CoffeeShopSeeds Sponsored Grow: Emmie’s Huge 1 Month Interval Constant Harvest

Nice everything else, but damn on those four. Did you try watering on top after three or four days of nothing? Maybe you're right about the dry thing, I don't know. How long were your tap roots? I find that makes a difference. Or heck maybe they were just seeds that wouldn't sprout regardless, they're out there too. Oh well.
The tap roots were miniscule... 1/4 inch at best. And knowing that, possibly we are being too impatient here. This afternoon Strawberry Lemonade has managed to stick her neck up above soil! I am expecting to see leaves by morning. Also, there has been new stirring in the Ghost Train Haze cup too... maybe tomorrow? The other two GCs might be duds... they were pretty old seeds.

This afternoon, we harvested Bushman's #3. Estimates say we got about 3 oz dry from her. She cleaned up well and looks good going into the washing and first drying phase.

The Bushmans #2 is almost dried to the point we go to the paper sack. Bushmans #1 is still in the curing jar at 62-63 constant, and she seems to be curing fast. We smoked a bit of her while we were working today, and we all were pretty satisfied with what she had to say.

I'm really enjoying your journal. Watching all parts of the grow at once is fun. Looks exhausting, but for a job I've had worse ;)
Thank you! There are definitely a lot of moving parts in here right now and it definitely has become a full time job, but I am enjoying it immensely. I am feeling a lot of pride right now knowing that I am doing this and starting to achieve a small scale but efficient operation capable of meeting our needs, and totally legally without pushing any boundaries. This month's yield will be typical of most months from here on out, and we will have netted with our last two plants still in bloom, close to a pound of pot. The only exception to this should be next month, when the bloom room is starting from zero and needs 2 months to finish out, hopefully for the last time this year. From then on, we will be sending in and harvesting 5-6 plants every month.
The tap roots were miniscule... 1/4 inch at best. And knowing that, possibly we are being too impatient here. This afternoon Strawberry Lemonade has managed to stick her neck up above soil! I am expecting to see leaves by morning. Also, there has been new stirring in the Ghost Train Haze cup too... maybe tomorrow? The other two GCs might be duds... they were pretty old seeds.

This afternoon, we harvested Bushman's #3. Estimates say we got about 3 oz dry from her. She cleaned up well and looks good going into the washing and first drying phase.

The Bushmans #2 is almost dried to the point we go to the paper sack. Bushmans #1 is still in the curing jar at 62-63 constant, and she seems to be curing fast. We smoked a bit of her while we were working today, and we all were pretty satisfied with what she had to say.

Thank you! There are definitely a lot of moving parts in here right now and it definitely has become a full time job, but I am enjoying it immensely. I am feeling a lot of pride right now knowing that I am doing this and starting to achieve a small scale but efficient operation capable of meeting our needs, and totally legally without pushing any boundaries. This month's yield will be typical of most months from here on out, and we will have netted with our last two plants still in bloom, close to a pound of pot. The only exception to this should be next month, when the bloom room is starting from zero and needs 2 months to finish out, hopefully for the last time this year. From then on, we will be sending in and harvesting 5-6 plants every month.
Yay! Congrats! That bud looks yummy. Damn it must be nice to have a group of people together when you're in trim jail. Jealous here. And SO cool on the other seeds. To your patience comment, I have a suggestion: be patient on the tap root emergence before planting as well. I never put them in dirt with that short of a tap. It kind of defeats the purpose of the methodology. Mine are 1/2" to 3/4" long every time. I believe it's the length/girth/size of that initial tap root that determines the speed with which the plants breaks the dirt. I may not have covered that specifically when we discussed it, but maybe try that with one next time?

Even bigger congrats on the emergence (successful so far!) of your master plan for constant rotating harvests. That's gotta be the ultimate goal, right? I'll get there.

The tap roots were miniscule... 1/4 inch at best. And knowing that, possibly we are being too impatient here. This afternoon Strawberry Lemonade has managed to stick her neck up above soil! I am expecting to see leaves by morning. Also, there has been new stirring in the Ghost Train Haze cup too... maybe tomorrow? The other two GCs might be duds... they were pretty old seeds.

