CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

My early report from this morning centers in on the unsexed masses accumulated in Veg Room #2. I need to go through them looking for signs of sex. I noted this one this morning as I glanced in there, and took a closeup of it. Do you see the male part?

Well, I see it... but the focus is off where we need to be looking. Right there in the center, just to the left of the main stalk... that looks like a calyx, sitting up on its own stalk. I will get better pictures.
I took some more pictures of what I think are male pre-flowers... but it is still a bit early to tell for sure. The plants have only started to show sex in the last several days and not all of the plants are doing it yet. I think I have spotted 2 males, 3 or 4 females and the rest so far I just can't tell, even with a loupe. This is ok though, because we will know at least all of the males very soon, since they mature first.

Here is what I got... I am seeing them for the first time as I post them here. What I am looking for is a calyx up on a stalk, and not firmly seated at the butt of the notch.

This first shot is the wrong angle to see the stalk, but right between the two stipules is the little dude. He got a blue card.

This one is blurry, but there it is at the top of the picture

This, although blurry, is a good shot of one. I am 99% sure this is a male.
Wow, that's just amazing. 26 days.
(Look at those girls go!)
Thank you everyone... I am definitely working hard at making all of this happen.

Veg Room 1
Not much to report on in here today. We have one Purple Kush (unknown sex) at 12 days and starting to use water rapidly. This one will need to be uppotted soon.

The 12 old DPOG seeds are still not ready to plant... the tails are barely out of the gate at this point. I will see what another day brings.

Veg Room 2
These plants surprised me today and two days after watering, needed water again. That figures... because I don't want to uppot to their final containers until I am sure of the sex. I watered today with Terpinator and scooted them around on the table to new positions.

Bloom Room
This room is going to keep me busy from here on out. The old girls are on a 2 day wet/dry cycle and they needed watering today. The new girls are on a 3 day cycle, and they will need water tomorrow.

The old girls are at the end of their feeding cycle at day 12 and I will feed them next time. Again, here at the end of the feed cycle I see signs of sudden hunger and the dropping of leaves, especially on the 2 big white widows. Today they got a good strong dose of Terpinator, a scoop of Sweet Candy, and again more water than they had been taking. We are at day 27 of bloom and I am starting to see the first orange pistils, especially in the White Widow plants. These are definitely some strong almost 3 week buds.

Vanilla Kush

White Widow

The new girls are at day 4 of their transition, and I believe that is exactly what I am seeing. I fully expect that they will have converted to full bloom, in about 3 more days, despite the 10.5 hour night they are dealing with. It is getting very hard to ignore the effect of the red trigger lights.
Veg Room #1
Our single Purple Kush is now draining the cup in about a day. It needs to be uppotted. It appears that It will be heading to bloom in a couple of months all by itself. We will call that time, a vacation.

Veg Room #2
The tangies are coming along and now at a 3 day wet/dry cycle. They needed water today and I took that opportunity to recheck my suspected males. Sure enough, they had developed enough that I was able to clearly identify 2 males in the group, bringing me to the perfect room size of 6 female plants. I am still not 100% sure of any of this, but the males have been thrown off of the grow table and moved to a place of shame on the floor. As I see clusters begin to form, the plants will be executed. The remaining plants either are not showing yet (typical of the females) or the preflowers that are showing seem to be placed and shaped in a way that suggests female. Time will tell.

Bloom Room
I made a decision tonight to benefit me, not the plants. I could have watered the new plants tonight, but there still is a little bit of water weight in there and at 3 days since watering, I let them ride for one more day. The older girls will need their 2 day watering tomorrow, so why not wait until tomorrow so I can water the entire room at the same time?

So tonight, a couple of more shots of the new plants during their transition... I can definitely see that in 2 more days they will be in full bloom.

Then, on Day 28 of bloom, I give you 3 shots of each variety, showing off their very substantial 4 week buds. I have never seen anything like this. They seem to be a week ahead of where they should be. What do you think?

White Widow

Vanilla Kush
Looking great, Em!

Today was a lazy day. It has been so hot that we are exhausted and just needed to eat out at a nice restaurant and have a few drinks this evening. Tomorrow morning I will hit it hard... there is SOOO much to do!

The bloom room needs a drink badly and the new girls need feeding. The Tangies in Veg 2 are now on a 1 day water cycle, and they can't wait much longer... I need to get them into the 5 gallon containers. Unless I see the signs of another male, I am going to take the chance. It will be many good hours in the garden tomorrow morning and I need to get it done before it gets too hot up there... too hot for me anyway... the plants seem to love it. Today it was 95 in Missouri, with 89% humidity. Stifling is the word, and it was hotter under the lights. Let's hope the power stays on.
Today was a lazy day. It has been so hot that we are exhausted and just needed to eat out at a nice restaurant and have a few drinks this evening. Tomorrow morning I will hit it hard... there is SOOO much to do!

The bloom room needs a drink badly and the new girls need feeding. The Tangies in Veg 2 are now on a 1 day water cycle, and they can't wait much longer... I need to get them into the 5 gallon containers. Unless I see the signs of another male, I am going to take the chance. It will be many good hours in the garden tomorrow morning and I need to get it done before it gets too hot up there... too hot for me anyway... the plants seem to love it. Today it was 95 in Missouri, with 89% humidity. Stifling is the word, and it was hotter under the lights. Let's hope the power stays on.
95/89!??!! OUCH. That’ll sap ya.
I have been stuck in Veg Room #2 for several hours, and am only down here at my computer because I ran out of FFOF upstairs and needed to grab my last bag from my front mud room. I found another male while transplanting, so we are down to 5 females vs 3 males. The odds this time, appear to have been in my favor. I will get pictures of them before I am done up there today.

