Dank's Adventures In Dankland

Nice Growing Dank!
Happy flowering.
Just a question, why the red cups?
You do know you dont have to cover clear cups up, roots grow just fine.
Fun to see them appear too.
Healthy clones mate, nice work.

Thats exposed cups...as you can see, never a problem until they come out of cup and dry out..
its going well the weather is starting to warm up outside starting to get excited about the outdoor grow coming up here in a few weeks that's about it the plants are still growing lol!:)
Glad you're getting some warm weather brother. It's going to be around 70 here tomorrow and sunny for the holiday. We just got home from buying few fruit trees. My wife wants a mini orchard I think. Lol
1 plum, I pear and apple. We planted 4 others last weekend along with couple blueberry bushes, 1 blackberry and 1 raspberry. Hopefully most of them make it. Lol
sounds tasty I love my fruit we planted a peach tree 2 yrs. ago the first year we got 3 last year we got 8 so were anticipating a larger crop this year ive been dumping some of my leftover tea from my garden on there all winter so it should be happy will see good luck with your fruit adventure!
I also broke down and bought a new pack of seeds today. A strain called Vanilla tart. It's a Cookie's and cream Cross. I sampled some cookies and cream awhile ago and really liked it. Looked at those and they are a little too pricey for me. But the Vanilla tart is right in my comfort range. I have a hard time dropping 250$-350$ for a pack of beans. I'm a cheat bastard :) I've never grown any cookies so it's going to be interesting. I'm dropping a couple as soon as I get them
I also broke down and bought a new pack of seeds today. A strain called Vanilla tart. It's a Cookie's and cream Cross. I sampled some cookies and cream awhile ago and really liked it. Looked at those and they are a little too pricey for me. But the Vanilla tart is right in my comfort range. I have a hard time dropping 250$-350$ for a pack of beans. I'm a cheat bastard :) I've never grown any cookies so it's going to be interesting. I'm dropping a couple as soon as I get them
I here ya I cant spend that kind of money either most cookie crosses are good so its going to be interesting!
Thanks lowrider! It's nice picking up the knowledge on here :) Are you referring to a 72 car or Harley lowrider in your name?
Hey Dank, No ....All my friends know the Lowrider...the Lowrider gets a lil higher...
And I was made in 72.... Lol
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