Colesdad Tries Again - LED - GGG Baby Freedom - Ideal420 Soil - 12/12 From Seed

well, well, well!
I using my lap top, so you will notice a lack of capilization and some misspellings.
a quick run down of my life over the last 30 days..
I mention my meeting with the doctor about starting the chemo pill Temador for a year.
a week later a spent about 5 days in the hospital because my seizures were out of control.

was home for 6 days, then admitted again for the same reason and released from the hospital 6 days later. we have switched some meds, added some, deleted some and blah blah blah.

I have asthma, and I smoke cigarettes, and yes I know that is stupid, but it is what it is. Tuesday this week I had an asthma attack severe enough to make me want to go to urgent care. the wife was at our sons school doing the thankgiving lunch deal. i was texting her, my mother and my father trying to find someone to drive me there. i couldn't call, because i could barely breathe. so mom leaves work, we get there and my o2 level was around 86percent. i told the doctor i had already used my inhaler about 40 times that morning and did two breathing treatment with my nebulizer at the house. i did another one there and had a steroid shot. after a while things calm down a bit and o2 level get near 95, still not great, but doable. the doctor advises me that my chemo pills suppress my immune system. i guess i should have realized this, but truthfully i would still live life normally, im not one of the people that is going to walk around with a germ mask on my face. so because of my breathing issues, my meds and also that i am running a low fever, she wants chest xrays. so, do them right then and there. she thinks the lungs look good, but because she isn't 100percent sure about what she sees, and since i have a fever, and since she cant hear my lungs well enough because of me wheezing, she is treating it as an infection. so, i now have a steroid to take, and an antibiotic, and breathing treatments every four hours.

this shit is getting old, really fast. "But, this too shall pass."

here is how the Afghani looked when i got home the first time. she has never recovered because less than week later i was gone for 6 days again, only a few pieces of green now, but tomorrow she will be laid to rest. this was the last plant that will ever see 420 Soil again.

here is the blue blood when i got home from the first hospital stay. she looked good, i was happy. she went into the tent where the temps are higher than sitting in the windowsill. here she is the day i put her in the tent.

i took this picture of the blue blood tonight. remember, she looked "okay" in the above picture. but she was put into the tent and let set for 6 days with nothing. when i got home from my most recent stay she had fallen over and only one leaf had green, and that leaf was only about 30 percent so. but i gave nothing but straight tap water these last few days and she has grown a new set of leaves! this is great news to me, im very happy she is still alive, she aint pretty, but her heart still beats.

the beans i dropped a week ago did nothing. it is of no fault of the person i got them from, the issue was with the delivery. they had been roughed up and most of them went straight to the trash because they were crushed. i dropped my last blue blood and another paradise nebula in water a few days ago, and last night they had cracked open so they went into pellets,

i found a some-what grow store! My wife, son and myself eat at a little dinner about once every couple of months, and have so over that last 5 years. the store adjacent to it is a pet supply store. well, Tuesday we stopped to eat after my doc appointment. the parking lot was full so well pulled around back to park. "look!", i said to my wife, pointing a three large 4ft by 4ft poster on the back of the pet store, "they sell happy frog, ocean forest and build-your-own-soil products. so, after we eat we walked next door. i asked the lady, we walked to the back of the store, then through those climate controlling long strips of thick plastic, and there it is. pallets of soil, bat poop, lime, bone meal, kelp, hydro nutes, bloom boosters, everything. she looked at me for a moment and said only a few people ever come to this room to buy things, then we share the same unspoken weed thoughts and leaves the room, "just let me know what you need, and make sure the plastic doesn't wrap and hangs straight". so, this week end im going to grab some happy frog to get started and by the time i should worry about transplant i should have roots organic. before i left i grabbed my wifes hand brought her to the back. she looked around and asked questions and was amazed at all the different choices and how to grow and choose nutrients and different pots available. she is great gal, i truly hit the jackpot when she said, "i do".
its a funny thing, had the parking lot not been full that day i would have never known!
Sounds like your turning the corner on your grow Colesdad, now grow enough meds to make oil and start healing yourself. Visit the links in my signature if you haven't already.
Hello all! Busy day putting up Christmas decorations today with the family. This is my wife's favorite time of year, all her decorations, twinkling pictures in the house, decorating the tree, putting ribbon down the tree, etc.
Checked the tent this morning. BB will get a light feeding today, her cup is dry. And I have two new sprouts this morning! Another BB and a Paradise Nebula. This weekend I'm going to stop by the hidden grow shop and grab some happy frog. Once my sprouts have roots of the bottom they will go into the soil in small cups. By transplant time I will have some Roots Organic and then I hope to turn this grow around. I'm thrilled that I saw two little girls this morning and that the hempy BB is still alive, these are my Christmas decorations, unfortunately I can't place them around the house like she can her Yankee Candles:cheesygrinsmiley:
That's the exact soil setup I used in my journal. I used Happy Frog for my seedlings and Roots Organic for my 5G pots. I didn't need to feed until about 5 weeks in. After about the 5th node (2 weeks) the solo cup girls were looking a tad light. Transplanted to 5G of RO and BOOM! I like what you are going to try!

