CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Veg Room #1

This day did not bring us any additional plants, so those last 2 cups have been removed from the grow table, but still in the light just in case, but definitely put into a position of shame unless a plant emerges. Now we concentrate on these 8 plants. They have successfully drained the cups of most of the water that had been sprayed in there and according to the 3x the plant diameter rule, they were ready for their first proper watering. They also got their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG with a 1/4 tsp of the mix put on the top of the soil before watering it in to runoff. I fully expect a growth spurt.

Veg Room #2
This is after topping them, each between nodes 4 and 5. They did not need feeding being at day 3 since last feeding and watering, but significantly, they needed water. The wet/dry cycle has just reduced some more, and these girls are racing ahead trying to get me to put them in 5 gallon containers.


Here they were just before the topping... each starting to turn into big girls just since the move. There were signs of bugs again, and right on time, since it has been 3 days since last spraying. Today they got another shot of garden safe insecticide. Hear this bugs... I am not putting up with you any longer!


Bloom Room
First a shot right at 7pm when the MEGA just went off, and the deep and far red has just come on for the next 20 minutes to lull them all to sleep.

Here we are right before that shot, when the big lights were on. The plants needed water after 3 days, setting up an excellent wet/dry cycle right before bloom starts. We are 3 days into the transition and still am not seeing signs of any changes... its going to take 4 or 5 more days to start shooting out pistils.


These plants all finally got their end of veg trim and now are ready for bloom. Again, I think the timing is important here since our goal is to reduce stretch as much as we can, knowing that White Widow is a very stretchy lady. So I introduced a bit of stress with all this trimming and denuding of the branches down below, and if this slows her down a bit, I am not too awfully concerned. They will be fed their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM on the next watering, and I think they will be fine after that. There are zero signs of deficiencies on these plants as we move over into bloom.


Today so we can accurately see our amount of stretch, I have measured the tallest Vanilla Kush to be 18 inches tall from the top of the soil. The tallest White Widow is 19 inches. Everyone seems to be enjoying the extra light that started yesterday and all seems to be well in the bloom room.
Veg Room #1

This day did not bring us any additional plants, so those last 2 cups have been removed from the grow table, but still in the light just in case, but definitely put into a position of shame unless a plant emerges. Now we concentrate on these 8 plants. They have successfully drained the cups of most of the water that had been sprayed in there and according to the 3x the plant diameter rule, they were ready for their first proper watering. They also got their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG with a 1/4 tsp of the mix put on the top of the soil before watering it in to runoff. I fully expect a growth spurt.

Veg Room #2
This is after topping them, each between nodes 4 and 5. They did not need feeding being at day 3 since last feeding and watering, but significantly, they needed water. The wet/dry cycle has just reduced some more, and these girls are racing ahead trying to get me to put them in 5 gallon containers.


Here they were just before the topping... each starting to turn into big girls just since the move. There were signs of bugs again, and right on time, since it has been 3 days since last spraying. Today they got another shot of garden safe insecticide. Hear this bugs... I am not putting up with you any longer!


Bloom Room
First a shot right at 7pm when the MEGA just went off, and the deep and far red has just come on for the next 20 minutes to lull them all to sleep.

Here we are right before that shot, when the big lights were on. The plants needed water after 3 days, setting up an excellent wet/dry cycle right before bloom starts. We are 3 days into the transition and still am not seeing signs of any changes... its going to take 4 or 5 more days to start shooting out pistils.


These plants all finally got their end of veg trim and now are ready for bloom. Again, I think the timing is important here since our goal is to reduce stretch as much as we can, knowing that White Widow is a very stretchy lady. So I introduced a bit of stress with all this trimming and denuding of the branches down below, and if this slows her down a bit, I am not too awfully concerned. They will be fed their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM on the next watering, and I think they will be fine after that. There are zero signs of deficiencies on these plants as we move over into bloom.


