Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Here's the bloom tent you can see the new light is not as white as the old one. Also the driver one the new light is way warmer than the other fixture. I might move it outside of the tent. Buds are starting to form. Lights flipped Wednesday before last
looking good do you ever have a problem flowering with that r/h also it doesn't look like the warmer light is making it to warm in there I would be jacked if I could have those temps lol!
Temps are all due to the basement staying cool with my AC running upstairs. The RH will come down when I speed up the 6" inline fan hooked up to the carbon filter. It's on the lowest speed right now because there's no smell yet. It's usually in low 50's. No issues yet. Fingers crossed :laughtwo:
Do you use nutes with the super soil ? Also do you PH your water ? I have fox farm nutes
I don't use nutes with the super soil. I am with the one bucket of FF soil. O have not been pH my water except for soaking beans and starting clones. My water is usually around 6.8 so I gave up on worrying about it. If I see deficiency it's first thing I'd look at tho
I don't use nutes with the super soil. I am with the one bucket of FF soil. O have not been pH my water except for soaking beans and starting clones. My water is usually around 6.8 so I gave up on worrying about it. If I see deficiency it's first thing I'd look at tho
I was hoping I wouldn't have to use nutes with super soil. I have noticed the distilled water I have been getting always measures 6.2 to 6.7 so I don't think I will worry about it I will take PH readings every third bottle or so and if it stays in that range I should be good :bongrip:
I was hoping I wouldn't have to use nutes with super soil. I have noticed the distilled water I have been getting always measures 6.2 to 6.7 so I don't think I will worry about it I will take PH readings every third bottle or so and if it stays in that range I should be good :bongrip:
I'm not planning on using any nutes with my super soil. I have one bucket using FFOF just for a comparison experiment. I'm going fully organic one way or another, no more nutes once I find the mix that works for me :) I'm on my first run with the super soil. I truly believe the recipe I'm using now will work great for me. But time will tell
I'm not planning on using any nutes with my super soil. I have one bucket using FFOF just for a comparison experiment. I'm going fully organic one way or another, no more nutes once I find the mix that works for me :) I'm on my first run with the super soil. I truly believe the recipe I'm using now will work great for me. But time will tell
Are you going to reuse your super soil ? That's one of the good things from the Oly Mix and the High Brix mix you can use them over and over and they only get better with time. You should check out Doc Buds High Brix It cost less then other soils to make up. Do you use compost teas on the super soil ?
I'm not planning on using any nutes with my super soil. I have one bucket using FFOF just for a comparison experiment. I'm going fully organic one way or another, no more nutes once I find the mix that works for me :) I'm on my first run with the super soil. I truly believe the recipe I'm using now will work great for me. But time will tell
I have two 5 gal. Fabric pots with a mix of FF Ocean Forest and Happy Frog mixed I will see how they do next spring I have two other bags of FF Ocean Forest and half of the Happy Frog left I was going to add them for the compost in Sub Cools recipe when I make the super soil along with some of my buddies compost he makes up and some Black Kow compost and Earth Worm Castings. Also going to add Gro Kashi another member suggested it for the Fungi . so it should be a rich soil ......….. .. :thumb:
Are you going to reuse your super soil ? That's one of the good things from the Oly Mix and the High Brix mix you can use them over and over and they only get better with time. You should check out Doc Buds High Brix It cost less then other soils to make up. Do you use compost teas on the super soil ?

Doc's Kit is built on ProMix and he says you can only rerun the ProMix 3 times. I suspect the reason for that is due to increasing amount of organic matter from roots, leaves and added kelp and seaweed. I believe he was answering your question when he said he aims for 5% organics, but not more than 8% or the CEC changes a lot.
Doc's Kit is built on ProMix and he says you can only rerun the ProMix 3 times. I suspect the reason for that is due to increasing amount of organic matter from roots, leaves and added kelp and seaweed. I believe he was answering your question when he said he aims for 5% organics, but not more than 8% or the CEC changes a lot.
I was thinking it was a living soil that could be amended I know it is posable to keep reusing the Oly Mix and the Coots mix. I thought I could keep reusing the brix soil Oh well Thank You for the clarification
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