CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Bloom Report

After a few days of 12/12 lighting, things seem to be going back to normal. All of a sudden, at day 56, the older plants seem to be really trying to finish out. Suddenly orange pistils can be seen on the Vanilla Kush, where there were none before. Same with two of the white widows that were refusing to finish. The problem plant looks a lot better than it did a couple of days ago, and I have hopes that she will now finish almost normally from all appearances tonight. The hang dog droopy look that I was noticing last week, is gone.

Just because I introduced an artificial delay in the end with the crazy lighting, I have decided to feed these older plants again, so that they for sure have everything they need to finish up. I fully expect harvest to start with some of these plants, within the next 2 weeks or so. This is not how we intended to run this revolving constant harvest grow, but with the additional light installed in the bloom room yesterday, we have a backup plan. As long as you close one eye and squint a little bit while you are doing a plant count in that room, all is well here in steamy hot Missouri where it hit 98 again today.
I had a decision to make... should I spring for some more Massive or find a cheaper alternative? I have already been using Sweet Candy and it is considerably cheaper, being in powder form, so I was already leaning in that direction. It seems that SC has been changed, as this company tends to do regularly with all of their products... but in this case, I can't find anything not to like. The product went from 0-0-16 to 0-27-27! This is fantastic! Now it is not only a Terpinator and Massive replacement, but now with the P added in, it looks a lot like Purpinator!

I have ordered a large bag that should last a couple of years. Yay me!

Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! NPK 0-27-27
  • Specialized for soil-type mediums that can benefit from organics and microbes.
  • Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants.
  • Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields.
  • Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
  • New formula now also includes Kelp extract, Fulvic acid and Humic acids!
Things are still humming along here, but not a lot to report in the last couple of days, since most all the action being reported in this journal has recently been in the bloom room, and it thankfully is looking a lot better. I will be in there watering later and will get some more pictures of the buds continuing to turn toward harvest, but this morning I want to report on our next round getting ready to hit Veg 1, our clones.

As far as future projects, I have new seeds on the way from @CoffeeShopSeeds that I will want to show off. I also have a bunch of seeds coming in from Herbies as one of the prizes of the GJOTM contest, both Autos and Regulars... it is going to get very exciting around here!

So far on our immediate cloning project, there are no roots, but they haven't quite transitioned back to veg in the short 4 days in the cloner, but they are working on it. Even the little tiny one that I didn't have much hopes for, is still standing strong, and the bubble cloner appears to be doing its job quite well. The bubbles seem to be making it wet in there just as they should, and I can see little spots on some of the stems that look like they might eventually produce roots... for now we watch and wait. I haven't mentioned it yet, but they are being lit in an 18/6 pattern by a single WYZE smart bulb, set on 6400K. The cloner itself is sitting on a heat mat set to 75°F, not usually activated except overnight, because daytime temperatures are at least in the upper 90s in that room. I expect the transition to veg to be complete in 3 days, and I expect roots shortly after that.
I had a decision to make... should I spring for some more Massive or find a cheaper alternative? I have already been using Sweet Candy and it is considerably cheaper, being in powder form, so I was already leaning in that direction. It seems that SC has been changed, as this company tends to do regularly with all of their products... but in this case, I can't find anything not to like. The product went from 0-0-16 to 0-27-27! This is fantastic! Now it is not only a Terpinator and Massive replacement, but now with the P added in, it looks a lot like Purpinator!

I have ordered a large bag that should last a couple of years. Yay me!

Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! NPK 0-27-27
  • Specialized for soil-type mediums that can benefit from organics and microbes.
  • Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants.
  • Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields.
  • Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
  • New formula now also includes Kelp extract, Fulvic acid and Humic acids!
I'm getting really close to running out of Terpinator for my outside girls.

Sweet Candy with liquefied Bone Meal could be a very cost effective way to go.

Would liquefied bone meal even be needed now that SC is 0-27-27?
Got really lucky and picked up a gallon of LBM at my grow shop for ten bucks, but can use for soil building.
I'm getting really close to running out of Terpinator for my outside girls.

Sweet Candy with liquefied Bone Meal could be a very cost effective way to go.