Today so we can accurately see our amount of stretch, I have measured the tallest Vanilla Kush to be 18 inches tall from the top of the soil. The tallest White Widow is 19 inches. Everyone seems to be enjoying the extra light that started yesterday and all seems to be well in the bloom room.
Just so I can keep it straight, if you don't it's exactly the red you picture, for 20 minutes preceding white light wake up and 20 minutes post white light goodnight, correct? And that starts as soon as you fiip?
Just so I can keep it straight, if you don't it's exactly the red you picture, for 20 minutes preceding white light wake up and 20 minutes post white light goodnight, correct? And that starts as soon as you fiip?
Yes, you have it. I have seen it written that 10 minutes is all that is needed... so 20 minutes is a bit of overkill that may be further adjusted in the future. And, the reds come on for 2 hours surrounding their noontime.
Yes, you have it. I have seen it written that 10 minutes is all that is needed... so 20 minutes is a bit of overkill that may be further adjusted in the future. And, the reds come on for 2 hours surrounding their noontime.
Right. The noon time reds - are they just the reds like this or the reds + the full spectrum?
Right. The noon time reds - are they just the reds like this or the reds + the full spectrum?
Yes, the noontime round of full spectrum plus the extra red lights is dedicated to the profundity of Dr. Bruce Bagbee when he let us know that deep and far red increases photosynthesis. Knowing that for sure, since the knowledge came from a lab coat wearing member of the super elite, I figured the noon time slot to be the best time to unleash this extra photosynthesis generating red on the girls, (was afraid to give them any more) and so far they seem to be liking it. They also seem to be tolerating the full blast of the MEGA, 12 inches away, and for 13 hours too. These plants are amazing.
Yes, the noontime round of full spectrum plus the extra red lights is dedicated to the profundity of Dr. Bruce Bagbee when he let us know that deep and far red increases photosynthesis. Knowing that for sure, since the knowledge came from a lab coat wearing member of the super elite, I figured the noon time slot to be the best time to unleash this extra photosynthesis generating red on the girls, (was afraid to give them any more) and so far they seem to be liking it. They also seem to be tolerating the full blast of the MEGA, 12 inches away, and for 13 hours too. These plants are amazing.
Awesome thanks. When I flowered the Jelly Rancher by herself in the 5x5 I used a Maxsisun quantum board and both my blurples. For the entirety of flower, every hour, she got both blurples (512 watts) of reds coming from either side of the 400 watt full spectrum qb. The buds were huge, dense, and awesome. In my opinion it's the best plant I've ever grown.
Awesome thanks. When I flowered the Jelly Rancher by herself in the 5x5 I used a Maxsisun quantum board and both my blurples. For the entirety of flower, every hour, she got both blurples (512 watts) of reds coming from either side of the 400 watt full spectrum qb. The buds were huge, dense, and awesome. In my opinion it's the best plant I've ever grown.
Btw E, the above was based on advice from my Yoda in Oregon, Sammy. He told me the limited red light thing works but why limit it? According to Sammy, to add red spectrum to an existing full spectrum doesn't do anything except add that ADDITIONAL spectrum that they can use and love on top of the full. He says you CAN'T overdo the reds if you have full spectrum combined. I don't know if he's right, that Jelly Rancher was the first attempt. And now your experiment here will augment the knowledge. I love this stuff. But you saw the Jelly Rancher, Sadie. She rocked the world.
Btw E, the above was based on advice from my Yoda in Oregon, Sammy. He told me the limited red light thing works but why limit it? According to Sammy, to add red spectrum to an existing full spectrum doesn't do anything except add that ADDITIONAL spectrum that they can use and love on top of the full. He says you CAN'T overdo the reds if you have full spectrum combined. I don't know if he's right, that Jelly Rancher was the first attempt. And now your experiment here will augment the knowledge. I love this stuff. But you saw the Jelly Rancher, Sadie. She rocked the world.
My big light and the way it's intended to be used would seem to support this point as well. (not trying to sell you btw, just relating) It's designed and recommended to engage the flowering spectrum on day one of the flip. You can see all the reds in my bars and the way it makes pictures look from certain's pinkish. Full spectrum on top of reds the whole time. We acknowledge there's a difference between just far red spectrum vs. IR and UV, and these bars have a few of those as well - the ones that look burned out in the pics are the UV. Those are designed to come on and off in a timed cycle so they don't hit the entire time the light is on. It's really quite fascinating. It makes me wonder why all the spectrum charts we see on every light have the peak in the reds and then the tail at the bottom going forward. Why not extend the "girth" and "height" of that red tail? Obviously there has to be a reason or everyone would have lights that way, right? My light's spectrum is much more peaked in the blues and reds and far less prevalent in the yellows and greens in between. Unusual spectrum but I love the results I get from it. And I've tried it both ways, using the flowering spectrum the whole time vs. engaging it for the last month of flower only, and the buds are way better with it on from the get go. I'm sure the extra 130 watts has something to do with that too.
I am convinced that by using brute force you can produce amazing amounts of light that the plants can handle. I know one guy that has side lights all around his 6x4 tent as well as some amazing lights up top. He grows killer buds, all rock hard and amazing. His power bill is off the chart, and he doesn't care.

I am more into finessing this thing, as cheaply and accessibly as can be done. I don't want to have to wear eye protection to go into my grow area and I don't necessarily have to grow the best pot out there... I just need it to be better than most. I find it fascinating to see the signals you can send to this plant by manipulating a 35w light strip at key points in the day and it is this science that will move us forward.
I am convinced that by using brute force you can produce amazing amounts of light that the plants can handle. I know one guy that has side lights all around his 6x4 tent as well as some amazing lights up top. He grows killer buds, all rock hard and amazing. His power bill is off the chart, and he doesn't care.

