Dank's Adventures In Dankland

I put half of one container in the shed tent. No sign of bugs in there. They'll probably starve to death :)
The other half went into my 32"x48"x60" tent holding the next round of 24's to be flipped in 2 weeks. They also had no sign of bugs. Better to be proactive
I'm not sure if it's going to help. But it's not going to hurt anything. Peace of mind I guess. Hopefully I can get rid of them before they get too bad. The smaller veg plants that got sprayed have to wait for the ladybug invasion :) I'll leave them for a few days, rinse them off and put the ladybugs in there. They are highly suspect due to sharing tent with the rugburn
I'm not sure if it's going to help. But it's not going to hurt anything. Peace of mind I guess. Hopefully I can get rid of them before they get too bad. The smaller veg plants that got sprayed have to wait for the ladybug invasion :) I'll leave them for a few days, rinse them off and put the ladybugs in there. They are highly suspect due to sharing tent with the rugburn
I got Ladybugs 1,000 of them put them in my greenhouse and with in a week I couldn't find one left in the greenhouse I guess they all escaped not enough for them to eat in there so they went hunting
So last night I was reading about spider mites and I read they love fruit trees, blue spruce trees, veg gardens especially melons. My yard is full of all of these. I've been picking apples lately. I have a good feeling that's why I have them all of a sudden. I think I'm going to start a IPM for my indoor garden and my fruit trees and bushes. On my property I've got apple, peach, pear, plum, and cherry trees. Also blueberries, raspberry and shit loads of wild black berries in my wooded section. If what I read is true I have to make sure I'm not letting those get infested to or I'll never be able to keep my erb garden sterile
So last night I was reading about spider mites and I read they love fruit trees, blue spruce trees, veg gardens especially melons. My yard is full of all of these. I've been picking apples lately. I have a good feeling that's why I have them all of a sudden. I think I'm going to start a IPM for my indoor garden and my fruit trees and bushes. On my property I've got apple, peach, pear, plum, and cherry trees. Also blueberries, raspberry and shit loads of wild black berries in my wooded section. If what I read is true I have to make sure I'm not letting those get infested to or I'll never be able to keep my erb garden sterile
I understand those mites can blow in from the wind to but if you go outside they could hitch a ride into your gr and if you have pets they can come in that way sounds like the kind of yard I would love to have I love fruit trees and blackberry cobbler good luck in your irradication efforts! :)
I understand those mites can blow in from the wind to but if you go outside they could hitch a ride into your gr and if you have pets they can come in that way sounds like the kind of yard I would love to have I love fruit trees and blackberry cobbler good luck in your irradication efforts! :)
Thanks Sticky! The yard is the whole reason we bought the house. My house is old and not much to look at. But I fell in love with the yard. The soil is fertile and everything we plant seems to take off well
I understand those mites can blow in from the wind to but if you go outside they could hitch a ride into your gr and if you have pets they can come in that way sounds like the kind of yard I would love to have I love fruit trees and blackberry cobbler good luck in your irradication efforts! :)
Wow I hope you get it under control soon so your other trees etc. doesn't get infected
My 24's are at 7 weeks today. First time I grew it was chopped at little over 8 weeks, second time was at 9. They are looking good and into their fade. Probably will be done in week and a half. I have few more ready for the next round of scrog. Assuming I'm not overrun with critters :rofl:
Pulled off at least 20 leaves from the flower tent and inspected with a 60x loupe. No bugs. Also as far as I can tell the super soil recipe did slightly better than the FFOF with nutes. I'm really digging the water only organics. Proof will be in the smoke test. Lol
My 24's are at 7 weeks today. First time I grew it was chopped at little over 8 weeks, second time was at 9. They are looking good and into their fade. Probably will be done in week and a half. I have few more ready for the next round of scrog. Assuming I'm not overrun with critters :rofl:
very pretty love those fall colors im guessing the water only is going to be the tastiest! :)
very pretty love those fall colors im guessing the water only is going to be the tastiest! :)
I think so too :) I'm already hooked on organics. Seems to be what nature intended. It's a job mixing it up, but worth it. The trichs are almost all Cloudy and some amber on the leaves. Pistols probably half turned. Maybe a little bit ahead of time compared to the other runs
and the ones that didn't die are now blind and aimlessly roaming around, walking right past a group of mites.
and the ones that didn't die are now blind and aimlessly roaming around, walking right past a group of mites.
I hope they are looking for a free lunch and not just popping everywhere :rofl: I've been researching how to keep them alive. I'm going to try to keep them in the veg tents for awhile. They need a water source ( damp sponge ) and a hut to get out of the light as needed. Also couple raisins for extra food source. I figure if I can keep them around for awhile I can maybe get rid of the mites
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