This afternoon, we harvested Bushman's #3. Estimates say we got about 3 oz dry from her. She cleaned up well and looks good going into the washing and first drying phase.

The Bushmans #2 is almost dried to the point we go to the paper sack. Bushmans #1 is still in the curing jar at 62-63 constant, and she seems to be curing fast. We smoked a bit of her while we were working today, and we all were pretty satisfied with what she had to say.

Thank you! There are definitely a lot of moving parts in here right now and it definitely has become a full time job, but I am enjoying it immensely. I am feeling a lot of pride right now knowing that I am doing this and starting to achieve a small scale but efficient operation capable of meeting our needs, and totally legally without pushing any boundaries. This month's yield will be typical of most months from here on out, and we will have netted with our last two plants still in bloom, close to a pound of pot. The only exception to this should be next month, when the bloom room is starting from zero and needs 2 months to finish out, hopefully for the last time this year. From then on, we will be sending in and harvesting 5-6 plants every month.
Nothing better than a good old fashioned trim party with good friends. :love:
Hope everything went well Em.

Stay safe
Yay! Congrats! That bud looks yummy. Damn it must be nice to have a group of people together when you're in trim jail. Jealous here. And SO cool on the other seeds. To your patience comment, I have a suggestion: be patient on the tap root emergence before planting as well. I never put them in dirt with that short of a tap. It kind of defeats the purpose of the methodology. Mine are 1/2" to 3/4" long every time. I believe it's the length/girth/size of that initial tap root that determines the speed with which the plants breaks the dirt. I may not have covered that specifically when we discussed it, but maybe try that with one next time?

Even bigger congrats on the emergence (successful so far!) of your master plan for constant rotating harvests. That's gotta be the ultimate goal, right? I'll get there.

That has to be the problem. I get nervous with them in the bottom of a cup of water for several days to achieve that, and tend to pull them out way too early. Again, a personal patience problem.

The real eye opener for me is going to be what happens when I religiously stick to the 1 month per room rule and stick them in Bloom before I would have normally been ready. If I can still manage to harvest 3 - 4 oz per plant, I am going to be over the moon happy about it.

And yes, having a trimming crew on call is a very handy thing. It doesn't come cheap though... they get a special deal on the meds they buy. They pay my standard medical price for product, but they get an extra 10g per oz. This and the fun time smoke session that we call trim jail, they enjoy helping me. I have also committed to keeping their little 1/4 oz personal stash jar full, so that comes along many times when they come to help with something.
And yes, having a trimming crew on call is a very handy thing. It doesn't come cheap though... they get a special deal on the meds they buy. They pay my standard medical price for product, but they get an extra 10g per oz. This and the fun time smoke session that we call trim jail, they enjoy helping me. I have also committed to keeping their little 1/4 oz personal stash jar full, so that comes along many times when they come to help with something.
That sounds like it works out well for everyone :)
Veg Room #1
Here is what was going on this morning

And here she is this evening. Now we have 4 plants up, the no shows are one of the Green Cracks and our Ghost Train Haze. Let's see what another day or two brings us.

Veg Room #2
One plant is still being eaten and I am not aware of what bug we are dealing with. Tomorrow they will get sprayed again. I will post pictures tomorrow. We are 3 days into the watering cycle and they may be wanting more tomorrow. We are at day 8 in this 30 day room, about a week from transplant.

Harvest Area
We have one plant in the jar, sitting in the curing range for about 4 days. This pot already has a punch to it! We have one plant in a paper sack, having been stripped from the branches in the drying tent. Again it seems, I have pulled too early. We have our 3rd plant still hanging in first stage drying and will be moved to the drying tent this evening.

Bloom Room

We now have 2 Amnesia F2 plants in bloom. They appear to be somewhere within 2 weeks of the end, but we still see many white pistils all around the plant. Unlike the Bushmans, these buds are hard little nugs. There are not any super large buds, but those that we have are tight, hard and very frosty. Presently, there is zero amber up at the top. Here are some pictures of these very nice looking buds at day 59 of Bloom.

Veg Room #1
Here is what was going on this morning

And here she is this evening. Now we have 4 plants up, the no shows are one of the Green Cracks and our Ghost Train Haze. Let's see what another day or two brings us.

