Dank's Adventures In Dankland

I'm completely sold on organics! My girls were flipped 52 days ago and they are already looking mostly cloudy and some amber. Out of the 3 runs this is looking like it's going to be the best so far. The one bucket of FFOF with the FF trio nutes looks good to, but the other two look and smell waaay better. I think the one with synthetic nutes might be slightly more weight, but it's not the same quality. I'll get pics of the the comparison before the chop. Probably let them amber up a little bit more :headbanger:
side by side by side - that should be interesting.

The plant grown with nutrients has more biomass due to extra soluble N in VEG.

Thats common.

We organic farmers can do things to even the playing field for yields and at the same time improve flavors/terpines.
Today I'm going to start taking down the 24's. I'll get some pics. They are at 8 weeks tomorrow but they are looking finished. Also when I had the LSC I gave a clone of it to a friend who kept it. I'm thinking about getting a cut of it back. I usually don't like taking clones but I'm already dealing with critters so not much to worry about. Lol. Hopefully they won't have russets :laugh: I'd really be screwed
Today I'm going to start taking down the 24's. I'll get some pics. They are at 8 weeks tomorrow but they are looking finished. Also when I had the LSC I gave a clone of it to a friend who kept it. I'm thinking about getting a cut of it back. I usually don't like taking clones but I'm already dealing with critters so not much to worry about. Lol. Hopefully they won't have russets :laugh: I'd really be screwed
you don't want those anywhere around your place there when you get that clone it would be a real good idea to keep it quarantined away from the others and check it very well with your loupe mine is a double one I think its 60&90 power with the 60 you can see them as tiny white spots but if you look at them with 90 or a 100 power you can see them well I would recommend looking it over well with the high power plus I would spray them to just to be safe good luck bud! :)
Yeah good luck with your harvests. I'm about to go in and do the same just waiting for my phone to charge up so I can take a few pics.

Sticky gives good advice - just keep it quarantined until you know its all clear.

I've got a clone table where I keep everything there all by itself. It paid huge dividends when I got Leaf Hoppers on the clone station.

I thought they were gnats. Then the plants started dying. Took a closer look. That was 2 months ago and plants are still quarantined.

Typically I wood cull and move on but that's most of my keeper genetics so gotta soldier thru.
Trimming sucks :laughtwo: I'll post up pics tonight. Running to grow store for some new #7's maybe 10's for next round. Got 2 chopped and 1 left to go. Started with the FFOF and it's definitely more weight than the other two. But nowhere near the amount of trichs or smell. The organic one is way stickier and kinda different trichs all together. The organic one is greasy and bigger resi heads. Proof will be in the smoke. Only regret I have so far is I didn't mix up a big enough batch of it :) I hope I don't run out of SS before spring. Water only. Nothing added. I didn't even pH my water. I'm totally hooked:snowboating:
Here's the bag soil plant
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