CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest


Nice save! They look like they'll make it to me too. How the attic door was open "unbeknownst" to you I wonder....Lol.

That Amnesia plant is utterly ridiculous. Gigantic, gorgeous colas. Damn.

In the second and third pictures of the Veg Room #2 pictures, are those stubby, rounded off leaves I see here and there actually growing like that, or was that you cleaning up the yellow that wouldn't split?

The save...again....very nice.
Thanks on all... sometimes it is more of a struggle than others. :)

Good eye on spotting those rounded off leaves. What it looked like to me is that some of the bug activity had gotten into the new growth when those leaves were just coming out, and they were definitely damaged. This was one of the things that was happening when I let them go too long without a preventative bug spray for like 11 days. It is actually a credit to the fast corrective move to try to save that new growth and the effectiveness of Sevin to stop an infestation cold. Those leaves grew normally after that.
All of the girls in Veg Room #1 are going to make it This morning they had good green color, and all were standing upright looking strong.

All of the girls in Veg Room #1 are going to make it This morning they had good green color, and all were standing upright looking strong.

One thing I've noticed after seeing several of your grows now is that you always seem to have perfectly green sprouts. Mine tend to take a week/10 days to "green up" like this, often times. It's gotta be your soil mix, I would think, yes? Other than that, in this stage you and I do the identical thing.

EDIT: just thinking about this, and maybe I need to activate my pots (organic grows) when I prep them sooner? Is it possible that this little "time lag" I'm talking about on mine is cuz that's how long it takes the microbes to get humming? That would seem to explain it as I've been prepping my Dixie cups very close in time to when the seed goes in. Hmm.
Not to mention that it still has whatever is left of the geoflora in there, and all the biology associated with the fine roots and fungi that are in that soil at the end too. This soil does not have to start from scratch and having a thriving microlife before I start has always seemed like a good idea. I see it in the rapidity of growth that I usually enjoy in the beginning.
Not to mention that it still has whatever is left of the geoflora in there, and all the biology associated with the fine roots and fungi that are in that soil at the end too. This soil does not have to start from scratch and having a thriving microlife before I start has always seemed like a good idea. I see it in the rapidity of growth that I usually enjoy in the beginning.
Thanks. Since I can't use your soil mix, could I accomplish this by keeping my prepped pots moist for like a week before I put a plant in?
Hey em!!! Great job.
How do you like playing with fox farm OF ? I used it on my Bruce banner and she did not like it? Was it me?

Or could I have a hard bean to grow?
I love Ocean Forest and have used it exclusively or in part for the better part of 10 years. Old or new, the soil has never failed to perform for me. I can't imagine why a plant would not like it although it is a bit of a rich soil to start a seed in, so I use Happy Frog in the top of my starter containers usually... this time I just used the mix out of my bins. That could have been a hard one to get going or some other mistake was made... old and new alike, we all make mistakes. FF soil has been sold for a long time and if there was something fundamentally wrong with the soil, this community would know. I don't think that I would first blame the soil, but then again, depending on the conditions, I guess it could be. Keep in mind that the soil I have started, and now re-started my seedlings in, is richer than FFOF begins with, because it has now been blended with 30% Purple Cow Supersoil. If there was going to be problems because of too rich of a soil, I would be having them.
I love Ocean Forest and have used it exclusively or in part for the better part of 10 years. Old or new, the soil has never failed to perform for me. I can't imagine why a plant would not like it although it is a bit of a rich soil to start a seed in, so I use Happy Frog in the top of my starter containers usually... this time I just used the mix out of my bins. That could have been a hard one to get going or some other mistake was made... old and new alike, we all make mistakes. FF soil has been sold for a long time and if there was something fundamentally wrong with the soil, this community would know. I don't think that I would first blame the soil, but then again, depending on the conditions, I guess it could be. Keep in mind that the soil I have started, and now re-started my seedlings in, is richer than FFOF begins with, because it has now been blended with 30% Purple Cow Supersoil. If there was going to be problems because of too rich of a soil, I would be having them.
Lol. No. I’m not blaming the soil. Haha.

