Dank's Adventures In Dankland

I put half of one container in the shed tent. No sign of bugs in there. They'll probably starve to death :)
The other half went into my 32"x48"x60" tent holding the next round of 24's to be flipped in 2 weeks. They also had no sign of bugs. Better to be proactive
I can get 1000 lady hugs for like 10$ locally this year I hope he still sells haven't been for a bit.
What about dripping oils around the grow? I've been dropping tea tree oil around the house to keep the fleas back. Maybe neem in the rugs etc?
Thanks penny! I'm going to pick up some green cleaner next time I'm at the grow store. So far the Bayer shit I sprayed seems to be working. It was couple years old and I used the last of the bottle. It seemed to work ok when I used it in the past. I'm leaning towards the green cleaner as a precaution. Looks like it don't hurt anything
Thanks penny! I'm going to pick up some green cleaner next time I'm at the grow store. So far the Bayer shit I sprayed seems to be working. It was couple years old and I used the last of the bottle. It seemed to work ok when I used it in the past. I'm leaning towards the green cleaner as a precaution. Looks like it don't hurt anything
good luck dankman!
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