CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

I changed the way I do the bud washing after watching a recent conversation on the practice. Now I start with a bucket of baking soda water, and let them sit in there gently sloshing for a good 5 minutes. Then they go to a bucket with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide, where they get sloshed around for another couple of minutes. Lastly, 2 rinses with clean water and they are hung right there in the bathroom where this was done. A fan is turned on to circulate the air in that room, but not directly on the buds. They are still there tonight, because they don't seem dry enough yet to move them to the slow drying tent... maybe tomorrow morning. These are very heavy buds too, and I am confident that I got at least 3 oz dry from this 3 gallon container. I am happy with that and know that the next VK to be harvested looks to be significantly more heavy. We will know soon.

Hi Em!

Congrats on the harvest - those buds look amazing!

re the bud wash - it was my understanding that mixing lemon juice and baking soda in one bucket acts as a surfactant that helps dirt and debris fall into the water. Is that not accurate?

Here is my process: first bucket is 4:1 3% hp, 2nd bucket lemon juice with baking soda; 3rd and 4th buckets plain water. Dip and swish in each successively. Is there a risk to mixing lemon juice and hp?

My thinking is the first bucket with hp kills mold and critters (if any). Second bucket washes off dirt and debris. Other two buckets rinse off the residue from the first two, along with any remaining debris. Skip the first bucket with hp if no worries about mold or bugs.

Just want to make sure I understand the correct process.

Hi Em!

Congrats on the harvest - those buds look amazing!

re the bud wash - it was my understanding that mixing lemon juice and baking soda in one bucket acts as a surfactant that helps dirt and debris fall into the water. Is that not accurate?

Here is my process: first bucket is 4:1 3% hp, 2nd bucket lemon juice with baking soda; 3rd and 4th buckets plain water. Dip and swish in each successively. Is there a risk to mixing lemon juice and hp?

My thinking is the first bucket with hp kills mold and critters (if any). Second bucket washes off dirt and debris. Other two buckets rinse off the residue from the first two, along with any remaining debris. Skip the first bucket with hp if no worries about mold or bugs.

Just want to make sure I understand the correct process.

@Carcass recently shared the method that he has been using to bud wash and I have been trying it lately. It never made much sense to me either, mixing the baking soda and lemon juice together, neutralizing each. What is the best method of bud washing?

A shipment has arrived from @CoffeeShopSeeds, so now I can show you some of the genetics we will be closing out the rest of this year with! It is going to be a very tasty fall and winter around here!
  • Blue Dream x 5
  • Purple Punch x 3
  • BlueBerry x3
  • Super Kush x5
  • Critical Kush x3
  • O. Gelato x3
  • Dos Si Dos 33 x3
@Carcass recently shared the method that he has been using to bud wash and I have been trying it lately. It never made much sense to me either, mixing the baking soda and lemon juice together, neutralizing each. What is the best method of bud washing?

Bookmarked 🥰

I’ve been doing it wrong! I was told lemon and bicarb.

And I notice you have some little monsters! I love monstercropping:)
I haven’t cloned as much lately as I have a few magical seeds.

I did a last minute monstercropped clone of a wedding cake I’m growing and she is just revegging now. She is a hot freaky little mess lolll.

I love taking a little freak, then treating it with love, care, attention and training and making it something. I know this sounds airy fairy but I find the process healing.

Have you monstercropped before?
Have you monstercropped before?
Just a couple of times... I like topping/lst better because there is an immediate increase in bud count, without the delay associated with cropping and then recovery. While it is nice that over time you can indeed get monster plants, the less invasive methods get you to harvest sooner with a fairly decent yield. Faster turn around time means less cost of production (unless you grow out near the pool using natural sunshine) and the ability to quickly turn around harvests.
We have been in trim jail for the last several nights, so please excuse the thin updates. As far as I can determine, mold has only affected the older plants and only parts of them are ruined. Every plant harvested so far has had some of the problem. The new plants do not have any signs of this problem and I believe it is because they all stand up a bit taller and have been getting more of the breeze coming from the fan mounted on the wall 14' away. When it got up above 90° along with 80-100% humidity, the plants just were not able to move the moisture they transpired away, and mold was the result. One plant, one of the white widows has been totally spared and looks and smells much stronger than the rest of this run. I will feature some pictures of her buds here tonight.

