CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

My updates are going to be a little lite for the next 48 hours. This weekend is Ham Radio Field Day in the US and Canada, and my morse code skills are needed for extra points. The deaf girl who copies morse code visually and can't be distracted by the noises all around her, is a secret weapon. I usually get nearly half the points our club makes in the contest, since morse code contacts count double. Wish me luck!
My updates are going to be a little lite for the next 48 hours. This weekend is Ham Radio Field Day in the US and Canada, and my morse code skills are needed for extra points. The deaf girl who copies morse code visually and can't be distracted by the noises all around her, is a secret weapon. I usually get nearly half the points our club makes in the contest, since morse code contacts count double. Wish me luck!

If you do morse code like you do cannabis plantas, they are in big trouble!!
@Emilya What size pots are the old flower girls?
they are a mixture... not intentional though. I was going for 5g cloth containers, but someone got stoned and things got mixed up. There is a 3, a 7 and the rest are 5s. The 7 wasn't filled all the way, so its closer to 6. lol This is one of the reasons I decided to standardize my 5g talls... now I own 20 of them.
they are a mixture... not intentional though. I was going for 5g cloth containers, but someone got stoned and things got mixed up. There is a 3, a 7 and the rest are 5s. The 7 wasn't filled all the way, so its closer to 6. lol This is one of the reasons I decided to standardize my 5g talls... now I own 20 of them.
Haha. #stonedGardening ha

Is that 7, really 6, getting watered every other day too?
Today I started to train the bigger Purple Kush using the small version hoops and to start widening her out as she babysits her little siblings there in the same room. She is looking great and will need to be uppotted soon, probably to a 3 gallon.

Nothing needed to be done in Veg 2... they know what to do, and suddenly I am noticing pistils here and there. Tomorrow I will do a better survey of what is going on in there... for tonight, I am going to bed early.

Bloom needed watering all around. The new plants also needed feeding, being 15 days since the last. The new plants got their first Massive along with their Terpinator. The older plants seem to be continuing to pack on more weight and darken a few more pistils.
Our lone PK continues to grow and suck up water fast and faster. Today all I had to do was reinforce the training a bit more.


I went searching for and found 3 clear females on the grow table. Unfortunately, I think I have also spotted 2 more males out of the group, making the total on this run 3 females out of 8 .. not real good odds. I think I will stick these suspected males in the bloom room for a few days to see if I can get them to fully convert, and then I will get rid of them. Here, hopefully are pictures of the first pistils.


All is well here so far, the new ones are completing their stretch period and now are about the size of my tallest plants on the previous round. Stretch is definitely over 50% at this point, but seems to be well under control. The new plants have definitely continued to build their roots and I think they could handle the 2 day watering schedule at this point. We will try it and find out. The old plants are at day 40 of bloom.
I made my morning run through the grow rooms a little while ago, making notes as to what needs to be done today.

Veg Room #2 is at 6 days since watering and feeding, and they are looking a bit droopy this morning. I will get in there this evening to water them to runoff. We are at day 18 in the room rotation, so we are looking at 12 days before the scheduled time to rotate. The problem is that the oldest plants in bloom are at day 41, and are probably a good 20 days from finishing out. This is going to stall the 1 month rotation into bloom, but that works because the next round in Veg1 is not even close to being ready to rotate. We will adjust accordingly.

