest is gone lol! :)
just a little tidbit when you tend that clone make sure your clean when you go into your gr have bugs will travel!
Thanks Sticky I'm trying to be extra careful. I scoped with a 60x loupe, looks good so far. I scoped my veg plants and found couple dead ones. I hosed them down in my utility sink with water. If I find anything tomorrow I'll spray them again
Thanks sky! I'm trying :laughtwo: If I can keep critters away I'll be alright :snowboating:

I'm hoping to get a winter in soil before having to deal with that problem. Knock on wood!
Well after having the LSC in quarantine I scoped it again. It's loaded with thrips. I tossed it. Hopefully I didn't introduce more bugs to the rest of my grow. I guess if I want it back It'll be from seed form. I shouldn't have fell to temptation. Bugs really suck :(
that sucks but better to find out now I doubt I will ever bring in a clone from somewhere did it once never again!
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