CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Today was a nice cool day up in the grow rooms, and I appreciated it because it was watering day in Bloom.

In Veg Room #1 it was also watering day, and our lone Purple Kush needed watering and a feeding to sync her up with the Auto.

Veg Room #2 needed nothing today other than glancing in to make sure things were ok. They are at day 3 from last watering and day 12 from last feeding. We are on day 10 of the room rotation and we have plenty of time to turn these 5 plants into monsters before they are ready for bloom.

The Bloom Room needed lots of attention and bookkeeping to be done. All the plants, old and new alike, were at day 3 of watering. Neither group needed feeding since the older ones got fed 3 days ago and the young ones are still at day 12 since their last feeding. Their next watering will also be a feeding. The young ones just got Terpinator mixed into their water, and the older ones got both Terp and Massive. Once again, the complaints I was seeing before this last feed/water in the older plants has now been taken care of and green is all over the grow room. I may look at some time in the future reducing the feeding time by a couple of days in response to this, but for now I am going to continue to observe.

I have bud pictures of the old plants at day 33 of bloom, first 2 shots of VK and then 2 of WW:

I have pictures of the new plants, at day 2 of FLOWER. Yesterday I called the end of Transition at 8 days, after seeing all of the plants start throwing out pistils. It has been confirmed, the far red lights at the end of the daytime period, definitely are allowing these plants to transition over to bloom, even in a 13.5/10.5 lighting pattern! This my friends, is HUGE!

Stretch has been sufficient to now lose the milk crates. All the new plants are now sitting on the floor, waiting for the new wheeled dollies to arrive.

Strawberry Lemonade - 21 inches, last measurement 18.5, initial 12

Green Crack (the walked upon) - 20 inches, last measurement 17, initially 12.75

Ghost Train Haze - 20 inches, last measurement 18, initial 10.5

Green Crack (the unwalked upon)18 inches, last measurement 16, initial 10.5

HulkBerry - 21.5 inches, last measurement 19, initial 14 inches.

The red morning lights are definitely stopping excessive stretch too.

Now we wait to see what this light pattern means to the actual length of bloom... I suspect we are going to finish at least a week early from the looks of these buds!
Ok, I am a little confused.
I was trying to keep the temperatures in my greenhouse lower only because I have something in bloom, and I read somewhere on 420 that the "ideal temperature" for blooming was lower (and I want to say 68F)--so I was trying to keep both doors off of the greenhouse during the day, so it would not get too hot.
However, my gut feeling is that the plants would grow a lot faster if I could raise the temperature to about 75-78F, and I have been thinking about raising it to 75-78F for a long time now.
So then, if 78F is considered the alleged "ideal temperature", and apparently it does not hurt them to go over that (as they grow cannabis in lots of hot places), then why is it wrong for me to put one of the doors back on the greenhouse?
When I think about it, 78F seems like a normal greenhouse temperature, so why is that wrong?
Think about it. In nature, bloom happens towards the end of summer... the hottest part of summer. I suspect that the ideal temperature for bloom is not lower than veg... quite the opposite. Don't automatically believe everything you read, even here on 420.
Each stage of the grow seems to have certain characteristics that are not shared by other stages. For instance, a month old vegging plant can still stand temps down into the upper 40s... try that with some blooming plants! And the opposite; try putting a vegging plant suddenly into a 100 degree room... watch it wilt!
Ok, thank you!
I went up, and if I were a cannabis plant, I think I would like it better with one door on.
I did not receive my thermometers yet, but I am guessing it is maybe @78F?
I like it better with the doors off, but I think they would like it better with one door on... so we will try it!
78 is fine, just don’t forget to close the doors before the lights go out. :laugh:
Each stage of the grow seems to have certain characteristics that are not shared by other stages. For instance, a month old vegging plant can still stand temps down into the upper 40s... try that with some blooming plants! And the opposite; try putting a vegging plant suddenly into a 100 degree room... watch it wilt!

Well, thanks! It is so nice that such experienced, knowledgeable people care enough to help me learn these kinds of things!
Yes, cooking or wilting plants would be bad! Thanks for the warning! "Danger! Warning, Will Robinson! Danger of cooking your plants!" Haha
Thanks all three of you for caring to warn me when you were concerned that I might be in danger of harming my little girls! They don't need sunstroke!
Veg 1 --- all well here. Nothing new to report. Here is our PK at day 19

Veg 2 --- in a holding pattern here too... nothing really needed. Note the males sitting on the floor waiting for final confirmation. So far, no pistils have been spotted in the remaining plants and we are assuming females until that changes.

Bloom --- Beautiful things happening in here! Note the aggressive praying in the new plants.
Veg 1 --- all well here. Nothing new to report. Here is our PK at day 19

Veg 2 --- in a holding pattern here too... nothing really needed. Note the males sitting on the floor waiting for final confirmation. So far, no pistils have been spotted in the remaining plants and we are assuming females until that changes.

Bloom --- Beautiful things happening in here! Note the aggressive praying in the new plants.
It’s like walking into a Southern Alabama revival tent for god’s sake. Prayerfest at Emilya’s!
Here are a few shots of the bloom room this evening, just to keep you all from jonesing. Today is an inbetween day, where we just admire, but have nothing that we need to do.

Where’s the smellevision? I want my money back.

Veg Room #1
Today we topped our Purple Kush between the 4th and 5th node. By the end of the day, she had clearly stepped things up and needed water, after 3 days. This unsexed beauty is 20 days ahead of its little siblings involved in the Dynomyco experiment, and probably going to go into the bloom room later on its own... if it is a female that is.

