Coffee Tries To Grow Again

For what it's worth, 2 of our tents have pinprick holes in the door and as far as I can tell, I've had no issues from them.
Same here, but if you have any larger ones it would be best to fix them. I have some pieces of the material my tent is made of if you need them. The tent came tied up with a strip of the mylar/canvas material, and I can give you a strip of it. You could cut pieces off and glue them on the inside of the tent. That way you can patch the holes and maintain the inner reflective surface.
That's for both HG and TC.
Same here, but if you have any larger ones it would be best to fix them. I have some pieces of the material my tent is made of if you need them. The tent came tied up with a strip of the mylar/canvas material, and I can give you a strip of it. You could cut pieces off and glue them on the inside of the tent. That way you can patch the holes and maintain the inner reflective surface.
That's for both HG and TC.
Thanks Mel I’ll let you know if I notice anything honestly I should have checked it all before putting the plants in
Haha your more then welcome but I do charge rent if you decide to live under my bridge bring me necklaces of teeth of the children you eat
Nah nah I don't do rent. . Retired. Set budget. I'm poor. Idk whatever else excuses I can come up with. Lmao. Not so loud tho. Growing pot under the bridge
Death bubbas got a friend <3
Where's that confounded bridge?
Somewhere between Nardia and Dante’s swimming hole haha he goes outside just to make a puddle with the hose better then the alternative thought mind you if we ph to around the same as urine would it work? Lmao we need a tester and a test subject!
You should skip checking the trichomes on the small sugar leaves and check the ones on the actual calyxes (bracts is the true name). That's where we check for clear/cloudy/amber.
Thanks Shed I’ll try to take a eye ball look at it when I go back down I totally didn’t have to read a article to fully understand what you were saying me and my dum dum brain sometimes lol

What shed said. Or whenever u want just lose that kick. . Lmao. One puts u on or in the couch
Totally looking for the couch lock and brain numbing high so tons of amber for me! Naw maybe half and half if I can get it
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