I started in my (what I call) R4S. Ryan’s Super Spectacular Super Soil Lmfao
It’s just a light seed starting and fresh rooted clone mix. Promix and dr earth seed starter mixed with a lil bit of Mothers Earth and mycorrhizae. Anywho. I sprouted in that till about 3 weeks. Transplanted into fox farm. I’m asking you is you think the soil was to hit for the strain maybe. Or if the strain was a weak bean. Or if I did something wrong you think. Iv been using ffof for over 10 years as well. I just switched to Promix. And coco. I love ff. Lol. Not accusing the soil at all.

A. Bruce banner is a tough strain
B. Shitty seed
C. Hot soil for delicate strain
D. User error. Lol.
Lol. No. I’m not blaming the soil. Haha.

I started in my (what I call) R4S. Ryan’s Super Spectacular Super Soil Lmfao
It’s just a light seed starting and fresh rooted clone mix. Promix and dr earth seed starter mixed with a lil bit of Mothers Earth and mycorrhizae. Anywho. I sprouted in that till about 3 weeks. Transplanted into fox farm. I’m asking you is you think the soil was to hit for the strain maybe. Or if the strain was a weak bean. Or if I did something wrong you think. Iv been using ffof for over 10 years as well. I just switched to Promix. And coco. I love ff. Lol. Not accusing the soil at all.

A. Bruce banner is a tough strain
B. Shitty seed
C. Hot soil for delicate strain
D. User error. Lol.
Hard to say. I would bet that bb is just a tough strain. some are definitely known to be that way
Lol. No. I’m not blaming the soil. Haha.

I started in my (what I call) R4S. Ryan’s Super Spectacular Super Soil Lmfao
It’s just a light seed starting and fresh rooted clone mix. Promix and dr earth seed starter mixed with a lil bit of Mothers Earth and mycorrhizae. Anywho. I sprouted in that till about 3 weeks. Transplanted into fox farm. I’m asking you is you think the soil was to hit for the strain maybe. Or if the strain was a weak bean. Or if I did something wrong you think. Iv been using ffof for over 10 years as well. I just switched to Promix. And coco. I love ff. Lol. Not accusing the soil at all.

A. Bruce banner is a tough strain
B. Shitty seed
C. Hot soil for delicate strain
D. User error. Lol.
Hi @CultivationArt, how are you? May I ask, did the plant look fine until you put it in the OF? If that was the case, I have experienced the same thing before. I have been told by my FF rep that there are certain strains for which straight OF is a bit too "hot" when they're young, as Emilya says. I found this to be true once or twice. It usually is more prone to affect the seedlings through maybe the first 21 days in my experience. I usually try to stay in my Dixie at least that long now if I'm going into straight OF so that the plant is more mature and has more roots before going in. That might mitigate the issue with the BB. I just grew Hulkberry, same thing as BB#3, and used a 40% OF/40% HF/20% perlite #3 for my entire pot, starting in the Dixie, and she grew very nicely. For what it's worth!
Hi @CultivationArt, how are you? May I ask, did the plant look fine until you put it in the OF? If that was the case, I have experienced the same thing before. I have been told by my FF rep that there are certain strains for which straight OF is a bit too "hot" when they're young, as Emilya says. I found this to be true once or twice. It usually is more prone to affect the seedlings through maybe the first 21 days in my experience. I usually try to stay in my Dixie at least that long now if I'm going into straight OF so that the plant is more mature and has more roots before going in. That might mitigate the issue with the BB. I just grew Hulkberry, same thing as BB#3, and used a 40% OF/40% HF/20% perlite #3 for my entire pot, starting in the Dixie, and she grew very nicely. For what it's worth!
Thankyou. Wow. Glad I asked that question lol. Yep. Sounds about right on the money. No. She was perfect beyond transplant. Just bought a bag of ff just cause I’m not used to not having it. And I used it for transplant at around 3 weeks. She doesn’t like it. I’ll have to mix it. Thankyou for those kind words and knowledge bombs!
Thankyou. Wow. Glad I asked that question lol. Yep. Sounds about right on the money. No. She was perfect beyond transplant. Just bought a bag of ff just cause I’m not used to not having it. And I used it for transplant at around 3 weeks. She doesn’t like it. I’ll have to mix it. Thankyou for those kind words and knowledge bombs!
Lol. Knowledge bombs. Love that. Well, get used to using that thank you. I have to say something like that almost every day here, both HERE here in Emilya's thread and the more general here overall. Lol!!! It's like so much knowledge gets tossed your way if you ask a few questions it's hard to keep up with!!! What an awesome thing.
The other grass at my house is growing fast now too... but I cut my lawn in style, 420 Magazine style!
Man, a bumper sticker?! I could put one on the back of my chair!!
Here is a quick peek in at Veg Room #2

