CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Veg Room #1
To continue the ICU treatment of the flying and trampled upon seedlings, today I watered again, not because they needed water, but I wanted to get some fertilizer and microbes in there. They seemed to be experiencing a catch up growth spurt over the last 24 hours and all of the leaves seem noticeably larger. Today they got their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, and I expect to see a continuation of the present growth spurt.

Veg Room #2
We are at day 4 in the watering cycle today and there is no need to water. Everyone seems to be happy, even the persnickety one, whos color continues to get better by the day. We seem to be having a growth spurt at the moment, and tomorrow I think I am going to top a few of them whos secondary growth has risen up to gain dominance over the canopy. We are at day 16 of the room rotation, so there is plenty of time for more training.

Bloom Room
Today is day 67 of bloom. Day 70 is looking like a good possibility for harvest... we shall see. They get watered again tomorrow. The buds are getting heavy and the plants are starting to heavily lean on the supports. Without the vertical support, this plant would be on the floor. You should feel these buds... tight tight... there is going to be surprising weight here. More pictures tomorrow.

p.s. a note to our droughting crowd:
Where do you think all this weight is coming from? I think it comes from drinking 1/3 of a gallon of water a day. A good part of a side by side test is going to be comparing final yield weight, and I think a non droughted plant will win that category, easily.
So impressed with the veg room and how those plants look. The color is beyond perfect and you can see by how they're all praying at exactly the right angle that you have it dialed in to the extreme on all levels. Amazing.

I also had a lightbulb moment. You and I have discussed your "whack a mole" technique. I pretty much understood it already, but when you talk about topping in the veg room again due to dominance issues, it becomes clear to me that you play this whack a mole game all the way through. I was thinking it was something that was later to get things evened out, and I guess it is, only the process begins early in veg. Very interesting. I go more with the "let them go a bit then reposition" whereas you do the sort of "constantly keep it level" thing. Is that a fair assessment?

I agree with the drought/yield prediction 100%. I don't see scientifically how it could possibly be otherwise. You basically all but kill all the power plants on the plant. It's gotta have a down effect on yield. However, those who are doing it don't seem to mind if that is the case, as it seems they feel like the bud results outweigh the yield issues if they exist.
So impressed with the veg room and how those plants look. The color is beyond perfect and you can see by how they're all praying at exactly the right angle that you have it dialed in to the extreme on all levels. Amazing.

I also had a lightbulb moment. You and I have discussed your "whack a mole" technique. I pretty much understood it already, but when you talk about topping in the veg room again due to dominance issues, it becomes clear to me that you play this whack a mole game all the way through. I was thinking it was something that was later to get things evened out, and I guess it is, only the process begins early in veg. Very interesting. I go more with the "let them go a bit then reposition" whereas you do the sort of "constantly keep it level" thing. Is that a fair assessment?

I agree with the drought/yield prediction 100%. I don't see scientifically how it could possibly be otherwise. You basically all but kill all the power plants on the plant. It's gotta have a down effect on yield. However, those who are doing it don't seem to mind if that is the case, as it seems they feel like the bud results outweigh the yield issues if they exist.
Wow! So far I am impressed with the journal and grow. Even the puppy seedling(s) look like they hardly missed a beat.

Generally play around with light movement until the girls look like they are in their happy place.

I have two clones that have been through the drought process four times in late flower. Would try for a fifth, but am concerned about getting light burn on the buds. It'll be exciting to see how my yields and quality are impacted.
So impressed with the veg room and how those plants look. The color is beyond perfect and you can see by how they're all praying at exactly the right angle that you have it dialed in to the extreme on all levels. Amazing.

I also had a lightbulb moment. You and I have discussed your "whack a mole" technique. I pretty much understood it already, but when you talk about topping in the veg room again due to dominance issues, it becomes clear to me that you play this whack a mole game all the way through. I was thinking it was something that was later to get things evened out, and I guess it is, only the process begins early in veg. Very interesting. I go more with the "let them go a bit then reposition" whereas you do the sort of "constantly keep it level" thing. Is that a fair assessment?