Veg Room #2
The AK Tangerines are looking great, but still no pistils have been spotted. The suspected males are still sitting on the floor, getting water every couple of days in their 1 gallon containers. The big ones (suspected females) in their 5 gallon containers went 5 days this time before needing water. Today was also day 14 since last feeding. This afternoon they got Terpinator charged water and a half a cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, since we still have 18 days before room rotation. These girls are going to be massive by the time they go to bloom, and we will be stocked up on this nighttime medicine for a good while.

Bloom Room
First, let's look at some of the new buds. This should not be happening across 4 different varieties of weed, but it is. This experiment, and the two before it, have proven the hypothesis that trigger lights after the light period allow us to run at least another hour and a half of light each day. Over the 60 day bloom, this is 90 extra hours of light! THIS HAS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I see a day when commercial lights include this feature, only for the most advanced grow rooms.

Here they are... unquestionably blooming, officially at day 4

The older plants continue to build rock hard buds, lots of them.

Here is the room in a wide shot... and we can see the extreme vigor in the new plants. I think this is also due to the red lights running alongside the big light, for 2 hours at noon, along with the extra long day.
No one spotted it... not even me, and I am sitting right here! Surprise, Surprise... our Green Crack (walked upon) is a male! He started blooming in earnest along with his sisters, and at watering time today, there he was, clusters of male parts right in my face. He is now going out to the back yard to sit on the picnic table for a few days, until he spews... and then I will collect that pollen to carefully pollinate one branch of my other Green Crack. This is not a disaster... I needed some seeds of this favorite variety anyway. Luckily we caught him in time, and I don't think that any pollen has been released yet.
Veg Room #1
Our Purple Kush leader is responding well from her topping. Compare her pictures from yesterday to this one, and you can see the tremendous amount of side growth that has happened since the cut.

Veg Room #2
These girls are responding strongly to the watering and feeding yesterday. Their water usage is way up and all of the buds are rising up to meet the canopy. We still have at least 2 - 3 weeks in this room, and I expect very impressive plants to be heading to bloom at the end. I can't wait to be able to show off the orange triangular shaped trichomes that this variety produces. We still don't have confirmed females in the group, and the males are still hanging out on the floor until I am absolutely sure.

Bloom Room
Now the count is down one plant with the male Green Crack being whisked away, so it is a little less crowded in here tonight. The new plants will need to be fed next time, but this time they went 3 days without water and really needed it today. I am pretty sure I could get them to go on the same 2 day schedule the older plants are enjoying if I wanted to. The new plant dollies on wheels arrived today, so everyone in the room is scooting around in style now and rotating daily with ease. Vertical growth on the new plants has slowed way down, and I think that stretch is almost over. The old girls at 36 days look like 5th week buds and the new girls at 5 days look like they are well past the first week already. The red lights continue to do their magic.
No one spotted it... not even me, and I am sitting right here! Surprise, Surprise... our Green Crack (walked upon) is a male! He started blooming in earnest along with his sisters, and at watering time today, there he was, clusters of male parts right in my face. He is now going out to the back yard to sit on the picnic table for a few days, until he spews... and then I will collect that pollen to carefully pollinate one branch of my other Green Crack. This is not a disaster... I needed some seeds of this favorite variety anyway. Luckily we caught him in time, and I don't think that any pollen has been released yet.
Wha good catch and hurray free seeds! Always a upside :)
Veg Room #1
Today we topped our Purple Kush between the 4th and 5th node. By the end of the day, she had clearly stepped things up and needed water, after 3 days. This unsexed beauty is 20 days ahead of its little siblings involved in the Dynomyco experiment, and probably going to go into the bloom room later on its own... if it is a female that is.

Veg Room #2
The AK Tangerines are looking great, but still no pistils have been spotted. The suspected males are still sitting on the floor, getting water every couple of days in their 1 gallon containers. The big ones (suspected females) in their 5 gallon containers went 5 days this time before needing water. Today was also day 14 since last feeding. This afternoon they got Terpinator charged water and a half a cup of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, since we still have 18 days before room rotation. These girls are going to be massive by the time they go to bloom, and we will be stocked up on this nighttime medicine for a good while.

Bloom Room
First, let's look at some of the new buds. This should not be happening across 4 different varieties of weed, but it is. This experiment, and the two before it, have proven the hypothesis that trigger lights after the light period allow us to run at least another hour and a half of light each day. Over the 60 day bloom, this is 90 extra hours of light! THIS HAS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I see a day when commercial lights include this feature, only for the most advanced grow rooms.

Here they are... unquestionably blooming, officially at day 4

The older plants continue to build rock hard buds, lots of them.

Here is the room in a wide shot... and we can see the extreme vigor in the new plants. I think this is also due to the red lights running alongside the big light, for 2 hours at noon, along with the extra long day.
No one spotted it... not even me, and I am sitting right here! Surprise, Surprise... our Green Crack (walked upon) is a male! He started blooming in earnest along with his sisters, and at watering time today, there he was, clusters of male parts right in my face. He is now going out to the back yard to sit on the picnic table for a few days, until he spews... and then I will collect that pollen to carefully pollinate one branch of my other Green Crack. This is not a disaster... I needed some seeds of this favorite variety anyway. Luckily we caught him in time, and I don't think that any pollen has been released yet.
Nice catch although that one would be hard to miss! Lol. Big balls she has.
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