CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Bloom Report

After a few days of 12/12 lighting, things seem to be going back to normal. All of a sudden, at day 56, the older plants seem to be really trying to finish out. Suddenly orange pistils can be seen on the Vanilla Kush, where there were none before. Same with two of the white widows that were refusing to finish. The problem plant looks a lot better than it did a couple of days ago, and I have hopes that she will now finish almost normally from all appearances tonight. The hang dog droopy look that I was noticing last week, is gone.

Just because I introduced an artificial delay in the end with the crazy lighting, I have decided to feed these older plants again, so that they for sure have everything they need to finish up. I fully expect harvest to start with some of these plants, within the next 2 weeks or so. This is not how we intended to run this revolving constant harvest grow, but with the additional light installed in the bloom room yesterday, we have a backup plan. As long as you close one eye and squint a little bit while you are doing a plant count in that room, all is well here in steamy hot Missouri where it hit 98 again today.
Wow those hairs are quite the standout eh?
Clone Room Update:
Several of the clones are now showing roots and I am confident that others will also show soon. We are now 10 days into the process of converting back to veg and then sending out roots. All the clones are still standing strong and are happy with the twice a day misting along with the high RH at the top of the bubble cloner.

Bloom Room Report

First, a shot of the tangies that I forgot the other day. There are 4 plants here and you can see that the one on the left is further along than the rest who have only been in bloom for about 3 days.

Next, I have a need for some wider horizontal supports for my build it as you go tomato cages than what came in the kit. This is because I am now using taller tapered 5 gallon containers, so the vertical supports widen as we go taller, but the kit was made for straight up and down cages. A little bit of gorilla tape solved the problem by combining two horizontal supports into one longer one. I won't need a lot of these, but having them available is priceless.

Lastly, the older plants in bloom who get closer to the finish every day. We are at day 64 today. Watering was last night and they all still took their full amount of water.

Wow! Those buds look huge. Nice work.
Clone Table
All seems to be well here. There are 2/9 that are still not showing roots, but they seem to be working on it, and the plant up above seems to be fine. This cloner usually has 100% success rate, so I certainly haven't given up on those two yet. Here, unless it was too dark in there, are some root pictures.

Veg Room 1
It is dark in here. The Mars SP-3000 is off, waiting for the next round of clones.

Veg Room 2
Here we have the Auto in the back corner and covered in her own thread, click here, and we have the @DYNOMYCO experiment chugging along and covering the rest of the grow table. The details of that side by side test is also covered in its own thread, click here.

Bloom Room
This is of course, is where it be happening. First the Tangies. They are at day 5 of bloom, one a little ahead of that. They were last watered 4 days ago, and still didn't need more today. They are also chugging away nicely.


The rest of the plants in the room are on a 2 day watering cycle and today was the day. The younger plants are at day 11 since last being fed, and the older plants on day 9. The tangies were fed 4 days ago.

The older plants are definitely finishing out. There are a couple that I may pull in the next several days since most of the white pistils are now gone. These plants are now at day 65.


The younger plants are now at day 34 of bloom and are looking fantastic! I haven't featured them much lately, so tonight I will feature a bud shot from each plant, clearly identified by its own tag. Enjoy the bud porn!

Cloning and Harvest Report:

6 of the clones had sufficient roots that they could be planted. I used Happy Frog with a tsp of @DYNOMYCO thrown in around the new roots. The other 3 were moved to better spots in the cloner. When the cloner goes down for maintenance here in a bit, I am going to add another airstone so that there are no bad spots.


Necessary Early Harvest
You will no doubt recall the big White Widow that was getting done first, and then we suspected it of having mold. Today I harvested what I could of it, and hopefully in the baking soda step of budwashing, I can get rid of most of the mold. Half of the plant was claimed by the mold, working upwards from the bottom, and suddenly, some of the branches started molding from the top down.
I chopped away that which looked yet untouched, and the rest is going to be buried in the compost pile. The rest of the plants in the room seem to be free of this problem, but I am watching closely.

Bloom Room

Here are the Tangerine Dreams. They just got watered yesterday and had their light raised a little bit.


The older girls are all trying to finish out. Some still have white pistils and seem to be a ways out still, and others look like I could harvest in the next several days.


The newer girls are starting to bulk up very nicely, now at day 37 of bloom. They got fed and watered today;

Veg Room #1
The clones have already started using a lot of water. The new Happy Frog is also a whole lot less hydrophobic today, so they got watered again to totally make sure I have saturated the soil in these cups.


Veg Room #2
The @DYNOMYCO experiment and the Auto grow still dominate this room.

Bloom Room
One of the Vanilla Kush could have been harvested today. I see amber at the top. I have decided to wait at least one more day. Pictures and the decision, tomorrow. The other Kush and the other two Widows are still not ready... too many white pistils and not enough amber.

