CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

yes, it cost me more to ship it than the unit actually cost. They now sell a driver for it too, but I went to Meanwell and got the appropriate driver there. Then you just need a timer to power the 10 minute events.

Could someone who's not handy at all figure out how to set up/cobble together this light?
Could someone who's not handy at all figure out how to set up/cobble together this light?
yes, it comes pre assembled. All you need to do is figure out how to stick up the aluminum strip and hook up 2 wires from a powersupply. Its even failsafe... if you hook it up backwards it simply fails to work, it doesn't blow out. Easy peezy. Go for it girl. #GirlPower
I am smiling that you are smiling... :rofl: Thank you though... it is nice to finally see green plants instead of bug damage.

Today is the 30th day, and it is time for room rotation. The big ones in veg 2 go to bloom and the unsexed Tangies spread out, with the Auto joining that room to bask in its 19/5 light. The 10 dead seedlings in Veg 1 will be thrown out, new soil brought in and at least the Dynomyco experiment will continue on in there along with the one Purple Kush now at least half a month ahead of any additional plants in there. The room rotation may have to be staggered a bit on the next round... we will see.

This will be the first update today, before all the movement takes place. This evening, I will provide pictures of how things look after all the changes. This morning, just a quick picture from each stage of the process to set the scene.


Also note in this last picture how quickly and effectively a little extra K boosted up these plants. That was exactly what they needed and just 12 hours after watering they look a lot happier. Plants sucking up this much water a day are very responsive.
The rooms…I can’t get over your shade of green. Just Geo eh? You and your damn sweet base soil? Btw - what ppfd level do you veg at?
The rooms…I can’t get over your shade of green. Just Geo eh? You and your damn sweet base soil? Btw - what ppfd level do you veg at?
I forgot to measure it, but in veg 1 I have turned the mars light up as high as I can without causing difficulties, and I use the height to vary the footprint for the larger runs. Veg 2, I start out about 50% on the 420h and lower her down on the girls as much as the footprint allows. By the middle of that month I am trying to stop any thoughts of needing to stretch and I turn it up to 75% and even 100% at the end, preparing them for the MEGA in the next room. I will get you some numbers soon.
Here is the new Veg 2, now populated by our 8 unsexed Tangerine Dream / AK-47 f1s... They are sitting directly on the floor for now because I needed the milk crates that were holding up my vegi-table that makes it so much easier to work on the plants. I will figure out something new, but for now, this will work just fine.

And here is Bloom! We are 2 plants away from a full legal limit in here, and now I can see that the new tall 5 gallon containers are going work just fine, when I need to get 12 of them in here under the MEGA. The new plants will hopefully stretch somewhere below 50% and then will fit in the room without needing milk crates to get their share of the light. The big plants have been pulled out into an outer ring and still under the 5x5 footprint of the light, and the milk crates have been arranged to take up the middle of the footprint, and they put the plants almost up to canopy height. They should have no trouble getting the light they need, and they will be directly under the trigger lights... so they should get the full effect.
Here is the new Veg 2, now populated by our 8 unsexed Tangerine Dream / AK-47 f1s... They are sitting directly on the floor for now because I needed the milk crates that were holding up my vegi-table that makes it so much easier to work on the plants. I will figure out something new, but for now, this will work just fine.

And here is Bloom! We are 2 plants away from a full legal limit in here, and now I can see that the new tall 5 gallon containers are going work just fine, when I need to get 12 of them in here under the MEGA. The new plants will hopefully stretch somewhere below 50% and then will fit in the room without needing milk crates to get their share of the light. The big plants have been pulled out into an outer ring and still under the 5x5 footprint of the light, and the milk crates have been arranged to take up the middle of the footprint, and they put the plants almost up to canopy height. They should have no trouble getting the light they need, and they will be directly under the trigger lights... so they should get the full effect.
Which two are Vanilla Kush? :hmmmm: I've got mine in flower now. :goof: I realize they are in the flower room.:D
I forgot to measure it, but in veg 1 I have turned the mars light up as high as I can without causing difficulties, and I use the height to vary the footprint for the larger runs. Veg 2, I start out about 50% on the 420h and lower her down on the girls as much as the footprint allows. By the middle of that month I am trying to stop any thoughts of needing to stretch and I turn it up to 75% and even 100% at the end, preparing them for the MEGA in the next room. I will get you some numbers soon.
Muchas gracias senorita!
Here is the new Veg 2, now populated by our 8 unsexed Tangerine Dream / AK-47 f1s... They are sitting directly on the floor for now because I needed the milk crates that were holding up my vegi-table that makes it so much easier to work on the plants. I will figure out something new, but for now, this will work just fine.

