CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Congrats on the harvest, Em. I have a question about watering the plants in Veg 1. How much water should I be feeding them at this age? Do you water until run-off the way you would a plant in a bigger pot?

Normally, I weigh the cup when it's dry (around 85g weight) and add water up to 150g in weight. This is totally arbitrary on my part. I've been watering mine around the edge of the cup so far.
Hi HG! Good question!
My rule is that as soon as 3x the diameter of the circle that the leaves make, reaches the edges of the cup, it is time to water to runoff. The first time doing this, it typically takes about 7 days for the young plants to drain the cup and make it as light as a feather again. At the 3-4 day point, I do dribble a bit of water in there, around the edges of the cup so as to entice the roots to grow laterally, toward the edges, but I still wait until the cup is light as a feather again before watering to runoff the next time. After that, the wet/dry cycle should be around 3 or 4 days, and getting faster each time.
Regarding the weight, I think that a fully saturated cup of soil weight in at nearly a pound, so you have been giving about 1/3 of the water that I use. Instead of setting an arbitrary standard weight, it is much easier to use the weight of fully saturated soil as your standard, because that standard can be used all through the grow.
Nix that (stagger harvest) @Jon I forgot about the plants and they have been under 64 hours of darkness with 24 RH :lot-o-toke:
Chopping them now and will post some picks in my journal.

Sounds like next harvest I'll cherry pick some of my top buds, put some more weight on some of the lower buds, and finally put them under for 36 or 108 hours, lol.
I saw the other post, lol. 64 hours at 24 RH? Wow. So that's like twice as many hours of darkness as planned and WAY low RH. Obviously I need more info on this.

- why RH so low? is this how you always maintain RH levels during darkness and if so, why?
- why 64 hours? Mistake? Extended darkness experiment?
- what do you expect the effect of so many prolonged dark hours to be? Just more of what you get at 36?
- I assume you still keep fans blowing on the plants in darkness, yes?
- Does the Dark Time (lol) require "perfect" darkness, like in a flowering tent, or would the effect be the same if I put my plants in a bedroom closet with the door closed but ambient light might (more likely would) get in from below the door and around the door frame?

Thanks for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I saw the other post, lol. 64 hours at 24 RH? Wow. So that's like twice as many hours of darkness as planned and WAY low RH. Obviously I need more info on this.

- why RH so low? is this how you always maintain RH levels during darkness and if so, why?
- why 64 hours? Mistake? Extended darkness experiment?
- what do you expect the effect of so many prolonged dark hours to be? Just more of what you get at 36?
- I assume you still keep fans blowing on the plants in darkness, yes?
- Does the Dark Time (lol) require "perfect" darkness, like in a flowering tent, or would the effect be the same if I put my plants in a bedroom closet with the door closed but ambient light might (more likely would) get in from below the door and around the door frame?

Thanks for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I have tried extended dark, and it doesn't do a lot for the trichomes past 36 hours. A plant in the dark for that long often times simply dies and starts drying out, becoming very brittle and fragile for the unlucky person that has to harvest and clean that plant. I don't recommend going over 48 hours in the dark because bad things can happen.
I have tried extended dark, and it doesn't do a lot for the trichomes past 36 hours. A plant in the dark for that long often times simply dies and starts drying out, becoming very brittle and fragile for the unlucky person that has to harvest and clean that plant. I don't recommend going over 48 hours in the dark because bad things can happen.
Thanks E, that was my understanding and exactly why I asked. Now I understand why he was saying it with an implied "yikes." Lol.
There was no update last night because I was in harvest trim jail with the trim crew, and time just got away from us after the 3rd or 4th joint. This plant did stay in the dark for an extra day, and it was hard to clean because if it and lots of buds fell away from the branches as we cleaned, filling a 500ml beaker with these budlets to deal with separately. The buds are now hanging in the first stage drying room after the bud wash, and are now in the process to slow dry them to the point of cure. The second plant had about a third less product in the end, but this was my control plant that did not get the last insecticide spray in early bloom, and it shows.

The bloom room is now empty and everything has been turned off in there while it can be. The veg rooms continue to do fine and didn't require any actions yesterday, although I could have sprayed for bugs again. This will be corrected today and possibly after 3 days the solo cups will need water. Updates and pictures will be given later today. Everyone have an excellent Thursday!
Iv been really watching Bruce bugbee films. He just dropped one last night on night time sensitivity.

But his research was leaning towards cannabis plants have 18/6 cycle the final 10 days of flower. Or even 20/4. Maximize your DLI the final ten days shows to be more productive in peak maturity. It’s very sensitive in my head. But the science is there. I just chop. I don’t do either. Iv found post harvest handling has the largest increase in my cannabinoid content. Essp trich heads. That was a game changer for me.

