Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Ok so I think I'm past the stretch with my girls in bloom. Gave them a little haircut today. They look pretty good with the exception of the coloring on the GG bag seed. It's looked this way since the beginning. I'm just hoping it doesn't Herm on me. It's a bagseed so my fingers are crossed. Lol.
I think that's the one it came from. It's the GG. Seems happy, just not fully green. The 2 hammer's are totally different from each other. Ones short and stout and the other is taller and more sativa ish looking. The 24k has really sturdy stems. I'm extremely happy with the cheapo carbon filter. Keeps smells in check
Haha, I wouldn't mind the smell. But Dankwoman is not happy with that. She's not a smoker so I get it. I think the old saying "happy wife-happy life" is true :laugh:
yes that saying speaks truth lol my wife doesn't toke either more for me lol shes not crazy about the smell but she is very easy going so I have to read between the lines and I take steps to minimize it ill have a half dozen air freshners sitting around if its real stinky and that makes her feel better now when I put my buds in the fridge in the garage to slow dry they can get quite stinky sometimes smelling up the neigborhood lol
My wife is funny. She's kinda a goodie two shoe's compared to me. Seems opposite do attract. I've calmed down a lot over the years so she puts up with all my shenanigans. Lol
sounds like us she has led a protected life and I have lived some its love that's why they put up with us sounds like you got a good one don't mess it up lol!
I think I flipped them on the 10th so they are a month in bloom and finally starting to fill out some flowers. I raised the light as high as possible to get some distance from it to the leggy 24k. It was too close and getting a little stressed out. Some of the pistol have browned up. Not too bad tho. I pulled them out and inspected for nanners, all good. The brown pistols had me worried
It's only on a couple of the tops that were closest to light. Any thoughts on the pistols. I also turned down the intensity of the lights. It's my first time using the qb's
Looks like nutes are slightly heavy, burnt tips. Colour in pistils is early but normal.
Plants are looking great mate... Dank. Lol
Your Peyote Critical looks great, here it is in week 6. Great strong strain....
One of the frostiest in the tent early on.

keep up the good work.
Looks like nutes are slightly heavy, burnt tips. Colour in pistils is early but normal.
Plants are looking great mate... Dank. Lol
Your Peyote Critical looks great, here it is in week 6. Great strong strain....
One of the frostiest in the tent early on.

keep up the good work.
Thanks brother! Your plants look great! I've been going around half of Fox farms nutes schedule. I think I might have to mix up a lighter jug just for that one
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