And here is Bloom! We are 2 plants away from a full legal limit in here, and now I can see that the new tall 5 gallon containers are going work just fine, when I need to get 12 of them in here under the MEGA. The new plants will hopefully stretch somewhere below 50% and then will fit in the room without needing milk crates to get their share of the light. The big plants have been pulled out into an outer ring and still under the 5x5 footprint of the light, and the milk crates have been arranged to take up the middle of the footprint, and they put the plants almost up to canopy height. They should have no trouble getting the light they need, and they will be directly under the trigger lights... so they should get the full effect.
You need more milk crates! Lol!
You need more milk crates! Lol!

I have a couple more actually and a tub that might also work. The floor doesn't work for me, and definitely doesn't for Dad when he comes up to help. There are many reasons that makes sense to raise the plants up onto a grow table when they are young, mainly so that they are easier to work with from a folding or rolling office chair. Besides that, it just looks more professional than being on the floor and it makes for more impressive pictures. It gives me storage space beneath the table, and since the floor up there tilts a little to the starboard bow, I can more easily level the table instead of the floor.
I have a couple more actually and a tub that might also work. The floor doesn't work for me, and definitely doesn't for Dad when he comes up to help. There are many reasons that makes sense to raise the plants up onto a grow table when they are young, mainly so that they are easier to work with from a folding or rolling office chair. Besides that, it just looks more professional than being on the floor and it makes for more impressive pictures. It gives me storage space beneath the table, and since the floor up there tilts a little to the starboard bow, I can more easily level the table instead of the floor.
I’m with you 100%. Hate the floor. Lol
There was not much to do today, since everyone was between waterings. I found 3 more milk crates and that is enough to support my vegi-table in Veg 2, so we have them back up to a normal height and much easier to work with. I also rotated the table 90 degrees so Dad can get his rolling chair in there much easier. These girls are looking a lot better today and will need another training session tomorrow to really spread out the outer circle. They will probably also need watering at 4 days into the wet/dry cycle. @Jon, you were asking about my light intensity. My meter does not measure ppfd, so I rely on LUX. I don't know the conversion factors for each light to convert to ppfd, but in Veg 1 I am running 14k-20k LUX, depending on the size of the plants. Right now the auto is enjoying 14k. In Veg 2 I step it up a bit, starting around 35K and right now the plants are sitting under 40k LUX. By the time they are ready to go to bloom, I will start hitting them with around 60k LUX using the 420h.

In the bloom room, no one really needed watering today, so I let them ride, and tomorrow the big ones will get the full treatment, Terp and Massive and the smaller ones will only get Terp. It has now become a real chore to do the watering, but of course you all know it is a labor of love. I will be up there for hours. The notable thing today is that the new plants are already stretching. I didn't measure, but I think there was a good inch of growth over the last two days. They know what this room is for, and I believe that after two days of this lighting they are indeed starting to transition. The ones in full bloom remain in full bloom and no change can be noted other than that now giving more K consistently, the green is returning to some of the previously damaged leaves, and no more are dropping. The deficiency appears to have been halted.

Here is an overview of the entire room so you can see how much the new plants have grown already, and a close up of one of them to see that they are enjoying the MEGA as much as their 24 day bloom sisters do.


Veg Room #1
We had an almost disaster in this room yesterday. I didn't write about it yesterday because I wanted to wait 24 hours to see what the actual damage was, so here now, is the report. I also didn't want to re-appropriate @MochaBud's story of his dog disaster, but mine is somewhat similar and somewhat embarrassing, so I waited to "spill the beans" as it were, until now.

Yesterday we had some demolition done in our backyard, for an old garden shed with wood rot and old termite damage had to be removed. The puppies were put in the house so they didn't get hurt and so they didn't bother the workmen. Since they were last let in, the puppies have grown quite a bit, and in just a few minutes they collectively figured out how to break down the baby gate that was confining them to one room, and unbenounced to me, the door to the grow rooms in the attic was open and available for their curious selves to investigate.

