Colesdad Tries Again - LED - GGG Baby Freedom - Ideal420 Soil - 12/12 From Seed

So, things are looking great so far. I now have duct at the bottom on the tent blowing in fresh, cooler, air and duct and the top for exhaust. Also have a clip can pushing air around inside. My tent is now 10 degrees cooler!! Nebula loves it, she has been tall and reaching for the light all day (been checking about every 4 hours for temp change). The last couple of days she has grown noticeably (to me) and I'm excited to see her reaction to her new environment. I'm thinking in about a week I'll transplant into my new fabric pots with roots organic soil.
I also grabbed some light hangers that I'll use when I turn the led on.
After 21 pages of this journal, I feel like I'm turning a corner and am excited about things to come!
I looked through my journal and figured Nebula is 32 days above ground. So, she is small for her age but it has been very hot in her tent since birth. The last 48 hours of lower temps and fresh air have done her wonders!
I don't have any ocean Forrest, just happy frog. Should I mix happy frog and roots? If yes, what ratio? . When I transplant I'm going into the final 3 gallon pot.
And I have a surprise, I dropped two Auto Berry in water a little bit ago. They say they grow short and have a life of 60 days. My plan is for the AB straight to the 3 gallon. Once they are established, I'll switch to 12 12. Hopefully, all the girls will be ready around the same time. I know I won't get as much from the autos with only 12 hours of light. But, that is my plan.
Question.... Can the AB handle a roots/happy frog mix? Or should I make a hole in the roots dirt, fill that small spot with happy and plant in that small spot? My thinking is the roots will be too "hot" so I wanted to provide a buffer of happy frog. Thoughts?
I disagree completely. If you have the same RO that I bought, it's way too hot for little ones. I think they make a few different blends though. Check your bag, if it's the hot one, cut it 3:1 Of RO : HF. I like the Autoberries.. Grew a few of them! Try 1 each way (in RO straight and 1 with a blend). Hope they pop for you!

Edit.. I think hockeybry2 is right. If yours is the 707, I would definitely cut it. If not, you're probably OK
I use 32 ounce containers for 12/12 from seed grows and they're nice because I can soak the medium every 3 days once they're fully grown (under a 150 watt fixture). I think 1 gallon containers are more than enough. save some soil and make watering easier. I have some root photos at harvests.

if you want faster growth and bigger plants/yields veg for like 2 weeks (if you have the space).
B, I religiously follow your grows. I'm glad your back to your hps, you had a rough go (both times) with your leds. You're right abouta 3 gallon pot for a quick flip is excessive, but that's all I have right now.

Hockey, I sent you a pm bro!

I do NOT have the 707 bag, so it seems, with everyone's feedback, that I will be OK with straight roots. Right?
Watered her this morning and noticed yellowing of the oldest leaves and yellow tips on the newer ones. Is she hungry?

Here are the nutes I have to work with

I figure it is time for food, she is about 30 days old. I feel more confident because things are going good and my gut says to feed. But, I'm still a newbie and would appreciate any feedback.
I don't think you should feed either. she hasn't used all the food in her container of soil yet. look at how green and shiny the new growth is. the lower growth is that color because of prior stress. it looks like you're headed in the right direction.
I had soaked two Auto Berry for a few days, one looked great with a little 1/8 in root and the other was popped open and I could see a little something. Filled all three bags with roots organic. The AB went directly into the soil and have little domes. I transplanted the Nebula also. Her roots are about 4 inches long, and I'm very happy she growing below ground. Her oldest leaves are more yellow with a little brown on the tips. The old me would have panicked and tried to feed, but, the new me isn't stressing out because, like B pointed out, her new growth is beautifully green.
I expect two days for Nebula to adjust to her new home and hopefully within a week I'll have a happy seedlings and two new babies.
Temps are still running 79-82 degrees, super happy about that! No led yet, still running 4 cfls. I do not have another cord/socket to have two bulbs for each plant, but I have another splitter and more bulbs if I need to get creative.
B, Spitz and Hockey, you guys have been very helpful and kept me calm here recently. Much green love sent y'alls way.
Spitz and Hockey, your help via pm is invaluable.
I had soaked two Auto Berry for a few days, one looked great with a little 1/8 in root and the other was popped open and I could see a little something. Filled all three bags with roots organic. The AB went directly into the soil and have little domes. I transplanted the Nebula also. Her roots are about 4 inches long, and I'm very happy she growing below ground. Her oldest leaves are more yellow with a little brown on the tips. The old me would have panicked and tried to feed, but, the new me isn't stressing out because, like B pointed out, her new growth is beautifully green.
I expect two days for Nebula to adjust to her new home and hopefully within a week I'll have a happy seedlings and two new babies.
Temps are still running 79-82 degrees, super happy about that! No led yet, still running 4 cfls. I do not have another cord/socket to have two bulbs for each plant, but I have another splitter and more bulbs if I need to get creative.
B, Spitz and Hockey, you guys have been very helpful and kept me calm here recently. Much green love sent y'alls way.
Spitz and Hockey, your help via pm is invaluable.
Looking good brother! Once you transplant into that roots soil you should be able to give water only for a few weeks :)
Both AB have broken ground. Misted with water and replaced the domes. Also misted Nebula.
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