Veg Room #2
One plant is still being eaten and I am not aware of what bug we are dealing with. Tomorrow they will get sprayed again. I will post pictures tomorrow. We are 3 days into the watering cycle and they may be wanting more tomorrow. We are at day 8 in this 30 day room, about a week from transplant.

Harvest Area
We have one plant in the jar, sitting in the curing range for about 4 days. This pot already has a punch to it! We have one plant in a paper sack, having been stripped from the branches in the drying tent. Again it seems, I have pulled too early. We have our 3rd plant still hanging in first stage drying and will be moved to the drying tent this evening.

Bloom Room
We now have 2 Amnesia F2 plants in bloom. They appear to be somewhere within 2 weeks of the end, but we still see many white pistils all around the plant. Unlike the Bushmans, these buds are hard little nugs. There are not any super large buds, but those that we have are tight, hard and very frosty. Presently, there is zero amber up at the top. Here are some pictures of these very nice looking buds at day 59 of Bloom.

Nice, 4 down 2 to go! Those Amnesia's - you count bloom starting when you see the first nuglet right? So are they on 59 since flip or since buds first showed?
Nice, 4 down 2 to go! Those Amnesia's - you count bloom starting when you see the first nuglet right? So are they on 59 since flip or since buds first showed?
I always document a transition period after the flip and before bloom actually starts. The transition period on these plants was about 10 days, vs the 7 days that it took the Bushmans to convert. It has been 59 days since noting that instead of new green growth we were instead seeing an explosion of pistils from the growth tips. I have noted in multiple varieties that long running sativas seem to always have a longer transition period, typically 10 or 11 days.
Only two things of note have happened today.

First, in Veg Room #1 we have no more plants up, but the SL and GC last reaching the surface look like they are going to make it. All the cups got their sprays of water again this evening, and we continue to wait on the GTH and the last GC.

Veg Room #2
It has been 3 days since the last application of bug spray so today they got another round of the stuff. Leaf damage on the White Widow that is being attacked seems to have stopped for now. I think we are going to survive... we just need to remember to spray often. The plants are at day 4 since last watering, and a couple of them could have been watered today. I will wait until tomorrow so as to try to get the plants more in sync and then the next time they need to be watered, it will up-potting day. I seem to be right on schedule since this is day 9 in this room, target date for the uppotting is day 14.
That was fun. We couldn't stay because Ms. J had to work. One guy bought us a drink and said he wondered if it was me when he saw us signing, but I never learned his name. I think the bartender clued him in. Apparently he is a member here, so Hi, whomever you are! We saw Jeff, who is famous for being pardoned by Obama and a couple of friends from the legalization push... 420 was definitely being celebrated in Knob Noster, MO today! I can't tell you if the music was any good, but I will ask Ms. J how she liked it when she gets off of her shift in the morning.
Veg Room #1
No new plants are up, but everyone that has made it to the party got a proper drink today. I think I have been too stingy with the water, so I took care of that. I also turned up their light a half a notch. They shouldn't need water for a month. :rofl:

Veg Room #2
These girls are playing with me. The bug damage seems to have stopped again, but they are drinking too slowly. We are at day 5 since watering, and only one seems lighter than the rest, surely not light enough to water though. I remained patient though and told them all they were good girls. When I do water, probably tomorrow, I am going to give them a treat that I like to give my plants at least once in their lives, some of my fermented dandelion super nutrient. Some people like one dose of SuperTrive, used in the same way. After the transplant I will start giving them Sweet Candy in the water every time, because it is just like molasses only with extra vitamins, amino acids and other micronutrients. I have no proof other than my buds, but it does seem to make a difference.

Bloom Room
Today I cleaned up some of the dead leaf matter and sort of lollypopped them a bit. I certainly didn't take it to an extreme, I just wanted to free up air and light exposure to some of the buds and clean up the appearance a bit, to get a jump on the cleaning when I eventually harvest these @CannaPot Amnesia beauties. They are starting to bulk up pretty good, and I am pleased to see some good hard buds rather than the springy sativa type buds we enjoyed with the Bushmans. It's hard to guess when these girls are going to be ready, and they are at day 61 today. They are going to go at least 10 weeks, if not 11 or 12. They are on their own time with the entire bloom room to themselves, and we will just wait until they are ready. Trichome check shows some amber creeping in on the sunleaves just below the tip top, but none are showing on that top calyx yet.
Here are some pretty bud shots to help get you through the night... and if you are like me, this little bit of garden zen is one of the best things to happen each day. Please enjoy.