I agree with the drought/yield prediction 100%. I don't see scientifically how it could possibly be otherwise. You basically all but kill all the power plants on the plant. It's gotta have a down effect on yield. However, those who are doing it don't seem to mind if that is the case, as it seems they feel like the bud results outweigh the yield issues if they exist.
Thank you @Jon. The color is hard to take credit for and I think it is the result of organic feeding. Note that I didn't say organic nutes, I meant that the plants are deciding for themselves what they need and are signalling down below to bring it to them. A plant that gets everything it needs and wants is able to express itself beautifully, and color is one of those indicators.

The praying at the right angle is probably me... because i understand that to make the roots work hard, they have to be struggling to find water. I find consistently that the best "praying" angle is always right about the point where the container is about to be sucked dry.

Yes, I use the whack a mole technique regularly in my grow rooms. It does three things... it sure slows down the rocketing upward of the most precocious branches, keeping things even, and at least till the nodes start alternating, that local stunting is offset by a doubling of the nodes on that branch. Also, it sends signals to the nodes below to accelerate their growth too, resulting in even more buds at the top. The only downside is that this spreads resources around a little bit thinner, but I have a response to that, making this method a win-win-win with a slight downside leading to another win! My response is to garden like a boss, and give even more water and nutrients!
Veg Room #1
There has definitely been a growth spurt in this last 24 hours. The leaves are all noticeably bigger. The one that got walked on has thrown out new leaves and seems to be taunting the puppies to come back and try it again. All is well in the first veg room.

Veg Room #2
Today was 6 days since transplanting and it was bug spray day, being 3 days from the last application. I have noted that the fan leaves that were attached to in order to bend over the first growth after topping, did not like this treatment and several of them were dying. Today I removed those leaves, topped the growth dominating the top of the canopy to even things out, watered them with their first taste of Sweet Candy, and they got a dose of Dandelion Super Nutrient. All is well in the second veg room.

Bloom Room
Me, myself and I and of course all of you, have been debating where we are at in this grow. No one seems to know what the bloom time should be for Amnesia F2, but it does appear to be 10-11 weeks. Today is day 68 and she(x2) still isn't done, but she is very close. I would be reasonable to say that we are a week or less away from the end... but this is a long running Sativa, so maybe stretch that out to 10 days... we just have no way of knowing until we have seen this one finish out once. We keep watching them, and today it has been 3 days since the last watering and they are definitely still using that water at a consistent rate... so they don't think that they are done yet either. A trichome check still shows no amber at the very top. All is well in the bloom room as we patiently wait for them to finish.

Harvest Area
Things are VERY well in the Harvest area. We are about 3 weeks in the jar at this point and the Bushmans is smoothing out very nicely. It's strength is off the chart and its long lasting high is very pleasant. We went to late 4/20 party the other night, a birthday party and a sort of yearly grower's cup competition among some of KC's leading growers, and these heavy hitters were very impressed with our little jar of Bushman's. Contact @CannaPot seeds to get some... it is good stuff!
Veg Room #1
There has definitely been a growth spurt in this last 24 hours. The leaves are all noticeably bigger. The one that got walked on has thrown out new leaves and seems to be taunting the puppies to come back and try it again. All is well in the first veg room.

Veg Room #2
Today was 6 days since transplanting and it was bug spray day, being 3 days from the last application. I have noted that the fan leaves that were attached to in order to bend over the first growth after topping, did not like this treatment and several of them were dying. Today I removed those leaves, topped the growth dominating the top of the canopy to even things out, watered them with their first taste of Sweet Candy, and they got a dose of Dandelion Super Nutrient. All is well in the second veg room.

Bloom Room
Me, myself and I and of course all of you, have been debating where we are at in this grow. No one seems to know what the bloom time should be for Amnesia F2, but it does appear to be 10-11 weeks. Today is day 68 and she(x2) still isn't done, but she is very close. I would be reasonable to say that we are a week or less away from the end... but this is a long running Sativa, so maybe stretch that out to 10 days... we just have no way of knowing until we have seen this one finish out once. We keep watching them, and today it has been 3 days since the last watering and they are definitely still using that water at a consistent rate... so they doesn't think that they are done yet either. A trichome check still shows no amber at the very top. All is well in the bloom room as we patiently wait for them to finish.

