Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Also on DB's thread today was a discussion about the Lime. I wish that topic would have been addressed a month and a half ago before I basically botched making Faux mix which is DIY pro mix. I followed the part of the instructions that listed which products to use, but when mixing, I just tossed all of what I got into the bin with 3.8 CF of peat, 2 CF of perlie and just under 7 lbs of garden lime which is 2:1 Ca:Mg, just like the dolomite. So not only did I more than double the amount of lime, but now I know it was the wrong lime that I needed. I now have a 55gal tote filled to the top with likely useless "soil". I predict the first plant I put in there dies fast. I hope I can use it to cut future bales of peat and perlite.
I no they don't want much k in there and I don't use lime gypsum works and its got some goodies idk about the organic matter mine most likely has more than 8% im going to go check out that video thanks sky! :)

I always knew he recommended 8% organics, but today just learned why as it affects soil compaction and I think he also said it interferes with cation movement, but may be off on that one.
Also on DB's thread today was a discussion about the Lime. I wish that topic would have been addressed a month and a half ago before I basically botched making Faux mix which is DIY pro mix. I followed the part of the instructions that listed which products to use, but when mixing, I just tossed all of what I got into the bin with 3.8 CF of peat, 2 CF of perlie and just under 7 lbs of garden lime which is 2:1 Ca:Mg, just like the dolomite. So not only did I more than double the amount of lime, but now I know it was the wrong lime that I needed. I now have a 55gal tote filled to the top with likely useless "soil". I predict the first plant I put in there dies fast. I hope I can use it to cut future bales of peat and perlite.
you can deffinately cut that down soil costs to much to throw away!
ive got one of those I get frustrated trying to get the juice from the leaf!

DB covered that too in the podcast. He takes a worthless larf nug from the bottom. I was always testing leaves too and it tooke me like 4 leaves to get up enough juice.
I always knew he recommended 8% organics, but today just learned why as it affects soil compaction and I think he also said it interferes with cation movement, but may be off on that one.
idk no about cation but I can see where it could bog your soil down some I would say add some more perlite to keep it loose my son gave me some of those clay balls you use in hydro anyway I was thinking about putting some of those in one pot and see iy theres any difference!
idk no about cation but I can see where it could bog your soil down some I would say add some more perlite to keep it loose my son gave me some of those clay balls you use in hydro anyway I was thinking about putting some of those in one pot and see iy theres any difference!

and there was mention of clay on DB's Q&A thread today as well, though only briefly, and in the soil in it's natural state. IDK if it would count as clay if it's mostly locked up in those rock balls, but I believe "clay" may be interchangeable with the organics, or a very similar relationship. I'm still trying to take it all in as well. I struggle to understand how peat moss is not organic. Still so much left to learn.
and there was mention of clay on DB's Q&A thread today as well, though only briefly, and in the soil in it's natural state. IDK if it would count as clay if it's mostly locked up in those rock balls, but I believe "clay" may be interchangeable with the organics, or a very similar relationship. I'm still trying to take it all in as well. I struggle to understand how peat moss is not organic. Still so much left to learn.
clay does play a part not sure exactly what I was only going to use them to help with drainage loosen things up some!
All anybody will be able to learn from my experience is what not to do, LMAO :rofl: Seriously though, I predict that every harvest will be chock full of problems. Tell ya what though, if you're subbed to Doc Bud's Brix Q&A thread, PCaddict shared an awesome YouTube podcast between DB and some interviewer and in it DB, laid out some critical details. I'll do my best to adhere to them when I move into soil, but it's definitely worth the listen if you got 45 minutes to spare.