Bloom Room
Just one camera shot this morning, 2 days from the last watering. The buds are all starting to take on major weight and the big ones not yet in tomato cages are being evaluated on a daily basis as to whether they can still stand up on their own.
My updates are going to be a little lite for the next 48 hours. This weekend is Ham Radio Field Day in the US and Canada, and my morse code skills are needed for extra points. The deaf girl who copies morse code visually and can't be distracted by the noises all around her, is a secret weapon. I usually get nearly half the points our club makes in the contest, since morse code contacts count double. Wish me luck!
How did it go?
How did it go?
It went very well, and thank you for asking. I made 618 contacts in I think 10 different countries. There were a few times in there when the computer logged me making as many as 10 contacts a minute, sending and receiving morse code at better than 50 words per minute, when the operator on the other end could handle it. The bands were in decent shape since we had some recent sunspots rotate toward Earth the previous week, but we still lacked the solar activity to cause all the bands to open up. 10 meters was dead this year, maybe next year will be better. There was also a contest in Europe, organized by the Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE, or Spanish Amateur Radio Union) and I was able to work several stations in Spain and the islands off of the coast because of all of their activity.
It rained on us Saturday night so temporarily all the radio equipment needed to be scooted inside, but after the storm passed we got back to work and enjoyed an extremely nice day on Sunday, with the high only reaching 70, along with a brisk wind. This was a welcome relief after Saturday's heat index of 107, where most of us thought we were going to die, most of us not used to being outside in that kind of heat. We stayed hydrated and pushed through, and enjoyed our pot luck BBQ featuring pulled pork at dinnertime on Saturday night with about 40 people on site. Overnight I kept going, fueled on energy drinks and sweet tea, and an occasional trip around the building to enjoy my special medicine.
Veg Room #1
Today I needed to water the Purple Kush and adjust her training. The rest of the activity in here is covered in the Dynomyco test thread.

Veg Room #2
No one needed water in here today, but they are getting close. The girls are getting massive and suddenly lots of pistils are being spotted on the 3 plants already identified... the rest of them are convincing me more so each day that they are males.

Bloom Room
Suddenly, the older blooms are beginning to change. The buds are getting heavy, and one of the white widows was unable to hold up a few of her branches, and the others didn't look far behind. So out came the tomato cage parts box and I built up 3 or maybe 4 supported plants, not just the old ones, but several of the new tall plants too. I am also very pleased to see what happens when building a cage in these new tapered tall 5g planters. This forces the vertical support stakes to angle outward, making the opening wider at the top than at the bottom. It's a little harder to get the horizontal supports attached, but the cage ends up being wider and much more sturdy than I have seen when using the cloth smartpots.

The new plants are about 18 days since the flip and 10 days into actual bloom, so they should be done stretching by now. I will get some measurements, but we did get some significant stretch on a couple of them, but still not outrageous and I think below 100%. I believe at this point that the red lights averted a disaster here, with some plants that like to get very tall. I also don't think the tall 5g containers helped reduce the stretch and probably caused a little more, since as below, we see the same above.


While there are still plenty of white pistils everywhere, we are at the 6 week point with the older plants and the buds are starting to look like they are starting to finish up. If this were a synthetic grow, I would 3x flush at this point, but here that is not necessary. It still looks like there is a good 3 weeks to go, but we will see what both varieties end up doing. Trichome development is not where I would like to see it... could it be the lights? I am patiently waiting it out to see what happens.
It went very well, and thank you for asking. I made 618 contacts in I think 10 different countries. There were a few times in there when the computer logged me making as many as 10 contacts a minute, sending and receiving morse code at better than 50 words per minute, when the operator on the other end could handle it. The bands were in decent shape since we had some recent sunspots rotate toward Earth the previous week, but we still lacked the solar activity to cause all the bands to open up. 10 meters was dead this year, maybe next year will be better. There was also a contest in Europe, organized by the Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE, or Spanish Amateur Radio Union) and I was able to work several stations in Spain and the islands off of the coast because of all of their activity.
It rained on us Saturday night so temporarily all the radio equipment needed to be scooted inside, but after the storm passed we got back to work and enjoyed an extremely nice day on Sunday, with the high only reaching 70, along with a brisk wind. This was a welcome relief after Saturday's heat index of 107, where most of us thought we were going to die, most of us not used to being outside in that kind of heat. We stayed hydrated and pushed through, and enjoyed our pot luck BBQ featuring pulled pork at dinnertime on Saturday night with about 40 people on site. Overnight I kept going, fueled on energy drinks and sweet tea, and an occasional trip around the building to enjoy my special medicine.
Sounds like a blast. You would have made an excellent spy lol.

Played golf Saturday, heat was brutal.
... -- ...
Just read your watering thread again

:thanks: [that doesn't mean I totally agree, just mostly lol]
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