It turns out that more water was exactly what was needed. I have extremely good news!

Veg Room #1
After 11 days of sitting in the soil playing shy, Ghost Train Haze suddenly rose to the surface! We now have 5 plants going, and an extremely happy gardener overseeing all the excitement. With the extreme age of the Green Crack seeds, one not coming up isn't too surprising. Due to this lesson on seed timing, when I start seeds from now on in this tight 1 month rotation system, I am going to start them a week early so as to get a full month of veg in this first room. We will adjust this time, but with the goal being to keep a strict rotation going we will make this adjustment in the future.


Veg Room #2
They still do not need watering, after 6 days, and I think I know why. Look at these lower fan's. These are plants that are telling me in no uncertain terms, that they want to be transplanted. I will listen to them, mainly to keep with the schedule, and secondly because I think my overly strict watering rules and rules for uppotting are going to need revising to fit into this accelerated schedule. I will transplant tomorrow, and I will be sure to get some pictures of the roots that I am assuming are starting to wrap around the outside of the rootball. They will be 7 days into the two week feeding schedule, and we will reset to zero once they are repotted and have been given the appropriate 1/2 cup of Geoflora for the new 5 gallon containers.


Bloom Room
Looking at these 9 week plants and seeing that they clearly still need about 2 weeks to finish up, and noticing the classic yellowing of a P and K deficiency starting to get going, I have made a command decision. I have just fed and watered them, giving them what I suspect will be the very last feeding of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM. Not knowing the bloom time of these plants caused the mistake of not feeding them for the last 2 weeks, thinking that they would be finishing up by now. This is no biggie though, since residual feed and microbes were enough to keep them going after a fashion, and if I had continued to feed until now, this last feeding today might have been the one that I skipped. I think things will be just fine feeding them for this last two weeks, but I certainly did not use the Geoflora as it was intended here at the end of this grow. I expect to see an immediate return to green happy and well fed plants, right up to harvest time after this correction this evening. The plants are still using water at their normal rate and I am sure they are enjoying their extra treat of Sweet Candy that came in their water this evening.

Harvest Area
All three plants that have been harvested are in separate jars, now curing at around 64% RH. The smoke is smoothing out nicely and at least in the first jar that I am sampling from, the smoke is strong with an intense sativa high that lasts for 6-8 hours. I am impressed, even though I prefer an indica dominant high usually, and I am happy that I have grown Bushmans. Also, I got a treat... this last Bushmans seems to have had a nanner that I didn't spot and we ended up with one little pocket of seeds... about 10 of them, all feminized and waiting for another day.

Life is good here in Missouri and I hope it is the same where you live.
It turns out that more water was exactly what was needed. I have extremely good news!

Veg Room #1
After 11 days of sitting in the soil playing shy, Ghost Train Haze suddenly rose to the surface! We now have 5 plants going, and an extremely happy gardener overseeing all the excitement. With the extreme age of the Green Crack seeds, one not coming up isn't too surprising. Due to this lesson on seed timing, when I start seeds from now on in this tight 1 month rotation system, I am going to start them a week early so as to get a full month of veg in this first room. We will adjust this time, but with the goal being to keep a strict rotation going we will make this adjustment in the future.


Veg Room #2
They still do not need watering, after 6 days, and I think I know why. Look at these lower fan's. These are plants that are telling me in no uncertain terms, that they want to be transplanted. I will listen to them, mainly to keep with the schedule, and secondly because I think my overly strict watering rules and rules for uppotting are going to need revising to fit into this accelerated schedule. I will transplant tomorrow, and I will be sure to get some pictures of the roots that I am assuming are starting to wrap around the outside of the rootball. They will be 7 days into the two week feeding schedule, and we will reset to zero once they are repotted and have been given the appropriate 1/2 cup of Geoflora for the new 5 gallon containers.


