CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

You always have the most envious 18 day bud pics Em! These are off the chart!
Bravo for fighting off the bugs and winning too! It's not easy!
Thank you Otter! I am pretty pleased about the win; and with it comes the best crop I have yet produced in this new house. Wouldn't it be super nifty if these also finished a little quicker because of the lights? We shall see soon... tomorrow is the 3 week point!
20 days. That is amazing.
Tonight I want to dedicate 9 pictures to the bloom room. They are all still sucking up water like crazy... no stunting or acting out can be seen due to the lights on this crazy schedule. We are still blooming hard, with no signs of stopping. I will let you decide if they are taking advantage of this light or not. We are in the last few hours of day 20. We are still on a 2 day wet/dry cycle and we are on day 5 since last feeding.









This morning I made my rounds, spraying the still to surface new seedlings, and checking on the well being of all the plants in all the rooms.

Veg Room 1 had nothing for me to do other than check to see that the Auto still growing and lifting the cup does indicate that water is being used.

Veg Room 2 has 3 more days before room rotation and the flip for 5 of these plants. No one seems to be complaining about the 19/5 lighting either. The Auto will be moving in here soon, and should love that pattern.

Bloom Room
These girls are still blooming and do seem to be loving life at the moment, even with the lights set to 13.5/10.5. Here we are at day 20 of bloom.

that's beautiful!
There was lots to do in the garden today, mostly in Veg Room #2. There will be an update in the Auto thread and in the Dynomyco side by side test, and that is pretty much what is going on in Veg Room #1

Veg Room #2
is 2 days from flip, and of course moving to the Bloom Room. To get them ready for this, all of the training hoops came off today, to be used again on the next batch coming through. The plant will still maintain roughly the trained shape, but they will start sending everything upward, getting ready to bloom. The plants went 6 days between waterings this time, and they were light enough to water today, and even though it was rushed by 2 days, they were also fed their last dosage of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG. This will get them through the transition and into the 2nd week of stretch, and by then they will be ready for the BLOOM formula.

The 8 still unsexed Tangerine Dream/AK-47s also needed attention. It was 6 days from their last watering and 13 days since their last feeding. Today they got the full day spa treatment, and got fed, watered and received their first safe words and an introduction to training via the hoop. They were all very cooperative and are now splayed out in a most undignified manner, and now for sure know that they are here to work for a living. I expect them to go no longer than 2 weeks in their 1 gallon containers before needing to be uppotted, so now the task is get them sexed out so that we don't accidentally uppot any males.

Bloom Room
These girls didn't need any special attention this evening, but I did want to stop in and take a good shot of the two top plants so you can see the buds today, at the 3 week point. I might be a little biased here, but I think these 21 day buds look like 4th week buds getting ready to go conical and look like 5th week buds.
They continue to frantically suck up the water and I can see no signs of stalling out or in any way complaining about the inability to sleep more than 10.5 hours as members of this sweatshop... to the contrary, they appear to be liking it. I am also going to revisit one of the leaves that I highlighted last week that was showing K deficiency damage at the end of the feeding period. That leaf did take some damage, but now it is productive green again and fully part of the team.

The true test of the trigger lights is about to happen. In two days I move the plants from Veg Room #2 into position under the MEGA and the red trigger lights. Will they transition? Some say no way. We shall see.
There was lots to do in the garden today, mostly in Veg Room #2. There will be an update in the Auto thread and in the Dynomyco side by side test, and that is pretty much what is going on in Veg Room #1

Veg Room #2
is 2 days from flip, and of course moving to the Bloom Room. To get them ready for this, all of the training hoops came off today, to be used again on the next batch coming through. The plant will still maintain roughly the trained shape, but they will start sending everything upward, getting ready to bloom. The plants went 6 days between waterings this time, and they were light enough to water today, and even though it was rushed by 2 days, they were also fed their last dosage of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG. This will get them through the transition and into the 2nd week of stretch, and by then they will be ready for the BLOOM formula.