Next I need to water the entire bloom room. This will take around 10 gallons of water and at least another hour. There will be more pictures from in there too... we are at day 30 of bloom and day 7 of transition. I can't wait to see the pictures!
The Bloom Room was quite dry this afternoon. The big girls got an extended dry out this time, 3 days since watering, to pull more oxygen down into the roots and maybe induce some more trichome growth. The new girls went 5 days since last watering, and they were not happy about it!

Rest assured that after watering they perked right back up again. Here is the room after all the work was finished and the girls had a chance to recover a bit. By morning I expect them to be all reaching for the sky.

My watering job took more like 3 hours... I forgot that to water this room now, I have to move every single plant to a new position, some on crates and some on wheels. I took advantage of the situation to clean some of them up a bit, put one support from the build it as you need it tomato cages right down the middle of one of the big White Widows because she was starting to get a little leany. Is that a word? Tending to lean. I also measured each of the new girls to see if they are stretching, and to tell how well they are transitioning by comparing to the measurement taken last Sunday.

  • Ghost Train Haze - 18 inches from 10 1/2" - 7.5" growth or 42%
  • Strawberry Lemonade - 18.5 inches from 12" - 6.5" growth or 35%
  • HulkBerry - 19 inches from 14" - 5" growth or 26%
  • Green Crack (the walked upon) - 17 inches from 12 3/4" - 4.25" growth or 25%
  • Green Crack (untrowden) - 16 inches from 10 1/2" - 5.5" growth or 34%

This significant vertical growth in all of the plants in the last 5 days tells me that we are indeed in the middle of stretch and these plants are transitioning. It also looks like the deep red morning light is still keeping stretch mostly to a minimum.

It has been 7 days, and only one plant might be considered to be in full bloom today... maybe a day or two more on the others. Remember that we are dealing with 4 different varieties in this batch, so they might not all turn together.

Everyone got watered, but only the older ones needed to be fed at day 15 since last seeing Geoflora. Predictably, the plants have started cannibalizing lower leaves under the canopy again, to make up for the feed that has run out. The new plants were last fed 9 days ago while still in veg, and they still have 5 days before they will need to feed again, this time the BLOOM mix.

This update also includes the mandatory bud shots, at day 30 of bloom.

I will do a Veg 2 update tomorrow, after they get retrained a bit. For tonight, we will let them get used to the larger and much deeper containers and a proper watering. They weren't due to be fed yet, on day 9 since the last feeding, and even though moving to larger containers, I am letting them ride for a few days before feeding again.

Lastly, in reverse order just to mess with your mind, is Veg Room 1 and its sole occupant at the moment (other than the Auto which is being covered in a separate thread), the unsexed Purple Kush. 10 more PK seeds have been dunked and will all be sinkers by the end of the evening. I can't wait to see a gaggle of pretty Purple Kush girls in the bloom room... it will be a spectacular sight!
God ‘Em, the buds…..just glorious. Perfect bud formation. The stacking is incredible. That light really must rock cuz your internodal spacing is crazy good. I can’t wait to see what kind of buds you get from those first 3, having grown all 3 as well but having trained them very differently. Also can’t wait to see how the color turns out for you. This is stellar work even for you. You really are dialed in now on the cycling thing.
Not much to do today except retrain my Tangies in Veg 2. Everyone is between waterings today and enjoying the 99 degree temps in the grow rooms. I have a lot of fan action going, and no one seems to be suffering from the heat... actually, they seem to like it.

Veg 1 shows our Purple Kush standing firm and using water at a normal rate for this size plant.

Veg 2 has a 5 plants who greatly enjoyed the uppotting and have taken off with new growth. Today I exchanged any short training hoops for the longer ones and retrained the ends of each of the branches to a horizontal position. I also trimmed out any leaves in the middle that would then be over bud sites that I want to rise to the top. Splayed out like this, airflow and light penetration is at maximum and I expect a growth spurt.

Here is a before and after, first, an untrained and wild thing

Compared to a well trained and obedient plant:

And here is a shot of the Bloom Room. The new ones are still stretching, but the buds are indeed converting. I could call this as Day #1 of Bloom for them, but I am going to wait another day. I still need to do some more experimenting to determine if the lights did cause a longer transition this time, or if this 8-9 days is normal for these 4 varieties. I am just relieved to see that even in 13.5/10.5 lighting pattern, conversion to Bloom can still happen when using the trigger lights. I suspect that without them, several of these plants would still be vegging.

They did stretch some more overnight and soon I am going to have to consider taking them off of their milk crates, or raising the light. Rather than also affect the older plants with a new light position, the new girls are going to get shorter once they get too close to the light. If that causes them to have to stretch a bit more, so be it.

I am not usually in the garden this time of night, so I couldn't resist a nighttime flash shot of the bloom room. I haven't seen my picture yet but I bet the leaves are all down with the plants solidly in the sleep mode at 11:30 pm, a good third of the way into their night. It would be interesting to do some timed shots up here to see the plant movement before and after the red light comes on in the morning, 20 minutes before the big light comes on.

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