Several people outside heard the crash upstairs and alerted me that I needed to go in and check on things, and sure enough, when I got up there I found that the elevated and mouse proof grow table was not puppy proof, and it had crashed to the floor under a 4x 50lb puppy attack and left all of my new seedlings scattered about on the floor. One plant, a Green Crack, had been walked on, but the others seemed intact. I scooped up what I could and carefully replanted them in what I think are the correct cups, but now I can not be certain of that, since I only made educated guesses based on the size of the plants and their relative placement next to the nametags strewn about on the floor.

After gently putting soil in and about the small roots and trying to plant them at a reasonable depth, I gently watered to settle the soil around the roots and give them a fighting chance. This morning, almost 24 hours later, they are still standing and look like they are all going to survive. We may lose some leaves, but I don't think at this point that we have killed any of them. It does looks like we may have lost another week in this first stage due to this accident and will have to adjust a bit on our room rotation timeline, but that is ok... things happen, and a good gardener knows when to adjust.


Veg Room #2
I am very pleased what is happening in this room! The complaining seems to have stopped with the uppotting and green is quickly coming back to some of those lower leaves. The plants are responding well to the recent feeding and seem to be loving life at the moment with all of them reaching up to that big beautiful @NextLight 420h. This morning was the 3rd day since spraying the serious bug spray, so today they got some more. There is a world of difference in having bug free plants at this stage, vs what I have been dealing with for the last 3 or 4 grows... these plants are beautiful! Our problem WWidow seems to be coming out of her funk too and now is greening up nicely and growing well. Some of these plants will be getting a second topping soon to finish out their last 2 weeks at this stage.


Bloom Room
The Amnesia F2s are definitely finishing out. We are now to the stage where the white pistils are not everywhere, but there are still rogue regions of them all around the plants, compared to 5 days ago when they were on every bud. We are at day 65 today, and I think it is going to be a good guess to say that these are 10-11 week bloom plants. Next weekend might be a good window to think about getting the cleaning crew back in here.

The Amnesia buds have thickened up quite a bit and I am very pleased about the trichome population on these hard and very tight buds. I can already tell, this little crop is going to be one of our favorites, especially if the strength of the smoke is what I expect it to be. If this makes sense, I am getting tired of the sativa type smoke and am looking forward to a very tasty thick indica type smoke from these buds.

The recent feeding has done as predicted and the green has come back to these plants, with all signs of P and K deficiencies fading into the past. There are a few amber trichomes showing at the very top of the plants now, and I could justify harvest at any moment. These days, with a more patient outlook on these things, I continue to wait, wanting to see an abundance of amber and zero white pistils other than in any foxtails that might develop while I wait for the end. They got watered this morning, on the 3rd day since last watering, and got a good helping of Sweet Candy along with it.


Harvest Area
The first plant of the Bushmans has already moved out the door with only about a 2 week cure on it at best. Everyone seems to love it even with the light cure, and now the second and third plants are combined in the curing jar, staying steady at 63-64%RH. The smoke is a strong, extremely long lasting sativa type energetic head high with almost no body high to it. It's not my favorite type of high, but I do like how strong and long lasting it is. Some of my people love it.
No pics of the destruction?
Veg Room #2
Today was the 4th day since last watering and feeding. They needed water and they got Terpinator along with it. This is a "before" picture:

Here they are after their second training session. This is about the max I will be able to lay them out in these containers; I am out of horizontal space. Transplanting is in their near future.

Bloom Room - The New Girls

The newbies are already realizing that it is bloom time, and they have started stretching, all at a different rate. I am going to present them in order of size, and this will be the official pre-stretch measurement under the red lights. If they do as well as their elders, we will be able to lose the crates in a couple of weeks.

Here they are in order, with predictably, Hulkberry in the lead at 14 inches above soil.

Next, the walked upon Green Crack, checking in at 12 3/4 inches.

Strawberry Lemonade comes next at an even 12 inches

Ghost Train Haze is sneaking in at the end of the line at 10 1/2 inches.

The unwalked upon Green Crack also has earned a spot in the room at 10 1/2 inches.
I can't wait until my garden looks that good!
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