CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Lovely, just lovely all around. 99 and they seem to like it eh? I assume you would not allow that in flower?
That is flower... I don't have a lot of choice in the matter. My point is, that these plants have been enduring these temperatures forever, and this weed is still around. I don't let a bit of temperature bother me too much, certainly not enough to spend hundreds of dollars in trying to air condition the environment in my attic.
I'm the same way about heat in my small grow space, in that I'm not going to air condition it. In the hot summer months I use thermal mass to knock out the high and low temps. Water in my case. The water jugs act as a thermal mass absorbing excess heat during the day and releasing it at night. I do it with gallon jugs of water that I schlep back and forth between the grow cab and the basement, but you wouldn't be able to do that for your grow.

Still, do you have your water barrel in your grow space? If not, that would help if you have any room for it. If not, a few 5 gallon buckets could help as well. Its only June and I don't usually even make that adjustment until mid-August, but these weather patterns we've been having may make me adjust my timing on that 'seasonal' aspect of my grow,
I'm the same way about heat in my small grow space, in that I'm not going to air condition it. In the hot summer months I use thermal mass to knock out the high and low temps. Water in my case. The water jugs act as a thermal mass absorbing excess heat during the day and releasing it at night. I do it with gallon jugs of water that I schlep back and forth between the grow cab and the basement, but you wouldn't be able to do that for your grow.

Still, do you have your water barrel in your grow space? If not, that would help if you have any room for it. If not, a few 5 gallon buckets could help as well. Its only June and I don't usually even make that adjustment until mid-August, but these weather patterns we've been having may make me adjust my timing on that 'seasonal' aspect of my grow,
Yes, I rely on my 55 gallon water barrel up there. One of these days I will run a water line to that area, but I will still use the barrel. I have been threatening to put an air pump and stones in there so I use highly oxygenated water for all of my plants... but, havent done it yet. I did have another 5 gallon in my veg1 room, but it got nasty and I stopped using it when the pump got clogged. I plan on revisiting that too... it sure was handy having 5 gallons available there.

I believe strongly in fans. I have a big oscillating wall fan in the bloom room, a couple of fans doing extraction in Veg 2 and I usually leave the door open to the office area in Veg 1, where the one central air duct is, with a fan blowing some of that air back into the veg area. This is the only reason that it is only 99 up there rather than 120, it does get a wee bit of the house air conditioning.
That is flower... I don't have a lot of choice in the matter. My point is, that these plants have been enduring these temperatures forever, and this weed is still around. I don't let a bit of temperature bother me too much, certainly not enough to spend hundreds of dollars in trying to air condition the environment in my attic.
Understood, just wondering. I am well aware they can take whatever in terms of heat as long as the air is moving adequately.
Understood, just wondering. I am well aware they can take whatever in terms of heat as long as the air is moving adequately.

Wait. @Jon , is that true??
Meaning, I could leave both doors on the greenhouse to make it warmer up there, even in flower??
And I just need to get some fans??

What is the warmest I want to let it get?
I am sure the plants will grow faster if it is warmer, but someone said that you want to keep it cool when you are flowering. Was that a myth?
No, Em. Your buds always look like something off the cover of "Better Budz 'n' Gardens", or something, haha.
Do you have an "ideal temperature range" that you like to keep them in? Or just make sure they have good fans and airflow, and let them tell you?
Wait. @Jon , is that true??
Meaning, I could leave both doors on the greenhouse to make it warmer up there, even in flower??
And I just need to get some fans??

What is the warmest I want to let it get?
I am sure the plants will grow faster if it is warmer, but someone said that you want to keep it cool when you are flowering. Was that a myth?
I would direct you to simply look at @Emilya buds. She’s got 99 degrees in there. How do they look to you?

Lol! See what i mean @el gringuito? Yes, and she’s proving to you in real time!
Just look at my buds... do they appear to be suffering? VPD might be real, but the absolute need to be in it's sweet spot is a myth.
Ah …. I would normally say that as well .:. But …. The big tent has been in the vpd sweet spot since I got the dehumidifier. I actually has to turn the unit UP to stay in the.sweet spot range. You see the tent. Might this be related? Think they’d look the same if I did what I normally do? I honestly don’t know, it’s a sincere question.
Ok, sure, I mean, the evidence is right in front of us, right?
So is there NO ideal temperature range?