I am more into finessing this thing, as cheaply and accessibly as can be done. I don't want to have to wear eye protection to go into my grow area and I don't necessarily have to grow the best pot out there... I just need it to be better than most. I find it fascinating to see the signals you can send to this plant by manipulating a 35w light strip at key points in the day and it is this science that will move us forward.
Totally agree! I have that sidelight thing in my future too! I don't care about the power bill and I WANT to have to wear glasses. I see under the plants and I say, man, if only I could get THOSE buds 1200 ppfd.... LOL!

I love your analogy, it's spot on. Brute force vs. Finesse. Lol! Sammy is obviously in the brute force camp.
Veg Room #1
What is there to say. We have 8 healthy baby girls. They are really going to start getting big now.

Veg Room #2
These plants are still recovering from the topping, but doing well. The leaves are lifted in defiance as to what just happened to them and already side growth is accelerating.

Bloom Room
We did get a bit of stretch overnight. The tallest VK is now at 21 inches. The tallest WW is now at 20 inches. This is about the time we should see stretch, and of course some of it is necessary in order to make room for the buds. Percentage wise, lets see how far this stretch goes and try to determine if the red lights are a factor in keeping it to a minimum.

The big MEGA has definitely become a factor, and we are seeing some complaints about it being too bright. The light was raised several inches to compensate.

Today is the 5th day of the Veg Room rotation and day #4 for the seedlings being above ground. Everyone is in the second day since watering and today is one of those days where there really isn't anything to do except take pictures, stand out of the way and let the plants do what they need to do. Here are the seedlings, who two days ago barely qualified under the 3x rule to even get a full watering. Look at them now!


At the secondary veg stage, the plants are a bit stalled out after their topping, but they are still showing good transpiration and leaf angle. They will go a little long on this watering cycle, but that is to be expected. Patience is the name of the game here. The bugs seem to be centered on this room and I feel stopping them here is key to growing in this attic. You can see some of the signs of damage in the leaves and I am going to keep at it until I get rid of them. Yesterday I put up a new yellow sticky card trying to identify the bugs in question. I had convinced myself that it was gnats, but in the first 24 hours I didn't pick up any bugs on the card. Hmmm... a mystery.


The Bloom Room is where all the excitement is right now. Stretch is still going on and the tallest Kush is now at 22 inches and the Widow is at 21 inches from the top of the soil. Again, a look at the leaf angles shows the entire story... these are some happy plants. We are at 5 days in this room as of this evening, and the very first signs of transition are being seen. I think that by tomorrow we may be able to show some buds starting to change mode, but I wasn't sure I could get a camera on what I am seeing tonight. They are all doing very well and after the other day, trimming out all the damaged leaves and spraying one last time, I am seeing absolutely no signs of bugs attacking these plants.

Today is the 5th day of the Veg Room rotation and day #4 for the seedlings being above ground. Everyone is in the second day since watering and today is one of those days where there really isn't anything to do except take pictures, stand out of the way and let the plants do what they need to do. Here are the seedlings, who two days ago barely qualified under the 3x rule to even get a full watering. Look at them now!


At the secondary veg stage, the plants are a bit stalled out after their topping, but they are still showing good transpiration and leaf angle. They will go a little long on this watering cycle, but that is to be expected. Patience is the name of the game here. The bugs seem to be centered on this room and I feel stopping them here is key to growing in this attic. You can see some of the signs of damage in the leaves and I am going to keep at it until I get rid of them. Yesterday I put up a new yellow sticky card trying to identify the bugs in question. I had convinced myself that it was gnats, but in the first 24 hours I didn't pick up any bugs on the card. Hmmm... a mystery.


The Bloom Room is where all the excitement is right now. Stretch is still going on and the tallest Kush is now at 22 inches and the Widow is at 21 inches from the top of the soil. Again, a look at the leaf angles shows the entire story... these are some happy plants. We are at 5 days in this room as of this evening, and the very first signs of transition are being seen. I think that by tomorrow we may be able to show some buds starting to change mode, but I wasn't sure I could get a camera on what I am seeing tonight. They are all doing very well and after the other day, trimming out all the damaged leaves and spraying one last time, I am seeing absolutely no signs of bugs attacking these plants.

Don't cut yourself on some of those sawtooth leaves.....The Bloom Room looks amazing!! Those plants are exuding total ecstasy, just look at them go!
Don't cut yourself on some of those sawtooth leaves.....The Bloom Room looks amazing!! Those plants are exuding total ecstasy, just look at them go!
Yes, some of those leaves got pretty jagged after moving that light down on them. I measured over 80k LUX in some spots under there, so now I know what that looks like. It is hard to learn without first going to the limits of what can be done. I am very happy with what is going on in there right now and especially the overall health of these plants. This is the first healthy and bug free batch to make it this far in my grow rooms in this new house, and their health is a justification of my recent zero tolerance stance on bugs in the veg rooms.