Bloom Room
Looking at these 9 week plants and seeing that they clearly still need about 2 weeks to finish up, and noticing the classic yellowing of a P and K deficiency starting to get going, I have made a command decision. I have just fed and watered them, giving them what I suspect will be the very last feeding of @GeoFlora Nutrients BLOOM. Not knowing the bloom time of these plants caused the mistake of not feeding them for the last 2 weeks, thinking that they would be finishing up by now. This is no biggie though, since residual feed and microbes were enough to keep them going after a fashion, and if I had continued to feed until now, this last feeding today might have been the one that I skipped. I think things will be just fine feeding them for this last two weeks, but I certainly did not use the Geoflora as it was intended here at the end of this grow. I expect to see an immediate return to green happy and well fed plants, right up to harvest time after this correction this evening. The plants are still using water at their normal rate and I am sure they are enjoying their extra treat of Sweet Candy that came in their water this evening.

Harvest Area
All three plants that have been harvested are in separate jars, now curing at around 64% RH. The smoke is smoothing out nicely and at least in the first jar that I am sampling from, the smoke is strong with an intense sativa high that lasts for 6-8 hours. I am impressed, even though I prefer an indica dominant high usually, and I am happy that I have grown Bushmans. Also, I got a treat... this last Bushmans seems to have had a nanner that I didn't spot and we ended up with one little pocket of seeds... about 10 of them, all feminized and waiting for another day.

Life is good here in Missouri and I hope it is the same where you live.
I can't tell you how happy this post makes me, for obvious (to you) reasons!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

Funny you include info on the resetting the nute schedule upon uppotting, I was going to ask you about that. Perfectly answers my question without even having to ask! And yeah, they're yelling at you already. Must be nice roots on those girls, usually they don't start screaming at you quite this size, do they?

Sounds like Emilya is having a great day!
I can't tell you how happy this post makes me, for obvious (to you) reasons!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

Funny you include info on the resetting the nute schedule upon uppotting, I was going to ask you about that. Perfectly answers my question without even having to ask! And yeah, they're yelling at you already. Must be nice roots on those girls, usually they don't start screaming at you quite this size, do they?

Sounds like Emilya is having a great day!
Absolutely, I share your happiness! Now with 3 out of 3, I am getting my seedling confidence back. Yes, it does seem early for all of this lower fan leaf commotion, but that classic yellowing of the lower fans tells me all I need to know. I am having an excellent day my friend and am enjoying this rotating grow room project more than I should be allowed to. Oh, I just remembered that I asked J about the music yesterday and she said it was ok... needed better mixing. I trust her ear since I no longer have any.

Absolutely, I share your happiness! Now with 3 out of 3, I am getting my seedling confidence back. Yes, it does seem early for all of this lower fan leaf commotion, but that classic yellowing of the lower fans tells me all I need to know. I am having an excellent day my friend and am enjoying this rotating grow room project more than I should be allowed to. Oh, I just remembered that I asked J about the music yesterday and she said it was ok... needed better mixing. I trust her ear since I no longer have any.

I'm over the moon for you!
Veg Room #1
The 5 plants for this run all seem to be doing well. The next watering is going to also be the time to give them their first taste of @GeoFlora Nutrients VEG.

Veg Room #2
We are at day 7 of the watering and the feeding cycles, and they could use a drink. We could go longer, but instead, since this is already day 12/30 in the room, it was time to up-pot. They all got moved into 5 gallon containers simply re-using the soil from the last run. There is absolutely nothing special about this soil mix of some happy frog, some ocean forest and some purple cow supersoil, all mixed together. @DYNOMYCO was used by putting 2 tblspoons in the bottom of the hole before putting in the old rootball. The new containers were all watered to runoff to merge the soil regions. I will spray again tomorrow as it will have been 4 days, and now I know I have to keep going after the bugs or they will sneak back in.
Here are the roots coming out of the 1 gallon containers, showing the reason for the complaints in those lower leaves. All of the plants had similar roots.


Here are the happy plants, now in their final containers.

