CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Thank you, Emilya.

So, 3x the diameter until leaves reach outside of cup and then water to runoff from that point on? And, you want me to weigh a cup of saturated soil ahead of time to set the base weight?
Almost... if you use saturated soil as your base, or as your indication of fully wet, then you can use that as a standard in whatever size container you have uppotted to, whereas going strictly by weight, you will be blind as soon as you uppot, not knowing what the weight should be in the new larger container.

So yes, water to runoff each time, after you get to the 3x point, and then all you have to keep track of is the amount of time it takes to get back down to watering weight. This makes watching the water use and the timing of the wet/dry cycle as simple as it can get.
Veg Room #1

It has been 3 days since the last full watering and today the cups were light enough to justify watering again. It has been only 9 days since the last feeding, so they were given just plain water, again to runoff.

It is obvious that the plants are much bigger than they were just 2 days ago when we last took pictures. We are at 25 days into this month in the grow room, and even though we lost some time with the puppy dog attack, I am thinking of sticking to the schedule. We can always slow things down at the end of the next month if we need to, but it is time to think about starting some new seeds.

With this in mind, I am going to pull out an old favorite of mine, some F1 seeds of an AK47/Tangerine Dream cross. Because it is totally legal to do so, I am going to start 12 seeds, hoping to eventually send 6 females to Veg Room #2 in 35 days or so. As promised when the last seeds took so long to get going, I am going to start this next set of seeds 6 days early, so that we will be able to get a full month of seedling growth on this next round.

Today appallingly was the 7th day since last blasting these plants with insecticide when it should be only 3 or 4, and today we took care of this. Although we are no longer seeing any signs of fungus gnats or other bugs, I know they are in the room and capable of attacking our plants and I am no longer willing to tolerate this in my garden.

Veg Room #2
These happy plants went 8 days since the last watering and could have gone longer. I want the roots to accelerate their growth however since there are only a few more weeks to actively grow out these roots, so I watered a little early. We are also 13 days into the feeding cycle and I wish to use my nutes in the traditional way, to Fertilize, so again I gave it a day early. The debate was whether I was going to use Veg or Bloom nutes. My reasoning is this: we are still officially in veg for 6 more days, and then they move into the bloom room, colloquially referred to as the flip. I know the transition period for both the White Widows and the Green Cracks, since I have grown them before, so we can expect 7 more days before we transition into bloom. By that time, it will of course be time to give the Bloom nutes, but for now it seems logical to give them another round of Veg, and that is what I did. These plants also got a thorough spraying of insecticide, and hopefully they will not need much more. Very soon I will start relying on natural bug preventatives and am seriously contemplating investing in a large herd of ladybugs for the bloom room. Ladybugs will make me happy, and who doesn't want to be happy? Bottom line, I would like to think that they will be able to take care of any bugs that have made it through the regular sprayings in the veg rooms. I have never tried beneficial bugs, but we are willing to try it. If even one little critter makes it into our bed, no matter how cute they are, I am told that I will be murdered. Stay tuned.

Here is the problem plant, and I think the one the bugs have centered in on. I think I can save her, and I have 6 days to decide if she goes over to Bloom or goes outside.

The rest of them look great and I have turned up the @NextLight 420h to maximum and moved it up to about 18 inches away from the tallest plant. Tomorrow we will do a re-evaluation as to how they are handling the extra light.


Bloom Room
Idle. Nothing happening except an abundance of extended darkness. This weekend the area gets a deep clean.
I have never tried to reveg a plant at the brink of harvest and like you said, I am not even sure it is possible. It sure sounds counter intuitive, but it is in that bucking of the normal that we often find innovation. The fact that you have tried this and are convinced that you have noticed a difference is enough for me whereas Bruce saying it makes me skeptical. I will be trying this, but i am also working on trying some experiments where the red lights will allow me to go 15 hours of daylight without reverting. Imagine the increase in DLI that could cause if that could be maintained most of the bloom period, and then go even further and go 20/4 in the last week or so... holy side growth Batman... it is certainly worth trying and thank you for bringing it into the discussion CA.
Well what iv done Is just simply that. Re veg a plant. And noticed the Burst in calyx and trichome coloration. But this wasn for the intentions of growing 9-10 weeks of flower and then increasing DLI from 30-40 per say. This was me keeping a strain alive to clone.