Would liquefied bone meal even be needed now that SC is 0-27-27?
Got really lucky and picked up a gallon of LBM at my grow shop for ten bucks, but can use for soil building.
I am thinking that it wouldn't even be needed. The SC packs quite a punch in its 1g/gal dosage.
Bloom Room Report
We are at day 60 today, and these very sticky buds are still a week or so away from finishing out. Its sisters are probably 2-3 weeks away, with the Vanilla Kush somewhere in between that. The long day definitely affected the end date for both of these varieties. The buds however are massive and very tight. There is going to be some very good weight on this plant by the time we are done.

@Sierra Natural Science 's prizes arrived today! Along with what I already had on the shelf, I now have 3 huge packages of SNS 217c Spider Mite Control! Each package makes a quart of ready to use spray. You know how the rule works, its when you are not ready for the destructive little critters, that they attack you.
I also got in the prize package a pouch that will make 20 gallons (!!!) of SNS 209, their all natural Systemic Pest Control, that should be used from the seedling stage all the way through the grow. This is good stuff that I will definitely be using in my garden. Thank you guys! Much appreciated!
Clone update:
Today is day 7 and as predicted they have reverted back to veg and immediately started to send out roots. Two plants are already showing roots, and I have realized because of where they were that they have been getting too many bubbles. The ones that started to root have had the least amount of bubble action, so now with all of the bubbles slowed down, we should get a lot more roots soon.
Today was watering day in the bloom room, old new and in between. The Tangies have been in there for the last 7 days and finally have transitioned to the point that I could verify that they were all female. That was a close call, because the final plant had been banished into that room several days before the others as a possible male, but refused to let us see for sure. Today I found my first pistil, and she and the others got fed BLOOM and watered after 5 days. Now that they are starting to bloom, our 4 tangies should stretch out a bit for another week or so and their roots should continue to get stronger too.

While I forgot to take pictures of our tangies, I did concentrate on getting shots of our buds that should be finishing up. We are at day 61 on plants that should have been finishing up about now, but these still have a ways to go. I am continuing to be patient, knowing that the light experiment is what screwed them up, and if we have to let them go 12 weeks, we will. I don't think it is going to take that long though, because they are still going through a lot of water and obviously working hard. I have been watching for nanners, and so far have not found any.

Today, I made my intake fan smart. No timer was adequate for the job needed. The problem is that I want that fan on as much as possible to bring in fresh air, but I don't want to bring in hot 98 degree air either.

I am using a website called If This Then That, or iftt . com. This handy site lets you program applets, that will link your smart devices with data collection sites to provide conditional programing. I linked my WYZE plug with Weather Underground, and now automatically, when the temperature outside gets above 78°, the fan goes off. When the temperature outside drops below 78°, the fan comes on.

ittt image.jpg
Bloom Report:
The oldest buds continue to finish out, today being day 62 of bloom for the White Widows and Vanilla Kush. They do look like they are trying, but I have no clue when they are going to get done.


The middle group with SL, GTH, GC, and HB are doing great and appear to be on a normal schedule at day 31 of bloom.

The newest set, the Tangerine Dream girls, have just started to bloom, with the one that was a suspected male about a week ahead of the others. They are under a pretty intense light, so I don't expect them to stretch too much, and they can still see the red light at the other end of the room. I think it still affects them.

Hi @Azimuth,

Can you add an additional level like have it shut off below a certain temp as well?
I am not an expert, and I am not sure what kind of system you are looking at, but it should be possible to find a relatively inexpensive temperature-controlled switch.
Back when I lived in a cold zone, I had a switch in my pumphouse that would turn on a heat lamp whenever it got below 55F (maybe 13C) inside the house. And I think you can probably find them with other temperature settings, for not too much money.
Hi @Azimuth,

I am not an expert, and I am not sure what kind of system you are looking at, but it should be possible to find a relatively inexpensive temperature-controlled switch.
Back when I lived in a cold zone, I had a switch in my pumphouse that would turn on a heat lamp whenever it got below 55F (maybe 13C) inside the house. And I think you can probably find them with other temperature settings, for not too much money.
Mine was done with an $8 WYZE smart plug and a little bit of ingenuity. Once I add WYZE temperature and humidity sensors in the room, I can get really fancy. I find it totally cool that I can make my smart house react to the world around it, and do different things depending on if I am here or away, respond to the weather, the sun or even the space shuttle flying overhead. I have a color bulb in my desk lamp that alerts me to many things... it blinks when alarms go off around me, it turns red when we have a weather alert, turns green when someone is at my door... technology has really become amazing lately!
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