Harvest Area
Things are VERY well in the Harvest area. We are about 3 weeks in the jar at this point and the Bushmans is smoothing out very nicely. It's strength is off the chart and its long lasting high is very pleasant. We went to late 4/20 party the other night, a birthday party and a sort of yearly grower's cup competition among some of KC's leading growers, and these heavy hitters were very impressed with our little jar of Bushman's. Contact @CannaPot seeds to get some... it is good stuff!
Damn, do I have to get a Master's degree to get invited to parties like that? Lol!! Yum.
There is not much to report today since it is another inbetween day where there really isn't anything to do. The seedlings are ok, but are probably less than they could have been today. I went upstairs about 4pm today to find that the light in Veg Room#1 was off! I don't know how or why it happened, but I turned it on as soon as I got there. They will still get 8 hours of light today, but still...

The plants in veg room 2 are looking good, but giving me a wary eye as I peeked in on them today, trying to see if I had scissors in my hand again. They are going to explode with growth in the next day or so... I can feel it.

The bloom room is still doing its thing and could finish up any time. I am skeptical that it will be this coming weekend, but it is going to be soon.
Veg Room #1
This morning I checked early, just to make sure all the lights were coming on as expected. All seemed to be in order and I still have no explanation as to why the light was off yesterday. The plants seem to have taken advantage of the situation however and they lept into action after getting their light turned on yesterday, and overnight they must have grown like crazy because this morning they all look to have nearly doubled in size! Finally, we are getting the growth spurt that should be associated with applying fertilizer.

Veg Room #2
I see the start of acceleration in the side growth again and no new bug attacks can be seen. We are about 11 days from the scheduled switch to the bloom room, and these girls are going to be ready for their big debut. These won't be the biggest plants I have ever grown, but they will be totally adequate for the constant harvest model we have set into motion, since there will be a harvest every month very soon and we will be deep in product supply.

Bloom Room
Speaking of harvest, we are definitely approaching that mark. There are still a few rogue white pistils to be seen and now we can notice a bit of foxtailing starting to happen as the buds continue to build outward. I can now see amber near the tip top calyx, but not yet at the very very top. We are at day 70 today, and I am convinced she will be harvested within this week, if not in the next few days. I am trying to be patient, and since I have already waited this long, I am not going to pull them until I am sure they are done.

Harvest Area
The daily burping has lost us another humidity point and now the jar sits stable at 63. The budlets are now crispy hard and very potent. The Bushmans is not my favorite taste, but its rich thick smoke has become very satisfying and long lasting. I am now able to finish my morning joint, because I am slowly building up a tolerance to it. This one morning joint will last me till well into late afternoon though, and I am really enjoying that aspect of this strain. I don't know what the THC content is, but it is well up there.

Today, pictures from the Amnesia F2s as they finish up:


Veg Room #1
This morning I checked early, just to make sure all the lights were coming on as expected. All seemed to be in order and I still have no explanation as to why the light was off yesterday. The plants seem to have taken advantage of the situation however and they lept into action after getting their light turned on yesterday, and overnight they must have grown like crazy because this morning they all look to have nearly doubled in size! Finally, we are getting the growth spurt that should be associated with applying fertilizer.

Veg Room #2
I see the start of acceleration in the side growth again and no new bug attacks can be seen. We are about 11 days from the scheduled switch to the bloom room, and these girls are going to be ready for their big debut. These won't be the biggest plants I have ever grown, but they will be totally adequate for the constant harvest model we have set into motion, since there will be a harvest every month very soon and we will be deep in product supply.

Bloom Room
Speaking of harvest, we are definitely approaching that mark. There are still a few rogue white pistils to be seen and now we can notice a bit of foxtailing starting to happen as the buds continue to build outward. I can now see amber near the tip top calyx, but not yet at the very very top. We are at day 70 today, and I am convinced she will be harvested within this week, if not in the next few days. I am trying to be patient, and since I have already waited this long, I am not going to pull them until I am sure they are done.

Harvest Area
The daily burping has lost us another humidity point and now the jar sits stable at 63. The budlets are now crispy hard and very potent. The Bushmans is not my favorite taste, but its rich thick smoke has become very satisfying and long lasting. I am now able to finish my morning joint, because I am slowly building up a tolerance to it. This one morning joint will last me till well into late afternoon though, and I am really enjoying that aspect of this strain. I don't know what the THC content is, but it is well up there.