Not to experiment with the flip for increasing potency or terpenes. But I’m convinced enough from my reveged plants. What’s one more experiment in the garden.

And this isn a new topic. It’s all over the web. running 18/6 last 10 days of flower - Google Search
I saw the other post, lol. 64 hours at 24 RH? Wow. So that's like twice as many hours of darkness as planned and WAY low RH. Obviously I need more info on this.

- why RH so low? is this how you always maintain RH levels during darkness and if so, why?
- why 64 hours? Mistake? Extended darkness experiment?
- what do you expect the effect of so many prolonged dark hours to be? Just more of what you get at 36?
- I assume you still keep fans blowing on the plants in darkness, yes?
- Does the Dark Time (lol) require "perfect" darkness, like in a flowering tent, or would the effect be the same if I put my plants in a bedroom closet with the door closed but ambient light might (more likely would) get in from below the door and around the door frame?

Thanks for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Well, 64 hours of darkness was an incident that evolved from years of immaturity manifested in a middle aged man coupled by a fine mastery of procrastination.
Probably because my Mother didn't allow me to join Boy scouts.
Yep, I forgot about the plants.

The ultra low RH in darkness is an experiment where I wanted to see the impact on trich production.
Optimally low temperatures and low RH is what I want during late flower and especially during the blackout period.

Typically, I'll just place my girls in one of my small rooms in my basement during darkness, so never really compared the results of tent darkness to other plant containment areas. Only run fems and a few autos, so am not a light leak Nazi.

Try to run the heck out of my fans 24/7. I believe one of the best tools that folks tend to overlook is simple fan circulation.

Two of the plants have been chopped and one is still underneath light. The one remaining plant seems to be very green and lush.

Before the accident I was going to stagger harvest all three plants, which if they were dead than what is the point?

Did I address your questions Sir @Jon?

Sorry about hogging your thread @Emilya.
I have tried extended dark, and it doesn't do a lot for the trichomes past 36 hours. A plant in the dark for that long often times simply dies and starts drying out, becoming very brittle and fragile for the unlucky person that has to harvest and clean that plant. I don't recommend going over 48 hours in the dark because bad things can happen.
Speaking of Bruce, he actually had a video come out a few months back with mrgrowit on YouTube, titled synthetic vs organic where he speaks on that the basis of this concept is incorrect as he says plants create trichs/terpenes at lights on, so he said if you're going to any extreme like trying lights ON prior to harvest for 24 hours.
I haven't heard him say 10 days.
It is wild unsubstantiated claims like this, backed up by none other than in his own research, that make me distrust Bugbee. I am NOT going to put my plants back into a transitional stage somewhere between bloom and veg, at the end. Sorry Bruce... my plants mature out just fine, thank you. Glad you are doing research, but I find it sad that so many people follow your wild assertions just based on your marketed reputation.
When I originally heard him speaking about it, he spoke on 24? hours because he suggested that we create trichs/terpenes in lights on.
It also leads me to think well if that's true, could we not just run 13/11, and end up with an extra 4.66~ days of light thru a 58 day cycle coming to an additional 12%? Would we see this increase in yield, terpenes/trichomes?

Leads to a lot of other questions for sure!

This is the video in question, 36:57 in they talk about darkness prior to harvest and such and get into the lights on instead topic. (The description has all the time stamps)
Well, 64 hours of darkness was an incident that evolved from years of immaturity manifested in a middle aged man coupled by a fine mastery of procrastination.
Probably because my Mother didn't allow me to join Boy scouts.
Yep, I forgot about the plants.

The ultra low RH in darkness is an experiment where I wanted to see the impact on trich production.
Optimally low temperatures and low RH is what I want during late flower and especially during the blackout period.

Typically, I'll just place my girls in one of my small rooms in my basement during darkness, so never really compared the results of tent darkness to other plant containment areas. Only run fems and a few autos, so am not a light leak Nazi.

Try to run the heck out of my fans 24/7. I believe one of the best tools that folks tend to overlook is simple fan circulation.