Bloom Room
The Amnesias are at day 63 today and still showing white pistils all over the place. It has been 1 day since watering.
Veg Room #1
We had an almost disaster in this room yesterday. I didn't write about it yesterday because I wanted to wait 24 hours to see what the actual damage was, so here now, is the report. I also didn't want to re-appropriate @MochaBud's story of his dog disaster, but mine is somewhat similar and somewhat embarrassing, so I waited to "spill the beans" as it were, until now.

Yesterday we had some demolition done in our backyard, for an old garden shed with wood rot and old termite damage had to be removed. The puppies were put in the house so they didn't get hurt and so they didn't bother the workmen. Since they were last let in, the puppies have grown quite a bit, and in just a few minutes they collectively figured out how to break down the baby gate that was confining them to one room, and unbenounced to me, the door to the grow rooms in the attic was open and available for their curious selves to investigate.

Several people outside heard the crash upstairs and alerted me that I needed to go in and check on things, and sure enough, when I got up there I found that the elevated and mouse proof grow table was not puppy proof, and it had crashed to the floor under a 4x 50lb puppy attack and left all of my new seedlings scattered about on the floor. One plant, a Green Crack, had been walked on, but the others seemed intact. I scooped up what I could and carefully replanted them in what I think are the correct cups, but now I can not be certain of that, since I only made educated guesses based on the size of the plants and their relative placement next to the nametags strewn about on the floor.

After gently putting soil in and about the small roots and trying to plant them at a reasonable depth, I gently watered to settle the soil around the roots and give them a fighting chance. This morning, almost 24 hours later, they are still standing and look like they are all going to survive. We may lose some leaves, but I don't think at this point that we have killed any of them. It does looks like we may have lost another week in this first stage due to this accident and will have to adjust a bit on our room rotation timeline, but that is ok... things happen, and a good gardener knows when to adjust.


Veg Room #2
I am very pleased what is happening in this room! The complaining seems to have stopped with the uppotting and green is quickly coming back to some of those lower leaves. The plants are responding well to the recent feeding and seem to be loving life at the moment with all of them reaching up to that big beautiful @NextLight 420h. This morning was the 3rd day since spraying the serious bug spray, so today they got some more. There is a world of difference in having bug free plants at this stage, vs what I have been dealing with for the last 3 or 4 grows... these plants are beautiful! Our problem WWidow seems to be coming out of her funk too and now is greening up nicely and growing well. Some of these plants will be getting a second topping soon to finish out their last 2 weeks at this stage.


Bloom Room
The Amnesia F2s are definitely finishing out. We are now to the stage where the white pistils are not everywhere, but there are still rogue regions of them all around the plants, compared to 5 days ago when they were on every bud. We are at day 65 today, and I think it is going to be a good guess to say that these are 10-11 week bloom plants. Next weekend might be a good window to think about getting the cleaning crew back in here.

The Amnesia buds have thickened up quite a bit and I am very pleased about the trichome population on these hard and very tight buds. I can already tell, this little crop is going to be one of our favorites, especially if the strength of the smoke is what I expect it to be. If this makes sense, I am getting tired of the sativa type smoke and am looking forward to a very tasty thick indica type smoke from these buds.

The recent feeding has done as predicted and the green has come back to these plants, with all signs of P and K deficiencies fading into the past. There are a few amber trichomes showing at the very top of the plants now, and I could justify harvest at any moment. These days, with a more patient outlook on these things, I continue to wait, wanting to see an abundance of amber and zero white pistils other than in any foxtails that might develop while I wait for the end. They got watered this morning, on the 3rd day since last watering, and got a good helping of Sweet Candy along with it.


Harvest Area
The first plant of the Bushmans has already moved out the door with only about a 2 week cure on it at best. Everyone seems to love it even with the light cure, and now the second and third plants are combined in the curing jar, staying steady at 63-64%RH. The smoke is a strong, extremely long lasting sativa type energetic head high with almost no body high to it. It's not my favorite type of high, but I do like how strong and long lasting it is. Some of my people love it.
Veg Room #1
We had an almost disaster in this room yesterday. I didn't write about it yesterday because I wanted to wait 24 hours to see what the actual damage was, so here now, is the report. I also didn't want to re-appropriate @MochaBud's story of his dog disaster, but mine is somewhat similar and somewhat embarrassing, so I waited to "spill the beans" as it were, until now.