The 8 still unsexed Tangerine Dream/AK-47s also needed attention. It was 6 days from their last watering and 13 days since their last feeding. Today they got the full day spa treatment, and got fed, watered and received their first safe words and an introduction to training via the hoop. They were all very cooperative and are now splayed out in a most undignified manner, and now for sure know that they are here to work for a living. I expect them to go no longer than 2 weeks in their 1 gallon containers before needing to be uppotted, so now the task is get them sexed out so that we don't accidentally uppot any males.

Bloom Room
These girls didn't need any special attention this evening, but I did want to stop in and take a good shot of the two top plants so you can see the buds today, at the 3 week point. I might be a little biased here, but I think these 21 day buds look like 4th week buds getting ready to go conical and look like 5th week buds.
They continue to frantically suck up the water and I can see no signs of stalling out or in any way complaining about the inability to sleep more than 10.5 hours as members of this sweatshop... to the contrary, they appear to be liking it. I am also going to revisit one of the leaves that I highlighted last week that was showing K deficiency damage at the end of the feeding period. That leaf did take some damage, but now it is productive green again and fully part of the team.

The true test of the trigger lights is about to happen. In two days I move the plants from Veg Room #2 into position under the MEGA and the red trigger lights. Will they transition? Some say no way. We shall see.
God Emilya your buds are ridiculous. In a good way, lol.
The true test of the trigger lights is about to happen. In two days I move the plants from Veg Room #2 into position under the MEGA and the red trigger lights. Will they transition? Some say no way. We shall see.

Hi @Emilya !
Just as a total newbie question, is it only the red light for ten minutes before, and ten minutes after, to simulate sunrise and sunset?
And how important is it that it be ten minutes before, and ten minutes after?
Or what happens if you just leave the red light on the whole time?
Thank you.
Hi @Emilya !
Just as a total newbie question, is it only the red light for ten minutes before, and ten minutes after, to simulate sunrise and sunset?
And how important is it that it be ten minutes before, and ten minutes after?
Or what happens if you just leave the red light on the whole time?
Thank you.
Interesting question... let's apply some logic to it. First, the theory says 10 minutes will do it, but I am going 20 just to be sure, before and after the big lights change state. I am also running the red light for 2 hours around the virtual noon hour, because a famous lab coat says that it is good for extra photosynthesis, and I figure that just like UV, the red probably gets through the atmosphere when the angle is closest to 90 degrees, so I do it in the middle of the day.

Regarding the trigger light being on all the time...
We know that red light is one of the spectrums that has a strong growth response band in the plant, and many lights take advantage of extra red for the bloom cycle. Red light produces photosynthesis. So if the red light stayed on all night, would the plant actually go to sleep? I think not, because when it comes on 10 minutes prior to the morning light, it very quickly wakes the plant up and allows it to orient itself... the plant definitely reacts to that light. Same thing in the evening... I don't think that the plant actually tries to sleep until the trigger light goes off, but when it does, the plant shuts down very suddenly.
Interesting question... let's apply some logic to it. First, the theory says 10 minutes will do it, but I am going 20 just to be sure, before and after the big lights change state. I am also running the red light for 2 hours around the virtual noon hour, because a famous lab coat says that it is good for extra photosynthesis, and I figure that just like UV, the red probably gets through the atmosphere when the angle is closest to 90 degrees, so I do it in the middle of the day.

Regarding the trigger light being on all the time...
We know that red light is one of the spectrums that has a strong growth response band in the plant, and many lights take advantage of extra red for the bloom cycle. Red light produces photosynthesis. So if the red light stayed on all night, would the plant actually go to sleep? I think not, because when it comes on 10 minutes prior to the morning light, it very quickly wakes the plant up and allows it to orient itself... the plant definitely reacts to that light. Same thing in the evening... I don't think that the plant actually tries to sleep until the trigger light goes off, but when it does, the plant shuts down very suddenly.

