Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Here's rugburn OG from rare Dankness @4 weeks
Plants look really good Dank. You going to train them out a bit more on your next run to fill out that tent a bit more?. ;). You just needed that smoke didn’t you? Lol.
I usually top once or twice. I really do need to train a bit more :) Some of those just grow so painfully slow in veg it seems pointless. Compare the rare darkness strains to the headband and Chernobyl. Same age but no comparison in rate of growth. I already tossed the rugburn due to that. This round is really just a search for a new mother plant. So it's turn and burn till I get what I'm looking for :headbanger:....... :rofl:
Damn Sticky, you were smoking bud in '70? I wasn't even borne until 75, lol. PC, I disagree about how cold Ohio gets. I worked on a drilling rig Christmas day in 2012 and it was -6º in southeast Ohio somewhere below Canton. It gets that cold here in PA too, but I would imagine the upper midwest to be worse. TBH Dank, I don't think you'll get 4 more weeks. I saw a story on social media suggesting we're in for a doozy this winter. IMO, watch YouTube to learn how to make a rocket stove, then bury one around the circumference of your shed so you can heat the ground with minimal wood. Then, you might could get the whole winter, lol.
Yeah it gets cold in South West Ohio but nothing like the U.P. I seen wind chill temps of -65 F in the U.P. and mountains of snow. and had to walk around uploaded B52s loaded with Nuks ready to fly in that weather the military doesn't shut down due to weather.
Yeah it gets cold in South West Ohio but nothing like the U.P. I seen wind chill temps of -65 F in the U.P. and mountains of snow. and had to walk around uploaded B52s loaded with Nuks ready to fly in that weather the military doesn't shut down due to weather.

I didn't know you were a vet, but now that I do, thank you for your service and willingness to die for my freedom!!!!!!

In weather that cold, propylene glycol is your friend, lol. Well it's machinery's friend to keep the water from freezing.
I didn't know you were a vet, but now that I do, thank you for your service and willingness to die for my freedom!!!!!!

In weather that cold, propylene glycol is your friend, lol. Well it's machinery's friend to keep the water from freezing.
In the U.P. if you don't have a block heater in your car you ant going anywhere when the temps drop
I use red and far red lighting (1750K) in my flower room. It definitely speeds up the flowering process. Causes the leaves to send growth hormones back to the plant to get growing winter is coming. Far red/red light spectrum is what the shade is and its also a lot more prevalent in fall. So that's one way the plants know its time to grow flowers.

I shudder to think about some of the weed I smoked back in the 70s Mexican brick weed that was most likely some of the most unhealthy smoke around and I toked lots of it back in the day!

Yeah me too. I was reading an article the other day about Paraquat. ffs.

Its still in use as a herbicide in fields farmers are growing food in. Hard to believe.

Glad we got to switch up to Mawi Wowie every now and again, oh and those Thai Sticks weren't too bad either. Take the good with the bad. I think I bong hit most of the brick shit. Man that weed had a lot of seeds.

you and me both I lived in santa cruz 1970-71-72 man I used to get that red bud and some black Columbian it was good Jamaican rooster tails lol that's what they called it there was everything there its a party town!

You were living in one of the ports the smugglers used. Thai Stick was imported into Santa Cruz. Check out a guy named Mike Ritter. He wrote a book about it.
Good read, maybe you recognize some folks and places. Highly suggest it.
did you ever get your fan quietened down Dankman?

that sucks but better to find out now I doubt I will ever bring in a clone from somewhere did it once never again!

I swore that vow too after getting mites.

Considering breaking it now since a trusted friend gave me a clone recently. Been keeping it on a shelf for the last few weeks where I look at it suspiciously and spray it a lot.
did you ever get your fan quietened down Dankman?

I swore that vow too after getting mites.

Considering breaking it now since a trusted friend gave me a clone recently. Been keeping it on a shelf for the last few weeks where I look at it suspiciously and spray it a lot.
I no its scary shit hemp mites are what cured me I lost a 1/2 dozen plants from those never again ill stick to seeds all I can say is you really should have a 80 or higher power preferably a 100 so you can see real good because those hemp mites get in under the fine little hairs on the bottom side of the leaf makes it hard to see them good luck bud!
did you ever get your fan quietened down Dankman?

I swore that vow too after getting mites.

Considering breaking it now since a trusted friend gave me a clone recently. Been keeping it on a shelf for the last few weeks where I look at it suspiciously and spray it a lot.
Hey WC, yeah I kinda put it in a box. Really under a fold up plastic table with cardboard around the sides. It made a difference but I still hear it. Just tolerable now. Hopefully the bugs are leaving your garden alone :)
Thanks. There are very few bugs where I live and not many that could become a problem indoors. The only way I can get a real problem like those accursed mites would be from someone else’s indoor plants....
So what am I doing with this clone ...? :eek:
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