Two of the plants have been chopped and one is still underneath light. The one remaining plant seems to be very green and lush.

Before the accident I was going to stagger harvest all three plants, which if they were dead than what is the point?

Did I address your questions Sir @Jon?

Sorry about hogging your thread @Emilya.
Why yes, @Farmer Reading, Sir, It did, and thank you. Perhaps one day I shall graduate from serfdom and actually own the title "Sir."

Speaking of Bruce, he actually had a video come out a few months back with mrgrowit on YouTube, titled synthetic vs organic where he speaks on that the basis of this concept is incorrect as he says plants create trichs/terpenes at lights on, so he said if you're going to any extreme like trying lights ON prior to harvest for 24 hours.
I haven't heard him say 10 days.

When I originally heard him speaking about it, he spoke on 24? hours because he suggested that we create trichs/terpenes in lights on.
It also leads me to think well if that's true, could we not just run 13/11, and end up with an extra 4.66~ days of light thru a 58 day cycle coming to an additional 12%? Would we see this increase in yield, terpenes/trichomes?

Leads to a lot of other questions for sure!

This is the video in question, 36:57 in they talk about darkness prior to harvest and such and get into the lights on instead topic. (The description has all the time stamps)
This is the 1st I’ve heard of 18/6 at the end of flower thing but it does make sense to me. I would assume that after the point of no return (can no longer possibly hermie) has passed, torture is good. Probably acts like UVB at high altitudes and the equator…I’ll stay tuned.

Awesome journal EM!
This is the 1st I’ve heard of 18/6 at the end of flower thing but it does make sense to me. I would assume that after the point of no return (can no longer possibly hermie) has passed, torture is good. Probably acts like UVB at high altitudes and the equator…I’ll stay tuned.

Awesome journal EM!
Bruce suggested 24 hours on for the last day, and than ofcourse following your typical drying/curing after you chop because at that point terpenes will degrade from light.

Yeah, it totally makes sense if the theory is true that terpenes/trichomes are created from lights on; it'd essentially give you an extra day of flowering time which could be about a 1.7%ish increase overall in trichomes/terps (if you figure each day the plant progresses 1.7% X 56 days= 100% progression by day 56?) I'd be interested in seeing if it makes a difference, although I'm not sure there'd be a way to show that it was of benefit, I guess that just puts us back in the same predicament as darkness before harvest! haha
But doesn't my trichomes increasing in size and ripening, and maybe increasing in number during the 36 hours of darkness invalidate Mr. Bugbee's assertion that all of this happens only in the light??
38:00->41:00 in the video is a great time to hop in, that picks right up into that topic,

"if we put the plants in the dark, we're taking away their energy source to synthesize terpenes, the general rule of thumb is that the terpenes are less in the dark because they're respiring away their sugars and not synthesizing new ones because their out of energy"

Now in this quote he only says terpenes but at the start of the conversation he mentions Trichomes/Terpenes as both being synthesized from photosynthesis.
38:00->41:00 in the video is a great time to hop in, that picks right up into that topic,

"if we put the plants in the dark, we're taking away their energy source to synthesize terpenes, the general rule of thumb is that the terpenes are less in the dark because they're respiring away their sugars and not synthesizing new ones because their out of energy"

Now in this quote he only says terpenes but at the start of the conversation he mentions Trichomes/Terpenes as both being synthesized from photosynthesis.
thank you for typing out his exact words for me. Not only is he not an accurate reporter of his own results, but these sorts of wild assertions are exactly what I am referring to...
It has been commonly known (for a long time) that the plant produces sugars using the light and then overnight, uses those sugars to keep things going. Out of energy? When does that happen? 3am? 4:36am? Is that why they droop Dr. Bruce? lol Again, this guy is amazing. He works for a light company my friends, so of course he sees no value in darkness. It's almost comical if you think about it.