Here are the tangies, now at day 17 of bloom. Today was watering and feeding day and they were happy to see both happen.

Then lets look at the top of the bloom room, and the taller newer plants, at day 46 of bloom. Here is Hulkberry, and then the rest around the back edge of the room.


It was also watering day for the bigger girls who are still a couple of waterings away from their next feeding.

I will finish out with some closeups of the last White Widow, just watered again today. She is at an unbelievable 77 days of bloom today, and still not quite ready. At this point I just want to be done with this grow that was damaged by forcing them to go with the 13.5 hour days and I am going to be happy to get anything worth smoking out of the batch. So far I have not smoked any of it, from that first WW that started to mold and had to be pulled early, to now both of the Vanilla Kush that have been harvested and in the drying process. The next one to be pulled is going to be WW #2 and you can see her in the picture above, with all the brown leaves in the bottom left of the picture. With a close trim, she might be able to be smoked... but I am not excited about it. This baby here though, gets my juices flowing... she seems to have survived all the nonsense, in good form.

Clone report:
Remember the 1 out of the 9 that didn't put out roots? I redipped her, re-chopped some notches in the stem and put her back in the cloner. I think it has been 20 or 22 days... I lost count, but today she is putting out roots! 100% once again for the bubble cloner!

Here are the rooted clones. One didn't have enough leaves to make it, although it did put out roots. That one is going to be culled. The rest of them have turned into some extremely vigorous clones! These things are going crazy!

We have been in trim jail for the last several nights, so please excuse the thin updates. As far as I can determine, mold has only affected the older plants and only parts of them are ruined. Every plant harvested so far has had some of the problem. The new plants do not have any signs of this problem and I believe it is because they all stand up a bit taller and have been getting more of the breeze coming from the fan mounted on the wall 14' away. When it got up above 90° along with 80-100% humidity, the plants just were not able to move the moisture they transpired away, and mold was the result. One plant, one of the white widows has been totally spared and looks and smells much stronger than the rest of this run. I will feature some pictures of her buds here tonight.

I adore you calling the process "trim jail". Will most definitely be using that term from now on!

That is tragic about the mould and we send our condolences. So much time and effort goes into it. I reckon the air flow from the fan spared some of your plants. That humidity is brutal though.

In our last outdoor grow "Slammy's Outdoor Adventures" we had 2 out of 4 get bud rot due to the humidity and wet season in Australia. Didn't even do our last update for months after harvest, as we were bitter about it. Very keen to see those White Widow photos.
Veg Room #1
This is where the rooting clones reside under the 18 hour light from the @Mars Hydro SP-3000. There is a whole lot of action in here right now, but I am still under my legal plant count as long as we consider that the cuttings in the cloner are not yet plants that can be counted. Soon I will be giving away a lot of these clones and will save just enough for one more run before we get back to seeds, and these wonderful genetics that just came in from @CoffeeShopSeeds !

Veg Room #2
Here is where the Auto sits, enjoying the 19 hour day in this room. This is also the present home of the @DYNOMYCO side by side experiment. Soon I will be uppotting all of these to 3 gallon containers so we can continue their training without running out of room. As soon as we can confirm the females, we will uppot to 5g containers, isolate which ones are which and then get on with the side by side experiment. Sorry, but the picture taken for this section is not working

Bloom Room
Today I was planning on pulling the second White Widow, but as soon as I saw how quickly the mold had completely taken over the plant, hopes of harvesting even a little went out the window. Its just not worth the effort, and frankly, it was so sad that I didn't even take a picture of the nasty stuff. I just pulled it out of the room where it can no longer cause harm.

The last plant in this run, the good White Widow was chopped, just so we can get it harvested before it turns too. It thankfully looks to be some of the best pot we have produced for a while, and tonight I will be in trim jail again, working to get a good harvest on this one. This plant is being harvested on the 80th day of its bloom. Luckily, the first plants in the next batch will be getting done soon too, since they are in day 49 of their bloom.

