Dank's Adventures In Dankland

looks good in there dank this is the fun part lol looks like hammer #1 is mag def ive got one that's worse than that pretty hard to change it now it looks like they'll be done in a few weeks maybe!:)
Yeah they are all mag hungry. I'm finding with the qb's and r.o. water calmag is a must with each and every watering. I'll have to get a bigger bottle :laugh:
Yeah they are all mag hungry. I'm finding with the qb's and r.o. water calmag is a must with each and every watering. I'll have to get a bigger bottle :laugh:
lol I have the same problem I been using r/o for a couple years now but lately ive been using our city water run through one of those garden filters to get most of the chlorine out seems to work pretty good when I want to tailor something I use the r/o I have a 5 gal bucket with an aquarium pump and air stone one of those 3in long ones ive noticed after the city water bubbles a couple days its good to go just saying a set up like that could work for you if you have room I put a spigot near the bottom its pretty cool ill see if can find a pic of it!
That's a cool setup sticky! My new house is on a well. I do have pretty good water. I really should just use it. But we drink the ro so I thought I'd use it for the plants too. Our water out of the tap is around 120 on my TDS meter and ph's around 7.0 if I remember correctly. With the ro the water ph's around 6.5 and 15 on TDS. It's really nice soft water for well water
That's a cool setup sticky! My new house is on a well. I do have pretty good water. I really should just use it. But we drink the ro so I thought I'd use it for the plants too. Our water out of the tap is around 120 on my TDS meter and ph's around 7.0 if I remember correctly. With the ro the water ph's around 6.5 and 15 on TDS. It's really nice soft water for well water
sounds like you could have some real good well water heres what I do I alternate between the the two waters there are elements in your well water they could use how does it taste from the tap just thinking im still learning how to best take care of these babies they are a weed but we want the healthiest weeds we can get lol!
sounds like you could have some real good well water heres what I do I alternate between the the two waters there are elements in your well water they could use how does it taste from the tap just thinking im still learning how to best take care of these babies they are a weed but we want the healthiest weeds we can get lol!
It tastes really good from the tap. Almost like spring water. It's a shallow well. I'm told it's around 50' deep
It tastes really good from the tap. Almost like spring water. It's a shallow well. I'm told it's around 50' deep
maybe you could get it tested that might be real good water for them theres no chlorine in there if it were me I would do an experiment and pick one plant out that just gets your well water never no you could find something!
Your right I probably will do a experiment with my next round in flower. I have couple clones off each so I can get a good comparison :) The LSC's and tangielands are almost ready to get cuts from too. I'll probably take cuts this weekend. Hopefully everyone has a great holiday weekend
Your right I probably will do a experiment with my next round in flower. I have couple clones off each so I can get a good comparison :) The LSC's and tangielands are almost ready to get cuts from too. I'll probably take cuts this weekend. Hopefully everyone has a great holiday weekend
taking cuts already ha that's a good sign that there growing well glad to hear that!
Bad news I was inspecting my girls and I found the GG bagseed was popping nanners like crazy. Pulled it out and culled it. I sprayed everything down with water just in case I stirred up pollen. Also added another fan and ran down the dehumidifier from 50% to 40% to help dry everything. I wiped out the tent after spraying the day on the walls. Note to self, Never grow bagseed! Even if it was from great weed. My bud grew it and he had problems with the mother. I should have known better :(
Bad news I was inspecting my girls and I found the GG bagseed was popping nanners like crazy. Pulled it out and culled it. I sprayed everything down with water just in case I stirred up pollen. Also added another fan and ran down the dehumidifier from 50% to 40% to help dry everything. I wiped out the tent after spraying the day on the walls. Note to self, Never grow bagseed! Even if it was from great weed. My bud grew it and he had problems with the mother. I should have known better :(
gorilla glue is one that has those hermi traits congrats on the soil I think your going to be happy with that grow some organic smoke good luck bud!:)
gorilla glue is one that has those hermi traits congrats on the soil I think your going to be happy with that grow some organic smoke good luck bud!:)
Thanks sticky! I'm looking forward to the organics. I love the flavors from organics. Hopefully I get some nice colors like you get in flower. You and Woody's plants always show beautiful colors late in bloom :)
imo organic will give you the best tasting smoke my son grows hydro and does very well with it but he has grown several clones of mine and his yield blows mine out of the water and his weed is good but it just doesn't have all the flavor mine does try to have some cool dark time temps youll get color!
Your smoke is really nice! It's time for me to make a change. I'm ready for it. I do have a question about it, you do still pH the water ? I assume you still do
Your smoke is really nice! It's time for me to make a change. I'm ready for it. I do have a question about it, you do still pH the water ? I assume you still do
I do ph my teas and or when I add something to the water like ful roc or fulvic humic things like that I check the ph after adding it to the water when I foliar I want it about 6.4 or6.5 when I water I just like to no its between 6.2 and 7.0 after a while when you do certain additives on a regular basis you will remember what the ph will be after you mix it up and youll no whether or not you need to check ph sometimes I mix up a tea and it ends up rite where I want it you saw my tea maker a couple days ago your going to want something to brew your teas in ive got that sitting on two milk crates that I got from the home d works pretty good about the right height!
Took cuts off the tangielands. Decided to wait for the LSC's to get more growth before taking cuts. Flower tent has much better airflow now that the GG is gone. Hopefully I'll have better luck with the three left in flower tent. I'll try to get pics tomorrow :lot-o-toke: Gonna twist up a fatty and relax
Veg tent :oops:
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