Come and grow with Smelly Joe

Smelly Joe

Well-Known Member
Hey all

Its been a while since I logged a grow so please forgive me for any mistakes etc...

I have been blessed with a 5 x 5 meter area where I can plant outdoors. We are in the process of building a greenhouse cause the sun gets a bit hot and since last season the winds picked up and is quite strong.

But lets get to the good stuff. This season I am quite fortunate with strains and I had to hold myself back from popping a lot...

The strains for Outdoor:

Super Cheese
Killer Glue
Banana Cream Sundae

Wedding Cake
Skywalker OG
Girl Scout Cookies
Big Bud
Pancake Stomper
King Bling ( planted today )
Platinum Kush Breath Remix

I am growing in pots and this year I will be using 2 growbags to see if its something I like and if so then I will be replacing the rest. My soil mix is my own attempt at a living soil...

80/20 Coco Perlite
Worm Castings
Volcanic Rockdust
Soft Rock Phosphate
Diatomaceous Earth

The 2 growbags is another mix which consits of basically the same as above. That mix is:

Coco Coir, Worm Castings, Perlite, Volcanic Rock Dust, Bone meal, Gypsum, Fermented probiotic bran.

I gave it a half strength Kelpak feed with dechlorinated water and a cover crop of white and red clover has been planted with some dill. It has been "cooking" since September 1st and will only be planted into in a few weeks still.

I think thats about it... Please let me know if I am missing something. I am planning on adding another 5 liter of castings with some dolomite lime to the mix. I will have to dump it out for proper mixing and then I will let it stand again for 2 or 3 weeks

Thanx for popping in

Love and Light

Clover and Dill Cover Crop


Seedlings and seeds to pop

I'm super jealous of your Super Cheese! lol. You have some excellent strains there! The cover crops look very happy with your soil mix. Congrats on the seedlings!
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