CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Not much going on today. The PK in Veg 1 got watered today and all the Dynomyco test plants got sprayed or watered a couple of times already.
Our Auto is doing fine in Veg 2 along with the oversized Tangies with just 10 days to go before room swap time. I have already decided to fudge things a bit since bloom is not going to be done by then, and I may move them over to the bloom room, but will be moving at least a couple of plants already in bloom under an additional light to make room for these 3 Tangies. In the next few rounds I will be working at getting better with the monthly timing.

The bloom room is an amazing place to visit these days. They are all 2 days from watering and could go another day, so I am going to let them. The older plants will get fed tomorrow, and again, signs of P deficiency are showing up in some of the leaves and I think I even see the start of a Mg deficiency in some of the mid level fans. Rather than freak and add some supplements, I will wait to see how this feeding does. At day 43 of 60, this will probably be their last feeding.




At day 43 of 60, this will probably be their last feeding
Girls are looking great!!!

Due you just go by the breeder timeline to guage 2 weeks from harvest and stopping GF or do you go by other signs in the plant to guage 2 weeks?

I'm not sure I'll know 2 weeks from harvest, guessing nothing real bady happens if they get fed closer to harvest?
Girls are looking great!!!

Due you just go by the breeder timeline to guage 2 weeks from harvest and stopping GF or do you go by other signs in the plant to guage 2 weeks?

I'm not sure I'll know 2 weeks from harvest, guessing nothing real bady happens if they get fed closer to harvest?
Hi Tim!
I love the question, so thank you for asking! I find that the people who know best about the particular variety of pot I am growing, are the breeders. When they recommend that their creation goes for 65 days, I believe them.

You may have also noticed that I don't gauge the start of bloom like many people do. I wait for bloom to actually start before starting that timer, and depending on the variety it will be 7 - 10 days after "the flip" to 12/12 light. I am finding that in my longer 13.5 hour day environment, this transition from veg to bloom takes an extra day, so what I am growing now took about 8 days to convert to bloom mode. I have added a growth stage that I document in my gardens, the Transition stage.

I have known for years that when I do my calculations in this way, I am usually within a day or two of the breeder's recommendation, and as a result I have found the breeders to be accurate and my method pretty right on and exactly what my eyes are telling me when I watch this process happen. Because of that knowledge, I have been able to observe some interesting things that happen near the end.

One thing I have noticed is that at the 2 week till end point, there are still white pistils sticking up everywhere, but at 6 weeks every single one of them gets a kink in it or a dramatic bend of some sort. This is my sign, that we are close. In longer running plants, like sativas, this 2 week end period stretches into 3 weeks, just as the Transition period will vary according to the length of the bloom period.

So you correctly noted my hesitation when I said this would PROBABLY be their last feeding. Good catch! You get a gold star! I am combining all of this above into this evaluation... the length the breeders tell me, and what I see happening on the buds. If however, I get to the next feeding time, and due to the lights or whatever, it doesn't look like we are finishing up in a matter of days, I will be thinking seriously about feeding one more time.
Hi Tim!
I love the question, so thank you for asking! I find that the people who know best about the particular variety of pot I am growing, are the breeders. When they recommend that their creation goes for 65 days, I believe them.

You may have also noticed that I don't gauge the start of bloom like many people do. I wait for bloom to actually start before starting that timer, and depending on the variety it will be 7 - 10 days after "the flip" to 12/12 light. I am finding that in my longer 13.5 hour day environment, this transition from veg to bloom takes an extra day, so what I am growing now took about 8 days to convert to bloom mode. I have added a growth stage that I document in my gardens, the Transition stage.

I have known for years that when I do my calculations in this way, I am usually within a day or two of the breeder's recommendation, and as a result I have found the breeders to be accurate and my method pretty right on and exactly what my eyes are telling me when I watch this process happen. Because of that knowledge, I have been able to observe some interesting things that happen near the end.

One thing I have noticed is that at the 2 week till end point, there are still white pistils sticking up everywhere, but at 6 weeks every single one of them gets a kink in it or a dramatic bend of some sort. This is my sign, that we are close. In longer running plants, like sativas, this 2 week end period stretches into 3 weeks, just as the Transition period will vary according to the length of the bloom period.

So you correctly noted my hesitation when I said this would PROBABLY be their last feeding. Good catch! You get a gold star! I am combining all of this above into this evaluation... the length the breeders tell me, and what I see happening on the buds. If however, I get to the next feeding time, and due to the lights or whatever, it doesn't look like we are finishing up in a matter of days, I will be thinking seriously about feeding one more time.
As always, a great explanation, thank you!
Hi Tim!
I love the question, so thank you for asking! I find that the people who know best about the particular variety of pot I am growing, are the breeders. When they recommend that their creation goes for 65 days, I believe them.

You may have also noticed that I don't gauge the start of bloom like many people do. I wait for bloom to actually start before starting that timer, and depending on the variety it will be 7 - 10 days after "the flip" to 12/12 light. I am finding that in my longer 13.5 hour day environment, this transition from veg to bloom takes an extra day, so what I am growing now took about 8 days to convert to bloom mode. I have added a growth stage that I document in my gardens, the Transition stage.

I have known for years that when I do my calculations in this way, I am usually within a day or two of the breeder's recommendation, and as a result I have found the breeders to be accurate and my method pretty right on and exactly what my eyes are telling me when I watch this process happen. Because of that knowledge, I have been able to observe some interesting things that happen near the end.

One thing I have noticed is that at the 2 week till end point, there are still white pistils sticking up everywhere, but at 6 weeks every single one of them gets a kink in it or a dramatic bend of some sort. This is my sign, that we are close. In longer running plants, like sativas, this 2 week end period stretches into 3 weeks, just as the Transition period will vary according to the length of the bloom period.

