Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Thanks Irie! It's coming along. I'm tucking branches in the net daily. Hopefully it will fill out the whole net. Today I installed a new 6" carbon filter and a variable speed fan I had stored away. My biggest concern is I'm only using the 3 QB boards. They are really bright, but I'm not sure if it's enough for the 4'x8' net. I have a couple of gen #1 Mars 300 blurples I could use to add needed coverage. Any thoughts about the lighting

You know me,, I know nothing about LED's.. I know I'd run 2, 750-watt HPS myself... but GL and Keepem Green
Do you have old ballasts? I believe all of the new ballasts will accept either 110 or 220, and if that's the case with your models, you can get conversion plugs to convert the 220 jack to 110. The only down side to 110 is twice as many amps, but all modern American circuits are no less than 15 amps so you'd be good (if) of course. Also, can you squeeze an HID betyween your LEDs? When I open my new room, that's what I'm going to do to start out with. For me, I'll have a 600HPS in the middle and up to 18 COBs surrounding it, just till I can afford a nice big QB to swap out that HID with.

I thought the pro of the QB was being able to get closer to the canopy?
I do have digital ballast. But I only have 220v cords. It pulls 4.3 amps at 220v and 10.8 at 110v. Too much amps at 110v and no outlet for 220v so either way I'm needing another circuit. And yes you can run QB close to the canopy, but it really shrinks the footprint. My 3 would would be good for a 2'x4' at lower height
Do you have old ballasts? I believe all of the new ballasts will accept either 110 or 220, and if that's the case with your models, you can get conversion plugs to convert the 220 jack to 110. The only down side to 110 is twice as many amps, but all modern American circuits are no less than 15 amps so you'd be good (if) of course. Also, can you squeeze an HID betyween your LEDs? When I open my new room, that's what I'm going to do to start out with. For me, I'll have a 600HPS in the middle and up to 18 COBs surrounding it, just till I can afford a nice big QB to swap out that HID with.

I thought the pro of the QB was being able to get closer to the canopy?
The pros of the QB over the hps in my opinion is less heat inside tents and the more yield per watt. I can't get my plants closer than 1 foot to my QB's or they are subject to light/heat burn. But the quality is just as good If not better than hps.
The pros of the QB over the hps in my opinion is less heat inside tents and the more yield per watt. I can't get my plants closer than 1 foot to my QB's or they are subject to light/heat burn. But the quality is just as good If not better than hps.
I totally agree! My hps needs 2 feet and creates too much heat. I love my qb's. I just need more of them. Lol
Today I took cuts off the 2 Ting's, 1 from the WWK, 1 from Chernobyl and 1 from 818 headband. The white walker kush and 818 are fems. The others are regs and need to be sexted. As soon as I see roots the regs will be put into flower for to see who's a girl and who's a dude. If I end up with dudes I'll start some Mass med seeds
Today I took cuts off the 2 Ting's, 1 from the WWK, 1 from Chernobyl and 1 from 818 headband. The white walker kush and 818 are fems. The others are regs and need to be sexted. As soon as I see roots the regs will be put into flower for to see who's a girl and who's a dude. If I end up with dudes I'll start some Mass med seeds
so you flower your regs and then put them back into veg?:)
Here's my new experiment. I have 2 out of 3 buckets of super soil and one in straight ffof soil with FF trio nutes I've been using. We'll see how they compare. All will be together in a scrog net due to the fact that I let them get too big waiting for the last round to finish up. They are all 24k clones taken two weeks before last flip. So these are 11 weeks old

Nice setup - what tent is that - I need one right away! lol

Bucket o soil. Well done. :passitleft:
I totally agree! My hps needs 2 feet and creates too much heat. I love my qb's. I just need more of them. Lol
Depends on the hood you use... I ran HPS in tents with cool tubes and temps go up minimal.. But still too hot when the ambient temps are up there... Winter most places.. But two cool tubes with a dedicated 4-6" inline fan sucking 75-80% of the heat out works well... HPS is alot cheaper across the board,, cept power draw and always have a temp increase.. Unless one invests in a water-cooled hood and a chiller... I have seen a friend work with them.. You can hold your hand on the tube right next to the bulb and it's cool as hell...
I ran cool tubes as well when I ran HPS. When I first switched to LED I didn't notice a heat drop. Thought it was a little hotter even with the LED since all the heat needed to be moved from the room. With Cool tubes it's all evacuated or most of it right away.

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