I mostly want to center in on the bloom room. First, here are the two amnesias, one having been cleaned up and the other not

Then, the buds. We still see white pistils too often to say that they are done, but they are definitely getting there.

Here is the room under the deep and far red lights, but the really interesting shot is the second one. Look carefully at the shadow. Where there is a stake blocking the light, the shadow is deep, but where it had to go through the canopy to get down to the floor, a good amount of the light made it all the way through, making the shadow nearly transparent. You can see in this picture the penetrating ability of the red light through green leaves.


Hey Emilya,

Whew, I finally caught back up. So kewl catching mice on video. I bait snap traps but don’t active the mechanism so they can dine free for a meal or two. That 3rd meal is gonna cost em big time!

I love that far red penetration, I bet your floor boards will be growing trichs soon. I’m digging your 2 veg room approach and that proper perpetual timing is sorely missing over here…. I’m not turning my rooms over efficiently.

Your garden looks plush and as always - you are killing it.
Here is a quick peek in at Veg Room #2

I mostly want to center in on the bloom room. First, here are the two amnesias, one having been cleaned up and the other not

Then, the buds. We still see white pistils too often to say that they are done, but they are definitely getting there.

Here is the room under the deep and far red lights, but the really interesting shot is the second one. Look carefully at the shadow. Where there is a stake blocking the light, the shadow is deep, but where it had to go through the canopy to get down to the floor, a good amount of the light made it all the way through, making the shadow nearly transparent. You can see in this picture the penetrating ability of the red light through green leaves.


Excellent haircut. Damn those girls are sweet. Fat ass buds.

That second picture with the reds is indeed very interesting. In addition to what you said, it also kind of shows the opposite side of that coin too, ie, it shows how much light a thing like a stake will actually block.

The veg room looks so plush. Nice.
Veg Room #1
To continue the ICU treatment of the flying and trampled upon seedlings, today I watered again, not because they needed water, but I wanted to get some fertilizer and microbes in there. They seemed to be experiencing a catch up growth spurt over the last 24 hours and all of the leaves seem noticeably larger. Today they got their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG, and I expect to see a continuation of the present growth spurt.

Veg Room #2
We are at day 4 in the watering cycle today and there is no need to water. Everyone seems to be happy, even the persnickety one, whos color continues to get better by the day. We seem to be having a growth spurt at the moment, and tomorrow I think I am going to top a few of them whos secondary growth has risen up to gain dominance over the canopy. We are at day 16 of the room rotation, so there is plenty of time for more training.

Bloom Room
Today is day 67 of bloom. Day 70 is looking like a good possibility for harvest... we shall see. They get watered again tomorrow. The buds are getting heavy and the plants are starting to heavily lean on the supports. Without the vertical support, this plant would be on the floor. You should feel these buds... tight tight... there is going to be surprising weight here. More pictures tomorrow.

p.s. a note to our droughting crowd:
Where do you think all this weight is coming from? I think it comes from drinking 1/3 of a gallon of water a day. A good part of a side by side test is going to be comparing final yield weight, and I think a non droughted plant will win that category, easily.
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