The now famous man needs to do some valid research. Don't just tell us that Apogee's red lights help photosynthesis... we know that. I want to see some experiments on the proper timing of UV light, Deep Red and Far Red. But, the results of these types of experiments would demand a revision of all of the Apogee lights... and they dont want that, at any cost. So, Dr. Bruce does the experiments that they sanction, and reports back to us bro-science leaps of logic like what we are discussing, always with good marketing implying that their lights and science are the best. I am already way ahead of him with the red light experiments I am doing and soon I will take the lead on UV too. I hope Apogee man catches up soon and then takes full credit for what we are discovering. Let me stress that last statement. Not me. We, this 420 Magazine, the members here are on the cutting edge of this technology and it is we who are discovering all these new things about the growing of cannabis, with our constant experiments and constant enthusiasm to try new things.

Regarding the theory of using full lights at the end, whether it be 10 days or less, yes... this is all over the internet. Most of the comments I am seeing follow right along with what we are seeing here, the experienced growers are very skeptical about it and the admiring crowd says, but its Bruce Bugbee and other YouTube Guru want to be's, so this has to be correct and factual. I am glad that not everyone accepts everything they read.

I trust that soon, real studies will be done regarding the growing of cannabis, and lots of things we now believe will be invalidated with the light of true peer reviewed science. Right now we have no choice but to take everything we hear with a grain of salt and then validate what we are able to, in our own gardens. This has been the point of all of my journals all of these years... to be a trailblazer of sorts, and I wish my journals to be known as a place where bro-science comes to die.
thank you for typing out his exact words for me. Not only is he not an accurate reporter of his own results, but these sorts of wild assertions are exactly what I am referring to...
It has been commonly known (for a long time) that the plant produces sugars using the light and then overnight, uses those sugars to keep things going. Out of energy? When does that happen? 3am? 4:36am? Is that why they droop Dr. Bruce? lol Again, this guy is amazing. He works for a light company my friends, so of course he sees no value in darkness. It's almost comical if you think about it.

The now famous man needs to do some valid research. Don't just tell us that Apogee's red lights help photosynthesis... we know that. I want to see some experiments on the proper timing of UV light, Deep Red and Far Red. But, the results of these types of experiments would demand a revision of all of the Apogee lights... and they dont want that, at any cost. So, Dr. Bruce does the experiments that they sanction, and reports back to us bro-science leaps of logic like what we are discussing, always with good marketing implying that their lights and science are the best. I am already way ahead of him with the red light experiments I am doing and soon I will take the lead on UV too. I hope Apogee man catches up soon and then takes full credit for what we are discovering. Let me stress that last statement. Not me. We, this 420 Magazine, the members here are on the cutting edge of this technology and it is we who are discovering all these new things about the growing of cannabis, with our constant experiments and constant enthusiasm to try new things.

Regarding the theory of using full lights at the end, whether it be 10 days or less, yes... this is all over the internet. Most of the comments I am seeing follow right along with what we are seeing here, the experienced growers are very skeptical about it and the admiring crowd says, but its Bruce Bugbee and other YouTube Guru want to be's, so this has to be correct and factual. I am glad that not everyone accepts everything they read.

I trust that soon, real studies will be done regarding the growing of cannabis, and lots of things we now believe will be invalidated with the light of true peer reviewed science. Right now we have no choice but to take everything we hear with a grain of salt and then validate what we are able to, in our own gardens. This has been the point of all of my journals all of these years... to be a trailblazer of sorts, and I wish my journals to be known as a place where bro-science comes to die.
I agree. I think it’s all B.S for one simple reason, time. Each strain will have different requirements depending on the environment it’s been adapted to. Example, a landrace Acapulco Gold grown IN Acapulco for a hundred yrs, will never fair as well outside that EXACT environment. Same with an indica from Afghanistan. I guess what I’m wondering, is unless you can talk to the plant or study it for a very, very long time, how could you ever find the perfect timing? It’s luck. Unless we find the fountain of youth, it’s all a guessing game. But I digress, I’ve read nothing of this except on these pages lol.
Here is the to do list for today off of my mobile device:

Veg Room #1
These plants have really stepped it up as they get ready to move over to Veg Room #2. They are at day 2 of the watering cycle and day 11 of the feeding cycle. I am strongly considering uppotting them a little early, tomorrow or monday, and then feeding them in the larger container.