So I guess now I am wondering if I should put one door back on the greenhouse, to raise the temperatures some.
Ok, sure, I mean, the evidence is right in front of us, right?
So is there NO ideal temperature range?

So I guess now I am wondering if I should put one door back on the greenhouse, to raise the temperatures some.
I wouldn't intentionally raise the temperature. The ideal temp for this plant is 79F. At that perfect temperature they probably grow the best, but nature has provided a natural buffer for extremes in both directions. But, gurus have to have something to talk about... I just think that people like to worry.
Ok, sure, I mean, the evidence is right in front of us, right?
So is there NO ideal temperature range?

So I guess now I am wondering if I should put one door back on the greenhouse, to raise the temperatures some.
I’m not so sure about that. I tend to believe that every plant has an “ideal” everything - temp/rh/etc that is specific to that plant. But that’s philosophical. In practice, for me personally, I would not have my plants at 99 (she has no choice). It’s actually yet more tribute to her skills that she can make it not matter. Most of our plants, imho, would be having issue with that. I have a personal range that I prefer, but am always experimenting with different stuff, like, high temp veg/low temp flower, etc. I’m not sure anyone can show you definitive scientific data on it.
I wouldn't intentionally raise the temperature. The ideal temp for this plant is 79F. At that perfect temperature they probably grow the best, but nature has provided a natural buffer for extremes in both directions. But, gurus have to have something to talk about... I just think that people like to worry.

Hahaha, ok, I will go take the door back off, haha
I’m not so sure about that. I tend to believe that every plant has an “ideal” everything - temp/rh/etc that is specific to that plant. But that’s philosophical. In practice, for me personally, I would not have my plants at 99 (she has no choice). It’s actually yet more tribute to her skills that she can make it not matter. Most of our plants, imho, would be having issue with that. I have a personal range that I prefer, but am always experimenting with different stuff, like, high temp veg/low temp flower, etc. I’m not sure anyone can show you definitive scientific data on it.

Ok, thank you!
I went up, and if I were a cannabis plant, I think I would like it better with one door on.
I did not receive my thermometers yet, but I am guessing it is maybe @78F?
I like it better with the doors off, but I think they would like it better with one door on... so we will try it!
Ok, sure, I mean, the evidence is right in front of us, right?
So is there NO ideal temperature range?

So I guess now I am wondering if I should put one door back on the greenhouse, to raise the temperatures some.
I think you should get a good solid grow under your belt using as many standard inputs as you can before diving into the deep end of the pool.

Em's already way past that stage and knows enough about how to read her plants to be able to experiment like she does with her cutting edge ideas.

But if you don't have that experience and your plants react negatively at some point how will you know what variable to tweak?

Walk before you run (or long distance sprinting in Em's case) is always a good approach.
I heard about the elections... it is already hot enough in there. ;)

Hahaha, oy. Yes, the elections are a mess!
With both doors off, it is probably @70F and very pleasant to my skin ('cuz I like cool weather).
With one door on, it is probably @78F and it is hotter than I like, but I would think the girls would probably like it better.
I think you should get a good solid grow under your belt using as many standard inputs as you can before diving into the deep end of the pool.

Em's already way past that stage and knows enough about how to read her plants to be able to experiment like she does with her cutting edge ideas.

But if you don't have that experience and your plants react negatively at some point how will you know what variable to tweak?

Walk before you run (or long distance sprinting in Em's case) is always a good approach.

There is no doubt that Em is marathons ahead of me in growing plants.
I will go take the other door back off again, so I can hang out in the Perfume Room with my girls!
Ok, I am a little confused.
I was trying to keep the temperatures in my greenhouse lower only because I have something in bloom, and I read somewhere on 420 that the "ideal temperature" for blooming was lower (and I want to say 68F, but I am not sure)--so I was trying to keep both doors off of the greenhouse during the day, so it would not get too hot.
However, my gut feeling is that the plants would grow a lot faster if I could raise the temperature to about 75-78F, and I have been thinking about raising it to 75-78F for a long time now. I could do this simply by leaving one of the doors on the greenhouse.
So then, if 78F is considered the alleged "ideal temperature", and apparently it does not hurt them to go over that (as they grow cannabis in lots of hot places, including Em's showcase), then why is it wrong for me to put one of the doors back on the greenhouse?
When I think about it, 78F seems like a normal greenhouse temperature, so why is that wrong?
Many thanks.
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