Ok, thank you!
The reason I ask is that the lights I already have, have a switch you can flip to add red to the light, but I don't think you can make them run only red.
And is the red light only for countering stretch ('cuz they want to see the sunset)?
Or are there other benefits?
Ok, thank you!
The reason I ask is that the lights I already have, have a switch you can flip to add red to the light, but I don't think you can make them run only red.
And is the red light only for countering stretch ('cuz they want to see the sunset)?
Or are there other benefits?
its the sunrise that affects stretch... sunset is the time to go to sleep. :) Also, its not just regular red light that does this... most of the commercial lights only have a very small if any deep red and far red in their spectrum and just turning on the red switch is not going to be very effective. Do a search for the company name Cutter and then deep and far red. You will find the 35w strip that I am using.
Ahhh.... ok, thank you!
That is very interesting!
I see it is not expensive!
Ahhh.... ok, thank you!
That is very interesting!
I see it is not expensive!
yes, it cost me more to ship it than the unit actually cost. They now sell a driver for it too, but I went to Meanwell and got the appropriate driver there. Then you just need a timer to power the 10 minute events.
Interesting question... let's apply some logic to it. First, the theory says 10 minutes will do it, but I am going 20 just to be sure, before and after the big lights change state. I am also running the red light for 2 hours around the virtual noon hour, because a famous lab coat says that it is good for extra photosynthesis, and I figure that just like UV, the red probably gets through the atmosphere when the angle is closest to 90 degrees, so I do it in the middle of the day.

Regarding the trigger light being on all the time...
We know that red light is one of the spectrums that has a strong growth response band in the plant, and many lights take advantage of extra red for the bloom cycle. Red light produces photosynthesis. So if the red light stayed on all night, would the plant actually go to sleep? I think not, because when it comes on 10 minutes prior to the morning light, it very quickly wakes the plant up and allows it to orient itself... the plant definitely reacts to that light. Same thing in the evening... I don't think that the plant actually tries to sleep until the trigger light goes off, but when it does, the plant shuts down very suddenly.
Interesting about the Noon Red, I do the night red, but i might have to incorporate your practice for Sure!
Interesting question... let's apply some logic to it. First, the theory says 10 minutes will do it, but I am going 20 just to be sure, before and after the big lights change state. I am also running the red light for 2 hours around the virtual noon hour, because a famous lab coat says that it is good for extra photosynthesis, and I figure that just like UV, the red probably gets through the atmosphere when the angle is closest to 90 degrees, so I do it in the middle of the day.

Regarding the trigger light being on all the time...
We know that red light is one of the spectrums that has a strong growth response band in the plant, and many lights take advantage of extra red for the bloom cycle. Red light produces photosynthesis. So if the red light stayed on all night, would the plant actually go to sleep? I think not, because when it comes on 10 minutes prior to the morning light, it very quickly wakes the plant up and allows it to orient itself... the plant definitely reacts to that light. Same thing in the evening... I don't think that the plant actually tries to sleep until the trigger light goes off, but when it does, the plant shuts down very suddenly.
I keep the reds on all the time now with the Jack. 20 hours a day of reds. They still grow. Way too much ppfd for them to sleep too.
Veg Room #1
Nothing else has come up. I have one Purple Kush, sex unknown. I am giving up and starting the rest of my seeds and turning this into a breeding project... I don't want to lose this strain.

Veg Room #2
Looking fabulous in here. The big girls are reaching for the sky preparing for their flip tomorrow and the little ones are adjusting to the training hoops. All is well in here.

Bloom Room
It is two days since watering and of course they needed more... a lot more. Several of the plants, especially the two big ones, took 50% more water tonight than they ever have! It seems the longer days have allowed them to step up production to a level I have never seen. As I was noticing that, I was also noticing that in this last watering cycle, giving plain water only, I am seeing a nutritional complaint on the largest plants. They are growing so ridiculously fast that they need more than they are getting.