To make sure this doesn't happen again, another fan has been added to the room, a floor oscillating fan. I also spent about 4 hours up there today trimming the lower canopy of all the plants... a job I should have done long ago and now have had to pay for my laziness. Here is the big wall fan:

If we get more mold, it is not due to a lack of trying to avoid it.
Sorry to hear about your White Widow with mould. But, I'm happy to see that the other one looks so good.

Have fun trimming!
First, a clone report:


I have 2 more clones coming out of the cloner probably tomorrow, with sufficient roots to do well in soil.


That will leave 6 in the cloner and 10 on the grow table in Veg 1. It looks like I need to give away a few clones this week! These things are massive and even without training are going to develop into some large producing plants, and I haven't even begun to train them yet.

Next, a Bloom Room report, after a terrible picture of how much product was lost due to bud rot:


Then I want to show what happens when our plants get hungry and start to show a potassium deficiency. Here is a leaf that is now greening back up after the bi-weekly feeding and heavy use of the Sweet Candy supplement.


I will finish with some bud and plant shots. These plants were let to go an extra day between waterings this time, just to dry out the soil and pull oxygen way down deep into the containers. Some say you shouldn't do this and then others say that it is good to "drought" them a bit. I fall in the middle on this one, call it flushing the roots with oxygen, and force them to a hanging leaf dry out once in every 4 waterings. Watch for some more shots of the same plants tomorrow so you can see how they responded. These girls were watered this morning around 10am and these pictures were taken about 6pm, where they look a lot better than they did.

Here are a few of the buds that are just about to be harvested in a week or two. I have been pulling some of the yellow leaves that appear to be being cast off by the plants. The leaf to calyx ratio is too high on some of these, and they do seem to be trying to get rid of the big leaves that are covering up bud sites below them. Today I helped a bit in that task, while also trying to make the eventual harvest a little easier. Normally I don't mess with my plants at this stage in the grow, but I have to fight this heat and humidity somehow, and dying leaves left on the plant are not helping.


Strawberry Lemonade

Green Crack

Ghost Train Haze
First, the clones. There are too many of them and it is all because of the efficiency of the bubble cloner. Out of 17 attempts, 16 got roots, and one failed because it didn't have enough top growth and never should have been attempted. At the moment there are 15... too much for this room. I am going to keep 6, the rest go out the door or will be turned into compost.


The bloom room is finishing up the older crowd, now sitting at day 57 of bloom. SL and GC enter their harvest window in 3 days, and the GTH and HB are due in 9 days. Mold is not a problem in the room at this time. These older plants are all being restricted on water at the moment, as I plan on droughting them a bit. So far it has been 4 days since watering, but they have slowed down on their water usage a bit too and are no longer liking the every other day watering. I am re-evaluating the situation on a daily basis, but so far things are looking good. The younger Tangerine Dreams were watered today, being at day 28 of bloom.

Here are 2 sets of pictures of the plants that will finish up first, first Green Crack


And next Strawberry Lemonade

First, the clones. There are too many of them and it is all because of the efficiency of the bubble cloner. Out of 17 attempts, 16 got roots, and one failed because it didn't have enough top growth and never should have been attempted. At the moment there are 15... too much for this room. I am going to keep 6, the rest go out the door or will be turned into compost.
That's a nice "problem" to have and gives you the opportunity to select the best of the group either by structure or root growth or whatever metric you prefer. I usually pick best root growth with the upper structure used as a tie break if needed.

What's your criteria going to be?
That's a nice "problem" to have and gives you the opportunity to select the best of the group either by structure or root growth or whatever metric you prefer. I usually pick best root growth with the upper structure used as a tie break if needed.

What's your criteria going to be?
The first cut will be that I want to have 3 sets of 2, so I have the ability to keep a few of these lines going. I haven't even decided yet which strains I am going for, but I know that Green Crack has already made the cut. Strawberry Lemonade and Ghost Train Haze are also high on the list. Where I have multiples to chose from, I will probably do as you did, looking for overall vigor as the deciding factor.
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