The tangies are still working on bud set and still stretching just a bit... but not badly at all. That red light seems to have some good reach to it and it seems to be working from at least 10 feet away.

The month long bloomers are still chugging along, and starting to bulk up well. I am probably going to take some more clones as I finish up in the cloner this week, and will be sure to get some cuttings of the Ghost Train Haze along with some more Strawberry Lemonades and Hulkberrys. Those that I don't have room to grow out will be given away.
To what do you attribute the tip bleaching on the clones?
interesting question. Seems like something you would see in a botany quiz. :laugh:

Since each leaf has been cut in half to stop transpiration, a good part of the damage could simply be the drying up of the cell matter around and along the cut. Since this "drying out" seems to be consistent across each entire cut, I lean heavily toward this being all that it is.

The plant has to stay alive somehow, and part of the leaf damage after 2 weeks in the cloner is likely to be cannibalization, so I would also say this also could be part of what you are seeing, but more obvious signs of self feeding are apparent in some of the lowest leaves that have a more sucked dry look to them right where one would expect the first needs to come from, so I am not convinced that this leaf tip yellowing has anything to do with feeding. It's not really the leaf tips, anyway.

There is also the energy that was stored in the buds and pistils, that has now been pulled back into the plant. The plants should not have had much need for nourishment yet, since up until now they really were doing nothing but trying to figure out how to survive. I don't think that nutrition has been a very important issue until now, and suddenly they have roots that are in soil and they will be getting all the nutrition they need. Any further yellowing we see could only be attributed to the fledgling new roots that are only a day into soil, and not quite yet up to the task of feeding that large plant up above gathering in light... but they will quickly figure this out.
You might want to check out my official product review of @GeoFlora Nutrients!

Two more clones were planted last night, for a total of 8/9 from the bubble cloner. I am convinced that the 9th will still put out roots since the top is still looking good, but I need to move on. I am happy with 89%. Today I am going to do a small redesign by adding another bubble stone, and I will take some more clones from the bloom room. It is totally cool how clones and a simple $10 bubble cloner can make something from nothing. I find it fascinating watching nature find a way to survive if given a chance. Cloning doesn't have to be hard and frustrating... build a bubble cloner.
What do you attribute as the cause to getting the mold? Is it normal for mold to only show on one plant?

I would have guessed mold would start because of high humidity and would affect all the plants.......and no doubt your humidity is well within the good range.
What do you attribute as the cause to getting the mold? Is it normal for mold to only show on one plant?

I would have guessed mold would start because of high humidity and would affect all the plants.......and no doubt your humidity is well within the good range.
for a while, the RH was not in a good range and this is when it started. It began in the undergrowth that I should have trimmed out of there, but didn't. It also is not on just one plant. The one that I just harvested last night had one spot of it on one of its biggest buds too. I think that I have caught it in time so as to not infect the entire room and by removing the plant where it began. Adding more fresh input air has also helped. I still have 3 plants to harvest before we are out of the woods though.... keep your fingers crossed.
Today just a quick report on the clones and the harvest last night.

The clones are all still standing in the soil, and that is a very good sign. If the new roots were not able to find water they surely would have wilted by now. Now we stay patient and see what manner of weirdness emerges from all of these bud sites now forced back into early veg.


The small Vanilla Kush in the 3 gallon container was harvested last night. There is one spot of mold on one of the big buds, but it wont affect more than 2 or maybe 3 budlets, so not a major stressor. I changed the way I do the bud washing after watching a recent conversation on the practice. Now I start with a bucket of baking soda water, and let them sit in there gently sloshing for a good 5 minutes. Then they go to a bucket with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide, where they get sloshed around for another couple of minutes. Lastly, 2 rinses with clean water and they are hung right there in the bathroom where this was done. A fan is turned on to circulate the air in that room, but not directly on the buds. They are still there tonight, because they don't seem dry enough yet to move them to the slow drying tent... maybe tomorrow morning. These are very heavy buds too, and I am confident that I got at least 3 oz dry from this 3 gallon container. I am happy with that and know that the next VK to be harvested looks to be significantly more heavy. We will know soon.

I had to chop out some more mold from another white widow plant today. An entire large branch has gone down in flames. This extended run in this high humidity has been a nightmare. I really should consider not running the bloom room during the heat of the summer and the coldest part of the winter... or, I could invest in a window air conditioner if I really had to. Maybe it was just the crazy lights... I will make this decision on another day.

Mostly to protect myself, I took more clones today. The 4 black ones are Ghost Train Haze, the orange are the remaining Strawberry Lemonade (rescraped and dipped in Clonex) and a few extra ones, and the green one is a Tangerine Dream.
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