This time I am also going to be able to accurately judge the reactions to the red lights and get a better estimate of what is actually going on. I know that since using the red lights I have not had a plant stretch to the ceiling or bump into the light... they have all stayed short. My earlier claim to have been seeing 10% stretch is a bit low, since I can see that we have already stretched 20% since the flip on this round. I do expect that our stretch will stay below or near 50%, which is still a whole lot more manageable than the 100% we oftentimes see in early bloom unmanaged stretching. I will continue to take daily measurements until we can be sure that stretch is over with, and then we will judge how well the lights did to calm down this annoying trait that indoor cannabis has.
Today's report is a perfect illustration as to why I like soil... there literally is nothing to do today. All of the rooms look fantastic and everyone is doing what they need to be doing.

  • Veg Room #1 is at 3 days since watering to runoff and they all still have at least a couple to go.
  • Veg Room #2 is also at day 3 since last watering and they still are not ready yet either. They could surprise us tomorrow, but I think we are looking at two more days here too, simply because of the slowdown we caused by topping them. Some of the secondary growth has indeed shot up to the top, but others have barely started to show additional growth. It seems that some of them got stunted a bit more than others with the last cut. They are coming out of it now, and i expect to see a growth spurt along with a rapid draining of the containers. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
  • Bloom is also at 3 days since watering, and still is not ready for more. Feeding time is scheduled for 2 more days, so if they want to wait for that, I am perfectly ok with the idea. There are a few more pistils in the spot I was looking at yesterday, but the growth tips are still not converting. We are in the 6th day of transition and I am getting a little anxious. Will they flip with 13 hours of light? We anxiously wait to find out.





On the days your girls don't need to be fed, what types of things do you do to them then? I'm assuming you're tending your garden every day???
On the days your girls don't need to be fed, what types of things do you do to them then? I'm assuming you're tending your garden every day???
What a great question @HashGirl....yeah Em, what DO you do in there when you have nothing to do? Sorcery? Witchcraft? Pest control? Oiuja boards and tarot cards? Trimming tutorials for your minions? Inquiring minds want to know!

On the days your girls don't need to be fed, what types of things do you do to them then? I'm assuming you're tending your garden every day???
Hi HG! I make it a point to check on the rooms at least twice a day, usually morning and night. This is just because one can never trust their automatic lighting, heat levels, and other emergencies not to show up when least expected. I take that time to take pictures for that day so I can do my mostly regular updates to this journal and I actually sit in each room for a little bit to try to get a better sense of what is happening with the plants. Since I can't hear them, I like to put a hand in front of each fan just to make sure that all 4 of them are still functional, and I try to rotate my plants and even change their locations in the room, at least as often as I water, and in come cases, like Veg Room #1, almost every day. I also try to physically lift enough of the planters in each room every day so that I know by weight where we are in the watering cycle and if that corresponds to what i am seeing on my days counter app. I am now highly attuned to any bugs in my grow rooms too, and each day i am assessing where we are at in this battle and how many days I can go between sprayings before the bugs make a comeback. I guess I could go with a more persistent insecticide, but I prefer the lighter garden safe stuff that has to be reapplied every 3-4 days.

Oftentimes while I am in there puttering away, I will see a camera shot that has to be taken or I will come up with a good idea for something to speak about in this journal. I keep a notepad and a pen on the grow table in veg 1 just for that purpose, so that I don't forget the point I wanted to make by the time I get downstairs or get another joint or two in me. I am constantly planning ahead by at least a month if not longer, accessing my inventory and seeing what needs to be ordered. I have been working on organizing my office area, and now I have a very good idea of everything I have in stock, and what I want/need to add to in the future, such as my plan to replace all of my final 5g cloth containers with corresponding "tall" 5g plastic containers. I can't tell which, but I am sure that the Prime delivery drivers either love me or hate me... they do get a lot of business from this house.

When it's not too hot up there, I enjoy sitting in my place of refuge in the attic, either sitting in my office area or actually in the grow rooms, sharing our air together. I definitely get a recharge from sitting in that oxygen rich environment and I am sure that if I had a cot up there, I would be found napping up there quite often. I have a desk lamp with a red light on it that my housemates can turn on remotely if they need to signal me, and many evenings while Ms. J. or Dad are watching tv, I am upstairs reading, playing on the computer or tinkering with the plants. I like it up there because with the stairs being the only entrance to my private area, no one can sneak up on me. For a deaf person, someone sneaking up behind them is the worst... it totally frustrates me, and that can't happen in my refuge in the attic.

For @Jon, the tarot cards stay in their silk wrap in the Craft section of my living room and all rituals happen under the moon in the backyard, such as the big one we had last weekend. Blessed Be!
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