Dank's Adventures In Dankland


An oz of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

I like the Green Cleaner and Safers Soap myself... And if bugs have been around in the past,, I use a bit of neem when I start flowering and up to the first 5-6 days in but not after flowers show... Neem oil sticks around abit..

Funny I was just looking at this vid;;;

I know mites aren't ladybugs preferred food... But if that's all they got to munch on,, they will...


An oz of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

I like the Green Cleaner and Safers Soap myself... And if bugs have been around in the past,, I use a bit of neem when I start flowering and up to the first 5-6 days in but not after flowers show... Neem oil sticks around abit..

Funny I was just looking at this vid;;;

Thanks bro for stopping by! I will be adding green cleaner as a preventative maintenance plan for sure :)
Put a small box in the tent with raisins and a wet sponge, if there's no bugs they will eat the raisins and drink from the sponge.
I wish I would have known that before all my Ladybugs escaped my green house. I put 1,000 out there and with in a week they were all gone :(
I wonder if there's food you can give for your lady bugs to stay alive? It would be nice if you could just keep the LBs around and eating mites and other critters on the side as like a preventative maintenance?
I wonder if there's food you can give for your lady bugs to stay alive? It would be nice if you could just keep the LBs around and eating mites and other critters on the side as like a preventative maintenance?
I saw some videos that showed to feed them couple plain raisins and a chunk of a wet sponge for water. Put those inside a dark hut like a plastic butter bowl flipped upside down so they can get food water and shelter from the lights if needed. Just cut a little access doorway for them. I am going to get raisins and a sponge this afternoon. Hopefully it will work. Lol
they like flowers they also like fennel plants and yarrow I have all that going in my outdoor garden I have lb around most of the summer some other things you can do to deter and you could do this in you gr plant some garlic or cilantro mint works to those mites don't like the smell im going to plant a couple cilantro in 2 gal pots and put them in there!
they like flowers they also like fennel plants and yarrow I have all that going in my outdoor garden I have lb around most of the summer some other things you can do to deter and you could do this in you gr plant some garlic or cilantro mint works to those mites don't like the smell im going to plant a couple cilantro in 2 gal pots and put them in there!
Next spring I want to take advantage of the greenhouse and put some plants like that in there with my weeds Lol some other stuff too like a couple tomato plants to help hide the weed... The garlic, we use that and maybe some cilantro too then my wife wants some other stuff like flowers she likes lavender so maybe start some of it to transplant in the yard I could leave a couple of them in there too bugs don't like lavender either but I not sure if it helps prevent the kind of pest that effects cannabis
So last night I was reading about spider mites and I read they love fruit trees, blue spruce trees, veg gardens especially melons. My yard is full of all of these. I've been picking apples lately. I have a good feeling that's why I have them all of a sudden. I think I'm going to start a IPM for my indoor garden and my fruit trees and bushes. On my property I've got apple, peach, pear, plum, and cherry trees. Also blueberries, raspberry and shit loads of wild black berries in my wooded section. If what I read is true I have to make sure I'm not letting those get infested to or I'll never be able to keep my erb garden sterile

Natural predators keep things in balance outdoors.

We have about 30 acres with Fruit trees gardens spruce and all sorts of different trees (mostly black walnuts) in the wooded section. Black berries are everywhere - we have an open meadow with organized black berry clumps that are HUGE. I never see any evidence of pests on them.

The fruit trees and garden I will spray with Southern Ag - garden friendly fungicide to help with blossom end rot and PM which we get a lot of on the fruit trees.

Our apples are a Deer Attractant. We got a 16 point buck and a doe bigger than he is with a fawn that's bigger than most all the other deer. They LOVE Apples and our wild flower meadows.

Yeah the lady bugs work but they mostly move on to greener pastures after a short while.
They live a long time and can over winter. The more of them the better but they just wont stay where you want them too.

Your garden is looking mighty fine. Love me some dank ass nugs! Good job buddy.

What about dripping oils around the grow? I've been dropping tea tree oil around the house to keep the fleas back. Maybe neem in the rugs etc?

Spinosad does the trick for fleas and mites

Can spray your carpets lightly all you need. Vets been using spinosad tables for dogs and cat flea treatment for a few years now (1x a month tablet is good enough) but can do a light spray it will knock em to the curb. Try Montery Garden Spray - spinosad. 1 tbs to a gal of water for the fleas.

Oils are bad for flowering plants. It will burn the pistols and slow growth in flower and its smells like ass and tastes even worse. On the oils, you have to know what you are doing. Can burn plants completely mess them up if not careful.

Woody usually has russet mites - they are MUCH worse than Spider Mites. He's been growing weed for a long long time so he's seen it all. Good resource and a general great guy.

I had leaf hoppers this year on my clone table. They think pesticides are like taking a shower. They dont even blink. Leaf hoppers are bad. REAL bad.

Green cleaner active ingredients :

The active ingredients of Soybean Oil (39%) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (19%) along with citric acid and isopropyl alcohol combine to make a potent treatment for russet mites, spider mites, mealybugs, powdery mildew and more!

Sorry Dank for not getting you a fast answer - I've been out in the fields cutting grass, trimming trees and hiking about.
Next spring I want to take advantage of the greenhouse and put some plants like that in there with my weeds Lol some other stuff too like a couple tomato plants to help hide the weed... The garlic, we use that and maybe some cilantro too then my wife wants some other stuff like flowers she likes lavender so maybe start some of it to transplant in the yard I could leave a couple of them in there too bugs don't like lavender either but I not sure if it helps prevent the kind of pest that effects cannabis

I put tomato plants in with cannabis. The tomatoes will attract aphids. They will fly right past the tomatoes and stick to the cannabis. They will not wash or rinse off once you have them on the cannabis and then sprayed to kill them. I tried it. Mint is a good one and easy to grow low maintenance. Just put them in a separate container than your cannabis plants.

Lavender is good and mint. We grow a lot of flowers outdoors. Russian Sage is a good one and bugs dont like it either. A bird feeder outside is about the best thing for pests of all sorts and they leave behind special treats for the plants.
I put tomato plants in with cannabis. The tomatoes will attract aphids. They will fly right past the tomatoes and stick to the cannabis. They will not wash or rinse off once you have them on the cannabis and then sprayed to kill them. I tried it. Mint is a good one and easy to grow low maintenance. Just put them in a separate container than your cannabis plants.

Lavender is good and mint. We grow a lot of flowers outdoors. Russian Sage is a good one and bugs dont like it either. A bird feeder outside is about the best thing for pests of all sorts and they leave behind special treats for the plants.
I will forgo the tomato plants in the greenhouse then. I wish I could grow out side and not in a greenhouse but Not in my state , Not yet anyway. I Do hope that changes. I will stick with Lavender and Mint what about Citronella my wife likes to have that around to fight off mosquitos etc. :surf:
Here's the Ting at 3 weeks. It's now under the hps with 1 Mars 300 for additional side lighting. The Mars is mostly covering the rugburn OG
Thanks Sticky! I pulled some leaves from that tent and no bugs :) But I did find some dead ones in the veg tent with the clones and seedlings. I'll spray them again tonight before lights out. Didn't see anything moving. Looks like the 2 spotted spider mites
im going to start 3 2gal pots of cilantro keep them in my gr bugs don't like the smell of them and im going to put a mint plant in there to maybe that will keep the gnats out to plus I can eat the cilantro lol good luck in your bug hunt it sounds like your making headway!
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