Now it makes sense to me why @GeoFlora Nutrients has put out their advanced feeding recommendations. It is clear to me now that it is possible for aggressive plants to over use the nutrients given every two weeks, especially if you are in a previously used soil or any soil not supplemented in order to enhance the organic feeding cycle. Not every grower and not every plant is going to need more nutrient than they recommend, so it makes no sense to change their normal feeding recommendations, and I guess that their recommendations of 1 cup per 10 gallons every two weeks has been carefully calculated to meet the needs of 90% of the growers out there. For those pushing the limits, sometimes more is needed. We have seen several members get around this like @Jon did, by feeding a couple of days early. Based on what I am seeing here, I will now be giving the Terpinator with every watering at the suggested dosage. I will still give the Massive just once a week, centering in on the Sunday watering period.

So the 13.5/10.5 is working, to say the least. Tomorrow is room rotation day, and we will see what happens with the new plants in the room as they transition, or not.

Here are some bud closeups. Note the frost starting to come in, at day 22 of Bloom. The first two are Vanilla Kush and the last two are White Widow

Veg Room #1
Nothing else has come up. I have one Purple Kush, sex unknown. I am giving up and starting the rest of my seeds and turning this into a breeding project... I don't want to lose this strain.

Veg Room #2
Looking fabulous in here. The big girls are reaching for the sky preparing for their flip tomorrow and the little ones are adjusting to the training hoops. All is well in here.

Bloom Room
It is two days since watering and of course they needed more... a lot more. Several of the plants, especially the two big ones, took 50% more water tonight than they ever have! It seems the longer days have allowed them to step up production to a level I have never seen. As I was noticing that, I was also noticing that in this last watering cycle, giving plain water only, I am seeing a nutritional complaint on the largest plants. They are growing so ridiculously fast that they need more than they are getting.


Now it makes sense to me why @GeoFlora Nutrients has put out their advanced feeding recommendations. It is clear to me now that it is possible for aggressive plants to over use the nutrients given every two weeks, especially if you are in a previously used soil or any soil not supplemented in order to enhance the organic feeding cycle. Not every grower and not every plant is going to need more nutrient than they recommend, so it makes no sense to change their normal feeding recommendations, and I guess that their recommendations of 1 cup per 10 gallons every two weeks has been carefully calculated to meet the needs of 90% of the growers out there. For those pushing the limits, sometimes more is needed. We have seen several members get around this like @Jon did, by feeding a couple of days early. Based on what I am seeing here, I will now be giving the Terpinator with every watering at the suggested dosage. I will still give the Massive just once a week, centering in on the Sunday watering period.

So the 13.5/10.5 is working, to say the least. Tomorrow is room rotation day, and we will see what happens with the new plants in the room as they transition, or not.

Here are some bud closeups. Note the frost starting to come in, at day 22 of Bloom. The first two are Vanilla Kush and the last two are White Widow

Everyone looks so damn lush. That veg 2 room makes me smile for you.
Everyone looks so damn lush. That veg 2 room makes me smile for you.
I am smiling that you are smiling... :rofl: Thank you though... it is nice to finally see green plants instead of bug damage.

Today is the 30th day, and it is time for room rotation. The big ones in veg 2 go to bloom and the unsexed Tangies spread out, with the Auto joining that room to bask in its 19/5 light. The 10 dead seedlings in Veg 1 will be thrown out, new soil brought in and at least the Dynomyco experiment will continue on in there along with the one Purple Kush now at least half a month ahead of any additional plants in there. The room rotation may have to be staggered a bit on the next round... we will see.

This will be the first update today, before all the movement takes place. This evening, I will provide pictures of how things look after all the changes. This morning, just a quick picture from each stage of the process to set the scene.


Also note in this last picture how quickly and effectively a little extra K boosted up these plants. That was exactly what they needed and just 12 hours after watering they look a lot happier. Plants sucking up this much water a day are very responsive.
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