Water those perlite girls 2 times a day to runoff. PH 5.8 and 200 Ppm of your GH line. They will explode on you. I think they are too dry. Tiz why I don't like hempy type setup for seedlings. The standing water is tough on very small plants. I'd drill some holes in the bottom if possible. At the very least, if you needed to let them be for a few days, you could put them in a saucer with 1/4" of water and they could still drink through the bottom in an emergency. Good luck!!
Here is bb, she decided to come completely out of the pellet. As her root grew she pushed her entire self out. So I pulled the pellet apart and put her down inside just until her head was out. Not much to look at, but her she is

Ms Nebula has popped her helmet off and standing proud
Hey Colesdad I'm glad you have started another round. I was wondering if you had looked into DWC as an alternate?
With DWC you mitigate many of the issues with growing and essentially just need to worry about how much nutrient you use. I use stuff that PH adjusts itself so I don't even have to worry about that anymore these days.
DWC isn't very hard you essentially just need a bucket, air pump, clay balls and water. And because the roots sit in the water 24/7 you don't have to worry about overwatering or underwatering. It might be worth considering because DWC is very much set and forget. You only need to check them twice a day at most.
Hit the hidden grow store today! The sprouts are ready, roots are coming out the bottom of the pellets. I'll get them cups tonight. I'm very excited!
Girls are doing great. Both working now on thier second set of leaves. Have them a little misting of water this morning. Both are happy and upright after being transplanted a few days ago and Nebula is reaching, happily, for her cfls. So far I'm happy. I'll be placing a pan of water in the tent because rh is very low, 25%ish, and I need to get a small fan temps are getting as high as 91 degrees. They are still 18/6 light schedule.
So far, so good!
Hello Colesdad.
This is my first post ever in a forum. But after reading your journal I had to reply. First off...what a roller coaster ride it was reading this. Lots of ups and downs hoping and pulling for you and your little plants. Wishing you the best of luck and fingers crossed for this go.
Sending you all the positive energy I can.
Great news sir! Is that cup only 2-3" deep? I'm dealing with similar RH levels. Just be careful they don't dry out too much.
No. They are in a "large" drink cup from a fast food place.
Hello Colesdad.
This is my first post ever in a forum. But after reading your journal I had to reply. First off...what a roller coaster ride it was reading this. Lots of ups and downs hoping and pulling for you and your little plants. Wishing you the best of luck and fingers crossed for this go.
Sending you all the positive energy I can.
Welcome to 420magazine Ducati! Thank you for the positive vibes. Stick around, there is never a dull moment during my grow lol.
Great things happening on the CD Rollercoaster! Temps are down, around 85ish, and humidity is up, around 48ish. This had been the case for two days now and the girls are responding well. BB is still small, but im not worried. She is pushing her second pair of leaves now. Nebula is doing great, nice thick stem and I've noticed she is acclimated to her light schedule, in the morning her leaves are nearly at a 90 degree angle within an hour of lights coming on, and later in the day she is "spread" open. It is actually a marvelous thing to see how her react to the light change, I've never seen this before, so I know this time things are going better. I accidentally saw that BB's roots have not yet come out of the peat pellet, I knocked just over while taking pictures. But, I feel better knowing her roots haven't got the Happy Frog because that would explain her slower growth. I still mist them every couple of days, I'm over my urge to "water" them because I'm seeing positive thing happen by doing what I'm doing.

I'd increase the soil misting to daily (or multiple light ones daily). I know you've had some past drownings, but, they look a little dry. They do look happy too! Great job sir!!

Your call on additional water. With low RH, the top does dry quick. You're gonna have to go with your gut.
It is a lot of fun watching them respond to the light and various other stimuli. I used an eyedropper to break my overwater habit. Seems to be helping me not drown me lil girls.
Slow and steady climbs the hill
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