Idk if you even care about that kinda crap. But I thought it was a pretty good read/watch. Very informative.

Happy growing!!! Girls look great as always!
Iv been really watching Bruce bugbee films. He just dropped one last night on night time sensitivity.

But his research was leaning towards cannabis plants have 18/6 cycle the final 10 days of flower. Or even 20/4. Maximize your DLI the final ten days shows to be more productive in peak maturity. It’s very sensitive in my head. But the science is there. I just chop. I don’t do either. Iv found post harvest handling has the largest increase in my cannabinoid content. Essp trich heads. That was a game changer for me.

Idk if you even care about that kinda crap. But I thought it was a pretty good read/watch. Very informative.

Happy growing!!! Girls look great as always!
Whoa. I care about it @CultivationArt! Are you saying you go from the 12/12 "regular" flowering light cycle back to 20/4 for the last 10 days? That is crazy, never heard of that before. Wow. And that doesn't confuse the plant that late in flower I guess? It doesn't say to the plant "reveg" in those 10 days? It doesn't confuse it to the point where it tries to defend itself by self-pollinating? If all those are out of play I definitely want to try this!!! If I just search Bruce Bugbee can I find this? Thanks!
It is wild unsubstantiated claims like this, backed up by none other than in his own research, that make me distrust Bugbee. I am NOT going to put my plants back into a transitional stage somewhere between bloom and veg, at the end. Sorry Bruce... my plants mature out just fine, thank you. Glad you are doing research, but I find it sad that so many people follow your wild assertions just based on your marketed reputation.
It is wild unsubstantiated claims like this, backed up by none other than in his own research, that make me distrust Bugbee. I am NOT going to put my plants back into a transitional stage somewhere between bloom and veg, at the end. Sorry Bruce... my plants mature out just fine, thank you. Glad you are doing research, but I find it sad that so many people follow your wild assertions just based on your marketed reputation.
Well, that wasn't exactly vague now was it? lol. Now I have to read it just to see. Lmao. But without looking I was already over the initial excitement and no matter what his research says I am not doing it in a trillion years either. Lol.
It is wild unsubstantiated claims like this, backed up by none other than in his own research, that make me distrust Bugbee. I am NOT going to put my plants back into a transitional stage somewhere between bloom and veg, at the end. Sorry Bruce... my plants mature out just fine, thank you. Glad you are doing research, but I find it sad that so many people follow your wild assertions just based on your marketed reputation.
That being said, I am curious because it sounds like you, @CultivationArt have actually done some work to substantiate Bugbee's assertion about increasing the DLI at the end. I am from the Show-Me state, and I do oftentimes need someone to show me that something is indeed the way it was advertised.
I have noted that plants can take an extra amount of light intensity at the end and maybe this is an extension of what I have seen there. If you believe you have seen a positive response to this increased DLI at the end, I am willing to look at it too. I see another experiment coming soon. :)
That being said, I am curious because it sounds like you, @CultivationArt have actually done some work to substantiate Bugbee's assertion about increasing the DLI at the end. I am from the Show-Me state, and I do oftentimes need someone to show me that something is indeed the way it was advertised.
I have noted that plants can take an extra amount of light intensity at the end and maybe this is an extension of what I have seen there. If you believe you have seen a positive response to this increased DLI at the end, I am willing to look at it too. I see another experiment coming soon. :)
Ah....alrighty then. Lmao. In this grower's body, btw, Florida is also the Show Me State.
Bugbee can't be all bad. It's just that I have gone way beyond his research regarding deep and far red, yet he is regarded as the unassailable expert in this area. It is a bit frustrating to me that so far my experiments with deep and far red restricting stretch have gone mostly unnoticed, yet time after time I see people quoting Bugbee about his deep red experiments that result in better photosynthesis. He is not the be all and end all when it comes to lighting, IMHO.
p.s. Bugbee can't be all bad. It's just that I have gone way beyond his research regarding deep and far red, yet he is regarded as the unassailable expert in this area. It is a bit frustrating to me that so far my experiments with deep and far red restricting stretch have gone mostly unnoticed, yet time after time I see people quoting Bugbee about his deep red experiments that result in better photosynthesis. He is not the be all and end all when it comes to lighting, IMHO.
Pfft....Bugbee....thinks he's all big......

I just started watching his apogee instrument films and got drifted in. I figured the plant can’t reveg in that last week. And I have reveged buds before And usually after a week. I do actually notice a difference in swelling and overall “tint” of orange.

I’m not passing off info like it’s the thing to do. Just opening people minds a bit because I found it interesting.

That. And lil bit of me trying to fit in lol

I apologize if I upset anyone with the bugbee info.
I just started watching his apogee instrument films and got drifted in. I figured the plant can’t reveg in that last week. And I have reveged buds before And usually after a week. I do actually notice a difference in swelling and overall “tint” of orange.