I have also started soaking the Tangerine Dream/AK-47 crosses. The mom was the Tangerine Dream and seems to have been the dominant gene. TD seeds are very tiny and distinctive when it comes to cannabis seeds, and these seeds for the most part are tiny too. I am excited to see this one coming back into focus as it was one of my all time favorite go to bed strains. The distinctive triangular orange trichomes are cool to look at too.

Veg Room #2
Everything is fine in here and it is obvious that the water, insecticide and the nutrients all did what they were supposed to do. My camera acted up on this round of shots, so no pictures, but they are all the perfect green and reaching up to the light. That's one thing I was going to report on, they have all decided that they like the full output of the 420h and seem to have redoubled their efforts to look strong for the impending move to the bloom room. Ever increasing light intensity also seems to be one of the elements needed to eliminate a lot of the stretch, and that has definitely happened again here on this run.

Harvest Area
Presently there are two Amnesia plants hanging in the slow dry tent, not quite ready for the paper bag stage. The Bushman's is already an ounce or two away from being gone; the patients snarfed it up rather quickly after it was cured for a month.
a quick note on the use of the Days Counter app. To make it simple to display a zero in widgets that are idle at the moment, like on the bloom watering and feeding, I have told the app to display that widget in years instead of days. If you just pay attention the number being displayed, things make sense and it is easy to glance to see an inactive tile.

Thanks for invite btw. But got a question.
So if you can't grow but x amount each stage veg and flowering right. And flowering usually take twice as long as veg.hiw you going to separate them to keep the amount of plants .
Cause I am having to quick veg and still running into to many in the tent.
I had to space them out 2 week interval's
Here is the to do list for today off of my mobile device:

Veg Room #1
These plants have really stepped it up as they get ready to move over to Veg Room #2. They are at day 2 of the watering cycle and day 11 of the feeding cycle. I am strongly considering uppotting them a little early, tomorrow or monday, and then feeding them in the larger container.

I have also started soaking the Tangerine Dream/AK-47 crosses. The mom was the Tangerine Dream and seems to have been the dominant gene. TD seeds are very tiny and distinctive when it comes to cannabis seeds, and these seeds for the most part are tiny too. I am excited to see this one coming back into focus as it was one of my all time favorite go to bed strains. The distinctive triangular orange trichomes are cool to look at too.

Veg Room #2
Everything is fine in here and it is obvious that the water, insecticide and the nutrients all did what they were supposed to do. My camera acted up on this round of shots, so no pictures, but they are all the perfect green and reaching up to the light. That's one thing I was going to report on, they have all decided that they like the full output of the 420h and seem to have redoubled their efforts to look strong for the impending move to the bloom room. Ever increasing light intensity also seems to be one of the elements needed to eliminate a lot of the stretch, and that has definitely happened again here on this run.

Harvest Area
Presently there are two Amnesia plants hanging in the slow dry tent, not quite ready for the paper bag stage. The Bushman's is already an ounce or two away from being gone; the patients snarfed it up rather quickly after it was cured for a month.
You have stripey leaves all over! That is so cool. Never seen that before really.
Thanks for invite btw. But got a question.
So if you can't grow but x amount each stage veg and flowering right. And flowering usually take twice as long as veg.hiw you going to separate them to keep the amount of plants .
Cause I am having to quick veg and still running into to many in the tent.
I had to space them out 2 week interval's
By starting half of what I can eventually have in Bloom. I expect half of these seeds to be male so I expect only 6 to make it to the next stage. Legally with 2 active cultivation licenses I can have 12 at each stage but can only handle half of that in veg because of the eventual bottleneck in Bloom
By starting half of what I can eventually have in Bloom. I expect half of these seeds to be male so I expect only 6 to make it to the next stage. Legally with 2 active cultivation licenses I can have 12 at each stage but can only handle half of that in veg because of the eventual bottleneck in Bloom
It's definitely hardest part. I had 11 seeds mixed before got 3 females.. never again. Can't stand the disappointment and heart went into it.
It's definitely hardest part. I had 11 seeds mixed before got 3 females.. never again. Can't stand the disappointment and heart went into it.
Wow, well I definitely feel for you. The odds are the odds however and over time you should experience 50/50 on males and females. This means that you might not see another male for a while... the odds are in your favor.
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