CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

SL looks like she is going to be the first one to be pulled out of the next batch of 4 in the bloom room. I will definitely get some pictures before I pull her, both micro and regular camera, but I can't do it tomorrow because I need to take a day trip to the Ozarks. Saturday looks like a good day for a Strawberry Lemonade harvest.

The other three, Hulkberry, Ghost Train Haze and Green Crack are all about ready too and I expect to harvest them all by the end of this next week. After they are pulled, we are back to single cultivation license numbers and all caught up. Here is the inventory:

Veg Room #1 will have 6 clones, 3 Green Crack, 2 HulkBerry and 1 Strawberry Lemonade. We have found a home for the overflow clones, so they will not be onsite to add to our plant count, but will be available for later cloning if we have a need.

Veg Room #2 holds our one blooming Auto and 5 Purple Kush plants in late veg.

The Bloom Room will only have 4 Tangerine Dream/47 plants at day 32 of Bloom.

Then we are going to activate a new caregiver license to be able to get back to larger plant counts. It is our theory that if there ever was to be an inspection, it would be during one of these times where one license expires and another (or that same one) is being renewed. If the inspection does come, we will be perfectly legal.
Congrats on the new role, Emilya! I'm surprised it took so long. :laughtwo:
We are almost there my friends. I am now able to spot amber just below the top calyx, all over, and on the 50% or so of the buds where there are no longer any white pistils I see amber just starting to come in at the top. Just a few more days, and I am going to call it. We are at 85 days today. Water usage has slowed way down too. It has been 9 days since the last watering and just today the container was light enough that I could have justified it... but I didn't. @Krissi Carbone would be proud because this plant is droughting itself right before harvest. I will water her tomorrow and I bet she is done a couple of days after that.

We are almost there my friends. I am now able to spot amber just below the top calyx, all over, and on the 50% or so of the buds where there are no longer any white pistils I see amber just starting to come in at the top. Just a few more days, and I am going to call it. We are at 85 days today. Water usage has slowed way down too. It has been 9 days since the last watering and just today the container was light enough that I could have justified it... but I didn't. @Krissi Carbone would be proud because this plant is droughting itself right before harvest. I will water her tomorrow and I bet she is done a couple of days after that.

Haha! The newest droughting spokesmodel! She is lovely, nice solid buds with lots of beautiful colas!

Another fantastic harvest to come for Ms. Green!!!
Do you know what I find so funny @Emilya Green? Our perpetuals are aimed at the exact opposite things-watering and droughting.

I thought about that the other day and forgot to mention it.

I :green_heart: the balance :meditate:
Do you know what I find so funny @Emilya Green? Our perpetuals are aimed at the exact opposite things-watering and droughting.

I thought about that the other day and forgot to mention it.

I :green_heart: the balance :meditate:
I have forgotten to mention until now that many times I see nature backing up what you are doing with the droughting. Given the right conditions, the plants know what to do, and they do slow down their water intake at the end as they are finishing up. No longer am I afraid to let the plants do this, thinking that I need to force water on them, and so far every single plant in my rooms that are nearing harvest, are doing the same thing. I find it funny that droughting was there all the time staring us in the face, yet we are just now discovering it to be a thing. Good Job Krissi and keep up the good work!
I have been puzzled about the state of one of my 4 Tangerine Dreams for a week or so, having noticed several dying leaves and what should have been obvious symptoms. Two days ago, I culled that plant to save the rest of the plants in the room. That plant somehow had been infected with spider mites. They were starting to spread to the plants next to them. If I had continued to ignore the little pinprick holes and general sick look, they would have likely infected the entire room.

I don't know what the vector was, but somehow they got into the room. It was probably me, first playing with the puppies out in the back yard and then going up to the grow rooms. I need to be more careful.

So I took quick and drastic action. That plant was pulled at day 36 of bloom and the 3 remaining Tangies were sprayed with my go to problem solver during the bloom stage, @Sierra Natural Science. They have a very powerful natural product just for this situation, SNS 217c. I will reapply in a few days, but I am confident that I stopped this infestation cold with this quick and decisive action, which included having the Spider Mite Control on the shelf and ready to mix up at a moment's notice. You should have some too, just in case.

@Sierra Natural Science ... it is good stuff!
That SNS 217-C worked great for me when I got spider mites in wk6 of flower. It stopped the spread right away, although it didn't get rid of them all. I finished the grow with ladybugs, letting a couple dozen go each night. I still have some sticking around in the basement :)

After the grow I cleaned and sterilized my tent and left it empty for a week. I haven't seen any spider mites since (knock wood). That part is going to be much harder in a perpetual grow.

So, how do you get rid of spider mites for good in a perpetual tent? Or do you?
That SNS 217-C worked great for me when I got spider mites in wk6 of flower. It stopped the spread right away, although it didn't get rid of them all. I finished the grow with ladybugs, letting a couple dozen go each night. I still have some sticking around in the basement :)

After the grow I cleaned and sterilized my tent and left it empty for a week. I haven't seen any spider mites since (knock wood). That part is going to be much harder in a perpetual grow.

So, how do you get rid of spider mites for good in a perpetual tent? Or do you?
You just keep at it and break their life cycle. It can be done. In the case of my attic, I just have to be aware that they can return anytime I let my guard down, so I choose to proactively go after bugs and in the case of an infestation I am also ready.
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