Today, pictures from the Amnesia F2s as they finish up:


They are so beautiful and full of thc! I hope mine grow up to be like that :) awesome job!
Veg Room #1
This morning I checked early, just to make sure all the lights were coming on as expected. All seemed to be in order and I still have no explanation as to why the light was off yesterday. The plants seem to have taken advantage of the situation however and they lept into action after getting their light turned on yesterday, and overnight they must have grown like crazy because this morning they all look to have nearly doubled in size! Finally, we are getting the growth spurt that should be associated with applying fertilizer.

Veg Room #2
I see the start of acceleration in the side growth again and no new bug attacks can be seen. We are about 11 days from the scheduled switch to the bloom room, and these girls are going to be ready for their big debut. These won't be the biggest plants I have ever grown, but they will be totally adequate for the constant harvest model we have set into motion, since there will be a harvest every month very soon and we will be deep in product supply.

Bloom Room
Speaking of harvest, we are definitely approaching that mark. There are still a few rogue white pistils to be seen and now we can notice a bit of foxtailing starting to happen as the buds continue to build outward. I can now see amber near the tip top calyx, but not yet at the very very top. We are at day 70 today, and I am convinced she will be harvested within this week, if not in the next few days. I am trying to be patient, and since I have already waited this long, I am not going to pull them until I am sure they are done.

Harvest Area
The daily burping has lost us another humidity point and now the jar sits stable at 63. The budlets are now crispy hard and very potent. The Bushmans is not my favorite taste, but its rich thick smoke has become very satisfying and long lasting. I am now able to finish my morning joint, because I am slowly building up a tolerance to it. This one morning joint will last me till well into late afternoon though, and I am really enjoying that aspect of this strain. I don't know what the THC content is, but it is well up there.

Today, pictures from the Amnesia F2s as they finish up:


Yup, totally agree. Not quite ready yet. Few too many rogues and the reds could curl in a bit, no? Your timing should work out very well.
Veg Room #1
The plants are still rapidly charging ahead, with nothing slowing them down now, not mice nor puppies. I really think they doubled in size again overnight! Here are a few of the stars of this show:


Veg Room #2
This room is really getting with it too! They were watered 3 days ago and maybe by tomorrow a few of them could use another drink. I am going to try to water around the edges a bit on the fast ones and see if I can start to sync everyone up. They got nothing but an encouraging look this afternoon as I checked on them, and I reminded them that they are about 10 days from heading over to the bloom room.

Bloom Room
Today we will look at the trichomes through the microscope. All of these shots were in the top half inch of the bud. As you can see, harvest could be justified at any time based on this, but looking at the overall plant, there are still white pistils here and there and too many of the red ones still have not pulled back into the buds. While there are amber trichomes near the top, the very tip top of the top calyxes are not yet amber. They plants are both still using lots of water but they do seem to be slowing down a little. This is day three since watering, and I am going to let them go till tomorrow and then we will see how much water they actually take. As of today, I am still patiently waiting.

Yup, looks like you could pull the trigger whenever you want on those. What's that huge black trichome in the background of the pictures? Never seen a trich like that. Lol!!

The veg room and seedlings look amazing and are indeed cruising! I am loving the light green striping you got on the one Hulkberry leaf.

Very impressive Em!
Beautiful ladies em!!!

I have that same gene with my amnesia, Swollen from top to bottom, fogged colored trichs, but 50/50 on the pistils.

Makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong on chop day. But after dry. Everything always looks beautiful.
Yup, looks like you could pull the trigger whenever you want on those. What's that huge black trichome in the background of the pictures? Never seen a trich like that. Lol!!

The veg room and seedlings look amazing and are indeed cruising! I am loving the light green striping you got on the one Hulkberry leaf.

Very impressive Em!
you had that same striping? I was wondering what that was all about.
Yup, looks like you could pull the trigger whenever you want on those. What's that huge black trichome in the background of the pictures? Never seen a trich like that. Lol!!

The veg room and seedlings look amazing and are indeed cruising! I am loving the light green striping you got on the one Hulkberry leaf.

Very impressive Em!
Ive got to remember to remove that black thing that is in there on the lens. Thanks for the push!
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