So you correctly noted my hesitation when I said this would PROBABLY be their last feeding. Good catch! You get a gold star! I am combining all of this above into this evaluation... the length the breeders tell me, and what I see happening on the buds. If however, I get to the next feeding time, and due to the lights or whatever, it doesn't look like we are finishing up in a matter of days, I will be thinking seriously about feeding one more time.
Wow some awesome reading. Had me checking my pistils straight after reading this hahahaha :passitleft: Cheers Em.
You may have also noticed that I don't gauge the start of bloom like many people do. I wait for bloom to actually start before starting that timer, and depending on the variety it will be 7 - 10 days after "the flip" to 12/12 light.
And what 'officially' starts your clock? Not first sign of pistils I imagine because some strains show them in veg. Are you looking for budlets, or just more than one pistil in a grouping, something else?

One thing I have noticed is that at the 2 week till end point, there are still white pistils sticking up everywhere, but at 6 weeks every single one of them gets a kink in it or a dramatic bend of some sort. This is my sign, that we are close.
That's an interesting observation and one I've not noticed. I will pay more attention. So you're saying when the white pistils kink over there is roughly another couple of weeks before harvest?
And what 'officially' starts your clock? Not first sign of pistils I imagine because some strains show them in veg. Are you looking for budlets, or just more than one pistil in a grouping, something else?

That's an interesting observation and one I've not noticed. I will pay more attention. So you're saying when the white pistils kink over there is roughly another couple of weeks before harvest?
Not quite budlets but the first potential of budlets. There comes a day when instead of new green growth at the tips, suddenly a bunch of pistils erupt from the center. It doesn't need to be a lot of pistils, but that day when I suddenly see 4-8 new pistils where green growth once was... that is the first day of bloom. It is an entirely subjective thing.

The 6 week point, or 2 weeks left point, is when ALL of the pistils have that kink. Quite by luck, I perfectly illustrated that with yesterdays bud shots. By that time, most strains have maybe 60% colored pistils too, but that indicator is a bit hard to gauge in some varieties, but this pistil thing seems to be almost universal.
Love it, thank you. I prefer things to be much less subjective than "when a bunch of pistils turn color" or something, and these two observations of yours help move things in that direction.

Still a bit subjective, but much more repeatable than many other approaches.

Thank you everyone who voted for this journal for Grow Journal of the Month. This was my third win of that coveted award, and with this win today, I am very happy to have won a new title in each of the last 3 years. As always, I am indebted to each and every one of you for this continued support and I love you all. I will continue to strive to make my journals not only interesting, but also a great place to learn cutting edge techniques.
I'm having a great time following this journal, Emilya, and learning a lot. Congratulations on MOTM & GJOTM. Your contributions to this site are very much appreciated.
Congrats in the win!!

Your journals are always topnotch and full of great info and detail that benefits both the novice and the more experienced growers.

You were SO helpful when I showed up here two years not knowing a darn thing and I'm forever grateful for all the help and attention. You always help the newbies, and that's rare.

Let me pass you this as a thanks :bongrip:
Hahaha, I wondered about that! Where do I go to cast my vote? (Better late then never!)
Em, I would tell you that your help is like an answer to prayer, but I don't want your head to swell, so I won't say that (hahaha).
Hahaha, I wondered about that! Where do I go to cast my vote? (Better late then never!)
Em, I would tell you that your help is like an answer to prayer, but I don't want your head to swell, so I won't say that (hahaha).
The only reason I was able to mention the contest here was because the contest had just ended. To promote it here would have broken the rule of electioneering, and automatically disqualified me. Please do support the various contests run by this very generous forum and its sponsors. On the right side of the green bar at the top of this webpage you will find the pulldown, Entertainment. Click there and you will see the monthly and annual contests links.
So, I am sitting here musing about what effect the 13.5 hours of light each day is going to do to the harvest time of these plants. If you think about it, that is 90 extra hours in a 60 day period, and if you break that down into how much extra that is over a 12/12 day, it is roughly a week of extra daylight, or 7.5 days. Does this mean the plants could finish a week early? The world wants to know. Any thoughts?
Interesting question. If so, would that suggest that plants that max out their DLI mature sooner, or conversely do plants that don't get their max DLI take longer to mature?

There are things that reportedly do cause faster finishing, like enzymes. Coot talks about how his malted barley teas caused his plants to finish 15-20% faster.

Your red light experiment is off into uncharted waters so it will be interesting to hear your conclusions.
So, I am sitting here musing about what effect the 13.5 hours of light each day is going to do to the harvest time of these plants. If you think about it, that is 90 extra hours in a 60 day period, and if you break that down into how much extra that is over a 12/12 day, it is roughly a week of extra daylight, or 7.5 days. Does this mean the plants could finish a week early? The world wants to know. Any thoughts?

If the question is up for grabs I would like to say; There could be a relation on the speed and quantity in which the flowers form and rippens with the amount of dark hours. Small changes in photoperiod have an impact on the phenotype structure of the plant (this includes nodes, stem and leaf elongation, and many others) many phytohormones will react too, depending on photoperiods.

Here is a link I find somewhat helpful and is related to your question.
If I understood correctly two stages of flowering take place; the flower initiation where the plant structures itself to build flowers (this stage needs a certain demand in photoperiod and photon flux) and once the flower is set, stablished and grown the second stage takes place; flower or fruit ripening (this stage needs a certain demand in photoperiod and photon flux).

If you have time to read this, its very science based.

Photon flux concept was introduced to me by @ReservoirDog

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