Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Bummer TC, but at least you got it before a total wipeout
I use H2O2 spray rather than bleach for sterilizing to get in all the corners, zips etc - I even spray the filter cover
You can't be too careful - and yeah, weekend starts today in my world :hookah:
Bummer TC, but at least you got it before a total wipeout
I use H2O2 spray rather than bleach for sterilizing to get in all the corners, zips etc - I even spray the filter cover
You can't be too careful - and yeah, weekend starts today in my world :hookah:
Thanks Sensei Growingz so just put water and proxide together? How about the light? Yaaaaa party time for Roy whatcha gonna do my friend?
I'm pretty sure @Jon likes his dehuey, which you can see in this pic:


I hope he stops by with some more info on it or you can ask in one of his threads.
Thanks Sensei Growingz so just put water and proxide together? How about the light? Yaaaaa party time for Roy whatcha gonna do my friend?
Yep, dilute to around 1.2 - 3.0% and spray away - I use 12% so dilute it 1:10 or 100ml/L
Party? Nah, going out to a local beauty spot at 3am Saturday to try to photograph the sunrise (...again lol)
Rock 'n Roll, eh... :cool:
Yep, dilute to around 1.2 - 3.0% and spray away - I use 12% so dilute it 1:10 or 100ml/L
Party? Nah, going out to a local beauty spot at 3am Saturday to try to photograph the sunrise (...again lol)
Rock 'n Roll, eh... :cool:
Nice I’m not sure which % I have but I’ll give it a try and hey man going out during the witching hour to get the sunrise sounds like a party! Just watch out for Jimmy he might try to jump out at you if he does spray him with some water lmao

I'm pretty sure @Jon likes his dehuey, which you can see in this pic:


I hope he stops by with some more info on it or you can ask in one of his threads.
For sure if he doesn’t I’ll reach out to him later on I think I found the one I want one of the few in my price range that doesn’t have any negative reviews on the zon and it has a water pipe that I route to the laundry basin so I don’t need to worry about emptying it all the time
@VIVOSUN i was looking at your auto defrost dehumidifier some of the reviewers where saying that
  1. It requires temperatures in the range of 25 C to 30 C to perform as intended
  2. That it will not run correctly under 60% RH (in my original post I was mistaken about the 40%)

I’m not trying to attack or anything just asking questions because it’s one of the three that I’m looking at buying thanks.

Edit: Reworded it probably
I don't think you need to get your RH under 40% in flower if that matters.
My bad what I meant and was trying to say was the reviews were saying it stops working around 40% RH. I don’t know enough about this stuff that’s why I’m posting/asking the manufacturer need to reword the original post though
Nice nice any plans for the weekend? Even though it’s Thursday lol sorry normally my weekend starts on Friday cause I do 4 10s
No plans as I work most weekends during the warm season.... But Tuesday prolly go to beach :) about you? Anything fun planned
Sorry about the mold. That sucks.
Thanks Grateful she was a good little plant to learn on took all the abuse.
Was it mold or spider web..
And yeah I would get them reword that too.
99% sure it was mold but it’s gone now so I can’t tell. I had to reword my post cause I had misinformation and the way I worded it and wrote it sounded very rude and like I was trying to attack them.
Thanks Grateful she was a good little plant to learn on took all the abuse.

99% sure it was mold but it’s gone now so I can’t tell. I had to reword my post cause I had misinformation and the way I worded it and wrote it sounded very rude and like I was trying to attack them.
I failed English. Multiple times. LoL
You to?! It’s hard to do English on a phone haha
Really is. Why I don't worries about it. Keep to my self alot. . eventho sometimes they need to listen. But hey not my plant. Lmao. I'm just proud some old growers are back and I don't get to see yellow dying leaves on plants getting ready to harvest.
Really is. Why I don't worries about it. Keep to my self alot. . eventho sometimes they need to listen. But hey not my plant. Lmao. I'm just proud some old growers are back and I don't get to see yellow dying leaves on plants getting ready to harvest.
She was my learner plant as much as I tried to do what I could to keep her going but in the end it was my fault for not being able to control the RH, hopefully I won’t make the same mistake with other plants.
She was my learner plant as much as I tried to do what I could to keep her going but in the end it was my fault for not being able to control the RH, hopefully I won’t make the same mistake with other plants.
U want.. we all made them.. now I kill some on purpose . Only the strong survive
So your saying people kill their plants because they don’t like them? That’s kind of counter productive all those nutes and shit cost money I just ran out of it and had to keep a roof over my head not looking for sympathy or anything just trying to understand what your saying
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