Yesterday we had some demolition done in our backyard, for an old garden shed with wood rot and old termite damage had to be removed. The puppies were put in the house so they didn't get hurt and so they didn't bother the workmen. Since they were last let in, the puppies have grown quite a bit, and in just a few minutes they collectively figured out how to break down the baby gate that was confining them to one room, and unbenounced to me, the door to the grow rooms in the attic was open and available for their curious selves to investigate.

Several people outside heard the crash upstairs and alerted me that I needed to go in and check on things, and sure enough, when I got up there I found that the elevated and mouse proof grow table was not puppy proof, and it had crashed to the floor under a 4x 50lb puppy attack and left all of my new seedlings scattered about on the floor. One plant, a Green Crack, had been walked on, but the others seemed intact. I scooped up what I could and carefully replanted them in what I think are the correct cups, but now I can not be certain of that, since I only made educated guesses based on the size of the plants and their relative placement next to the nametags strewn about on the floor.

After gently putting soil in and about the small roots and trying to plant them at a reasonable depth, I gently watered to settle the soil around the roots and give them a fighting chance. This morning, almost 24 hours later, they are still standing and look like they are all going to survive. We may lose some leaves, but I don't think at this point that we have killed any of them. It does looks like we may have lost another week in this first stage due to this accident and will have to adjust a bit on our room rotation timeline, but that is ok... things happen, and a good gardener knows when to adjust.


Veg Room #2
I am very pleased what is happening in this room! The complaining seems to have stopped with the uppotting and green is quickly coming back to some of those lower leaves. The plants are responding well to the recent feeding and seem to be loving life at the moment with all of them reaching up to that big beautiful @NextLight 420h. This morning was the 3rd day since spraying the serious bug spray, so today they got some more. There is a world of difference in having bug free plants at this stage, vs what I have been dealing with for the last 3 or 4 grows... these plants are beautiful! Our problem WWidow seems to be coming out of her funk too and now is greening up nicely and growing well. Some of these plants will be getting a second topping soon to finish out their last 2 weeks at this stage.


Bloom Room
The Amnesia F2s are definitely finishing out. We are now to the stage where the white pistils are not everywhere, but there are still rogue regions of them all around the plants, compared to 5 days ago when they were on every bud. We are at day 65 today, and I think it is going to be a good guess to say that these are 10-11 week bloom plants. Next weekend might be a good window to think about getting the cleaning crew back in here.

The Amnesia buds have thickened up quite a bit and I am very pleased about the trichome population on these hard and very tight buds. I can already tell, this little crop is going to be one of our favorites, especially if the strength of the smoke is what I expect it to be. If this makes sense, I am getting tired of the sativa type smoke and am looking forward to a very tasty thick indica type smoke from these buds.

The recent feeding has done as predicted and the green has come back to these plants, with all signs of P and K deficiencies fading into the past. There are a few amber trichomes showing at the very top of the plants now, and I could justify harvest at any moment. These days, with a more patient outlook on these things, I continue to wait, wanting to see an abundance of amber and zero white pistils other than in any foxtails that might develop while I wait for the end. They got watered this morning, on the 3rd day since last watering, and got a good helping of Sweet Candy along with it.


Harvest Area
The first plant of the Bushmans has already moved out the door with only about a 2 week cure on it at best. Everyone seems to love it even with the light cure, and now the second and third plants are combined in the curing jar, staying steady at 63-64%RH. The smoke is a strong, extremely long lasting sativa type energetic head high with almost no body high to it. It's not my favorite type of high, but I do like how strong and long lasting it is. Some of my people love it.

Nice save! They look like they'll make it to me too. How the attic door was open "unbeknownst" to you I wonder....Lol.

That Amnesia plant is utterly ridiculous. Gigantic, gorgeous colas. Damn.

In the second and third pictures of the Veg Room #2 pictures, are those stubby, rounded off leaves I see here and there actually growing like that, or was that you cleaning up the yellow that wouldn't split?

The save...again....very nice.
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