I’m not passing off info like it’s the thing to do. Just opening people minds a bit because I found it interesting.

That. And lil bit of me trying to fit in lol

I apologize if I upset anyone with the bugbee info.
LOL!! @CultivationArt, no need to apologize (he says on Emilya's thread, lol)! Don't mind Emilya's outburst, she does that from time to time. (LMAO - you KNOW I say that with love, Em!)'s only because she's very passionate and like most growers who know their stuff on a very high level, she despises bro science and those who get famous off it. I am not saying this as a comment about Bugbee, I haven't yet read his stuff, but I will. It was interesting to bring up, and I think it would be safe to say it piqued some interest, which everyone wants!!!

@Emilya, not trying to overstep my bounds in your journal, just ribbing you a little and setting CA's mind at ease!
Yes CA, I do tend to outburst now and then... some say its part of my charm. :) You certainly didn't upset me and actually you ended up making me very curious. But, as Jon said, I do get annoyed when someone gets to be famous who didn't complete his work. I suspect some day he will come along and claim that far red and deep red allow you to practically stop the stretch and to increase daylight timing to as much as 15 hours, and he will get the full credit for that work, when someone else, in a very public way on a major cannabis forum, proved these things long before he got to it. Life of course isn't fair and Apogee and Bugsby are opportunists... such is the state of the modern world.
I just started watching his apogee instrument films and got drifted in. I figured the plant can’t reveg in that last week. And I have reveged buds before And usually after a week. I do actually notice a difference in swelling and overall “tint” of orange.

I’m not passing off info like it’s the thing to do. Just opening people minds a bit because I found it interesting.

That. And lil bit of me trying to fit in lol

I apologize if I upset anyone with the bugbee info.
I have never tried to reveg a plant at the brink of harvest and like you said, I am not even sure it is possible. It sure sounds counter intuitive, but it is in that bucking of the normal that we often find innovation. The fact that you have tried this and are convinced that you have noticed a difference is enough for me whereas Bruce saying it makes me skeptical. I will be trying this, but i am also working on trying some experiments where the red lights will allow me to go 15 hours of daylight without reverting. Imagine the increase in DLI that could cause if that could be maintained most of the bloom period, and then go even further and go 20/4 in the last week or so... holy side growth Batman... it is certainly worth trying and thank you for bringing it into the discussion CA.
The trimming crew is busy today, and I really don't want to go into trim jail today either because it is 70 and sunny out there right now and I have a dog house to work on, a yard to mow, and the season's first BBQ to get going this afternoon. So, I turned off the big @NextLight MEGA and we will now put them into darkness for the next 36 hours. Monday night or Tuesday morning, we will pull them.

For the next 10 days, the Bloom Room will go idle while waiting on the next rotation and during that time my solar panels will be generating well more than the house is using. My power bill was $59 last month thanks to the bright springtime sunlight and this month because of this shutdown, I will likely be billed just the minimum service fee.
Hello my Emmybird :)

I really must get solar. My last quarter was $900!

Your grow is beautiful and well documented as always.

Well done pretty face :)

Hello my Emmybird :)

I really must get solar. My last quarter was $900!

Your grow is beautiful and well documented as always.

Well done pretty face :)

Thank you girlfriend! Yes, about $300 a month is about what my bill would be without the solar. Solar isn't perfect and doesn't do a lot for you during the winter or during cloudy days, but when it sees a bright sun, it totally clobbers that high power bill. Solar also adds significant value to your house if you are looking to sell or re-finance, so with proper planning, it really can be a good investment.

I am glad you are enjoying the grow so far. We still have lots of excitement ahead of us when all the stages are working full time and together. I suspect there will come a time when harvesting 6 plants every month and documenting all of this madness is going to become real work.

#girlpower x2
Hi HG! Good question!
My rule is that as soon as 3x the diameter of the circle that the leaves make, reaches the edges of the cup, it is time to water to runoff. The first time doing this, it typically takes about 7 days for the young plants to drain the cup and make it as light as a feather again. At the 3-4 day point, I do dribble a bit of water in there, around the edges of the cup so as to entice the roots to grow laterally, toward the edges, but I still wait until the cup is light as a feather again before watering to runoff the next time. After that, the wet/dry cycle should be around 3 or 4 days, and getting faster each time.
Regarding the weight, I think that a fully saturated cup of soil weight in at nearly a pound, so you have been giving about 1/3 of the water that I use. Instead of setting an arbitrary standard weight, it is much easier to use the weight of fully saturated soil as your standard, because that standard can be used all through the grow.

Thank you, Emilya.

So, 3x the diameter until leaves reach outside of cup and then water to runoff from that point on? And, you want me to weigh a cup of saturated soil ahead of time to set the base weight?
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