Colesdad Tries Again - LED - GGG Baby Freedom - Ideal420 Soil - 12/12 From Seed

They are growing! BB is showing her second set of leaves and Nebula is doing great. I've changed from "misting" to giving a more concentrated watering. I'm doing it near the edge of the cup, about 2 in from the plant to get the roots moving around searching for water.

Lights have been off for around 35 hours (human error). I plugged my power strip back in, but left the lights of for now because "lights off" is about to start. So, I have a few questions....
My plan was to transplant into roots organic soon after Christmas and flip to 12/12. S
Lights are scheduled to come back on in the morning around 8ish. Will two days of darkness, and then going back to 18/6 negatively affect my plants? If I may began a transition, should I start my 12/12?
If I start my 12/12 now the container size shouldn't be an issue, but what about the happy frog soil they are in? Could I add nutes too this soil when it is time to do so?
If I resume my 18/6 in the morning will this stress then any?
I'm just not sure what my next step should be.
You'll be fine. It's not a good practice to mess with light schedules but not a huge deal in vegetative growth. I would have turned the lights on and left them on until the normal "lights off" time instead of vice versa. Still, they'll be fine. I wouldn't make that same mistake while flowering though. You can flip tomorrow if you want. A perpetual 12/12 from seed tent is very effective (not to mention variety!). Flipping should be dictated by the plants health more than the size IMO. I would put her in the biggest pot you can before flowering. Yes, you can add nutrients to the HF soil. I'd get her in that roots organic if possible (good stuff IMO). Is she under the LED yet? I would definitely get her used to that light before flowering too.

What I suggest..
Get her on a solid veg light schedule
Get her in a 3G pot with RO soil (mix 50/50 HF/RO if your concerned)
Get her used to the LED
Flip the timer!

How do they look? I'm dying for pics!
Thanks for the help quick reply man.
Another question... If I flip now, can I transplant in a few weeks? I know it is standard practice to transplant after light cycle change, would it be stressful to transplant two weeks into flower?
I know I should be patient and wait a few weeks, but, these new meds I've started are killing me, plus they aren't really helping with the seizures. The introducing of Vimpat and Onfi feel like they are turning me into a raging asshole. Doctors have increased the dose of seroquil, but that only kills my energy so I become I tired asshole. So, basically, getting my garden two weeks sooner would be helpful.
Here are the girls. I'm super happy with their color and the shapes of the leaves. Even though the have spent two full days in darkness and temps were as low as 60 degrees I think they look great BB still hasn't had much horizontal growth but she has gotten taller. I'm 100 percent sure her roots have hit the happy frog

Nebula looks awesome. Since she is more developed, her lack of light and low temps is showing its self in the leaves. But, warmer temps and cfl should perk her up
I'd transplant before flip. They look a bit small for transplant. I get it though... You have to do what you have do. For 12/12 from seed, I like 3G pots (about 2G volume) but 1G will work. You can transplant her after flip. Just try and do it early. I suspect those will grow for a week or 2 before showing even if you flip today. Good luck!

Btw... They look good. They're about to take off I think.
fluorescent lights are the way to grow for young plants. I wouldn't transplant yet either because it's going to be difficult and a mess. I wait until they reveal gender to transplant (about 3 weeks from seed regardless of light schedule).
Fuck me. Turned the led on yesterday morning. Nebula was wonderful, reaching for the light. However, it got up to 99 degrees in the tent!
BB didn't like it very much!

Turned led off and misted leaves and watered. Haven't looked today yet
After the grandkids had finished opening ago thier presents and all the families had packed up, my mom pulled me aside. She handed me a gift card and told me to buy the things in my Amaz*n cart.
Merry Christmas Cd!!...hopin' they can get Yer med's balanced to give you some normalcy in your life...Bummer bout that BB...looks pretty cooked...personally I would stick with the CFL's till they at least eight inches to a foot...the light is sufficient and temps will keep lower...keep on keepin' on Bud...cheerz!...h00k...
Things are going well, Nebula has completely absorbed all remaining life from the burnt leaves, they are crusty and falling off. She now has two, perfect, sets of leaves. She is small for her age, but things haven't been easy for her. I'm very pleased.

Was thinking of giving her first dose of nutes, but she looks good, so I'll continue to give pain water. Going to ordered nutes, light hangers, small fan and fabric pots today. This week I'll hit the 45minute-drive grow store for some roots organic, then on the way home I'll use my gift card to the big box hardware store for duct and a duct fan.
HI Colesdad I can't believe there has been so much bad luck in the seedling stage, I hope that nebula bounces back with amazing vigor. From what I see I think you should consider getting a humidity dome or a humidifier for your babies to keep them moist and strong. I had the same trouble with these tiny seedlings in the second and third week of veg. The higher humidity keeps them going throughout the tough times of the day. :thumb:
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