18:1 Ca:K ratio
Keep organic matter below 8%
and do not use Dolomite lime, or any lime that has half as much Mag as Cal in it.
Here you go Dank This is the video it is good I might order the Doc Buds kit and try it next spring I have some FF Ocean Forest and Happy Frog I mixed together and I bought some Oly Mountain mix so I plan to compare all three side by side in the Greenhouse next spring I also have some stuff to mix for a super soil so I will see how all 4 soils do.
and there was mention of clay on DB's Q&A thread today as well, though only briefly, and in the soil in it's natural state. IDK if it would count as clay if it's mostly locked up in those rock balls, but I believe "clay" may be interchangeable with the organics, or a very similar relationship. I'm still trying to take it all in as well. I struggle to understand how peat moss is not organic. Still so much left to learn.
I got some Hydrotons to add as aggregate they are the clay balls they help hold water and when they dry they hold air I also got Pumice , Gypsum , and Grow stones along with Azomite to add in / On Docs High Brix he suggest only using ProMix HP or BX , Earth Worm Castings and their amendments which they sale on Am azon I didn't see Sky shared the podcast so I posted it too . For High Brix Doc said Do Not use Dolomite Lime he said use Calcium Carbonate in place of the Lime to get better Cal.
For High Brix Doc said Do Not use Dolomite Lime he said use Calcium Carbonate in place of the Lime to get better Cal.

The reason they said to not use dolomite was due to it having far too much magnesium which will antagonize the calcium as both are cations. After looking at the contents of the kit, the only dry amendment I see that has Mag is the Roots amendment, and there the Ca:Mg ratio 10:1.
Kit soil. Super soil will work great but there are a lot of moving parts, you really need to know what your doing, not so much with the kit, easy as can be.

I mix my own soil and I have had my share of problems for sure but its a learning process ive checked out the kit and im sure its great thing and one never knows I may try it sometime just to see the difference im kind of funny though I want to do it myself im not big on following the masses! :)
I mix my own soil and I have had my share of problems for sure but its a learning process ive checked out the kit and im sure its great thing and one never knows I may try it sometime just to see the difference im kind of funny though I want to do it myself im not big on following the masses! :)

The Kit is a proven blend that others can assemble and reproduce damn near perfect grows round after round after round. It's all based off the pro mix mixed with zero K EWC. Doc had that tested and mapped out what else is needed to make it ideal and if users stay within the confines of the instructions, they'll harvest superior quality buds. I'm subbed to a lot of the Brix journals and I do envy what I see. Super waxy leaves adorning super frosty nugs of a respectable size. They have an inside joke how their plants look fake, and they really do look fake in the "too good to be true" kind of fake. If I had the means to buy into that line, I definitely would, but the expenditure is simply not practical for me at this time, so I must try another route and hopefully get to a place close by. Even if you don't purchase the materials, the wisdom used to create the kit is priceless IMO.
The Kit is a proven blend that others can assemble and reproduce damn near perfect grows round after round after round. It's all based off the pro mix mixed with zero K EWC. Doc had that tested and mapped out what else is needed to make it ideal and if users stay within the confines of the instructions, they'll harvest superior quality buds. I'm subbed to a lot of the Brix journals and I do envy what I see. Super waxy leaves adorning super frosty nugs of a respectable size. They have an inside joke how their plants look fake, and they really do look fake in the "too good to be true" kind of fake. If I had the means to buy into that line, I definitely would, but the expenditure is simply not practical for me at this time, so I must try another route and hopefully get to a place close by. Even if you don't purchase the materials, the wisdom used to create the kit is priceless IMO.
theres a guy calls himself @CareStaker he doesn't have a current journal but im sure his journals are still around to look at he consistently had leaves like your talking about hes been accused of spraying them rite before the pics lol but anyway he achieved this on his own no kit just saying it can be done btw I have followed some high brix threads and some of those growers had some of the same problems ive had so its not fool proof! :)
Yeah, there's definitely some that have difficulty with singed leaf tips. Though in all fairness, a good number of brixers are beginning to experiment with Kit drenches by driving the CalNite drench and skipping the nPk drench, plus a few other off chart practices. But generally speaking, I think it's a really good product and you have direct access to the creator. Imagine if The Rev maintained a 420 account? I remember CareStaker. I believe he was on the Bud Wash thread since the beginning. I also believe he was subbed to one of my journals years back, but my previous grow spots I had to shut down for security. For a while, and to a small degree on my big PC, I have shiny leaves, so I'm not sold that this sheen is brix related, but more so very healthy. Woody's leaves are like that, Bob and Con too, all 3 of them use a different blend. I wish all you guys had refractometers to compare Brix. Well, Con does that I know of, but I don't think woody or Bob does. I'm not even going to waste my blood cells testing any of my hydro again as I know it's not possible now.
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