Coffee Tries To Grow Again

I agree and am working on it might need to get a second job when she goes on leave that with her pay for leave hopefully will help
I’m super proud of you.

You are being proactive in trying to find a solution. If it was me I’d be contacting real estates and I’d be applying for a small house/unit.
I’m super proud of you.

You are being proactive in trying to find a solution. If it was me I’d be contacting real estates and I’d be applying for a small house/unit.
Thank you and if things work out and we move out the city then that might be a really good idea but right now even basic housing is over $2000 a month plus everything else and the joke of it all is the government tells me that I make to much for subsidized housing lmao. That being said if I can hold two welding jobs I should be able to afford it. After the second baby is born she will be staying at home as if she did work it’d be to pay for daycare
Thank you and if things work out and we move out the city then that might be a really good idea but right now even basic housing is over $2000 a month plus everything else and the joke of it all is the government tells me that I make to much for subsidized housing lmao. That being said if I can hold two welding jobs I should be able to afford it. After the second baby is born she will be staying at home as if she did work it’d be to pay for daycare
While it’s expensive, it is so worthwhile, well I think it is. And it’s character building. My son pays $2000 per month, which means his life has to be simple. Work hard, budget meals, family picnics and thrift shop shopping. It’s actually the reason I started growing his weed for him, because that was keeping him super poor and always borrowing money off me each week. I still charge him for the weed, but I bank the money for him.

I’d aim before the baby is born. It’s so much harder to move with 2.

When I was just a bit younger than you I was a single parent. My weekly wage as a bakery assistant was $250, and my rent each week was $155. That left me $95 for utilities, food and expenses. My point in sharing this, that was my time to survive, to raise my son in a happy environment. My time to save money and financially better myself would come in my 40’s.
While it’s expensive, it is so worthwhile, well I think it is. And it’s character building. My son pays $2000 per month, which means his life has to be simple. Work hard, budget meals, family picnics and thrift shop shopping. It’s actually the reason I started growing his weed for him, because that was keeping him super poor and always borrowing money off me each week. I still charge him for the weed, but I bank the money for him.

I’d aim before the baby is born. It’s so much harder to move with 2.

When I was just a bit younger than you I was a single parent. My weekly wage as a bakery assistant was $250, and my rent each week was $155. That left me $95 for utilities, food and expenses. My point in sharing this, that was my time to survive, to raise my son in a happy environment. My time to save money and financially better myself would come in my 40’s.
I think our main issue in terms of money is that we have have to much coming out our income to debt ratio is out of whack. I just finished paying off one of them and now need to choose between either the loan that comes out weekly and the car that comes out bi weekly that and now having to pay for medication but that will be solved with a new job and benefits. I know it sounds like I’m making excuses and I’m not trying and I do value and appreciate the advice Mum just slowly cracking away at it all
I think our main issue in terms of money is that we have have to much coming out our income to debt ratio is out of whack. I just finished paying off one of them and now need to choose between either the loan that comes out weekly and the car that comes out bi weekly that and now having to pay for medication but that will be solved with a new job and benefits. I know it sounds like I’m making excuses and I’m not trying and I do value and appreciate the advice Mum just slowly cracking away at it all
I don’t think you’re making excuses. Sounds like your planning your work and working your plan.

Keep focusing on your family and what you need to do to assist with your and their happiness.
I don’t think you’re making excuses. Sounds like your planning your work and working your plan.

Keep focusing on your family and what you need to do to assist with your and their happiness.
Thanks that’s been the goal for the last couple years at one point I did manage to get enough money and find a place for 20% under the market but she didn’t want to move there cause it wasn’t a safe neighbourhood.

Got one more day off then back to work Tuesday might try to take Dante on the bus tomorrow to the lake/big park need to figure out if he needs to be in the stroller or if he can just sit beside me. That boy will not stay in the stroller it’ll be a scream fest lmao. Our local park is ok but there’s never any kids there that are his age he almost got smoked by a basketball today >.<

In Julia’s words I need to stop being the worried parent and let him at it.
She’s starting to fill in and really show sex
Sounds good Mum and to everyone else I apologize for my out burst last night it’s been a very frustrating time and it’s just getting worse but I don’t plan on leaving Julia pregnant alone nor my son. But I do need to work out a situation where I’m not this mad every weekend it’s exhausting physically and mentally time to go back to zen aka

Also look what Dante found lol just need to find a battery for it and some paint

Hard to see in the picture but it is a ride along 4x4
Make sure Dante doesn't run over one of the girls.
Hey TC :ciao: good morning.
Hope you had a great weekend.
Guess what, remember I said Stacey wasn't well ?
We both have Covid fek.
Locked in sick for 10 days.
At least I have Stacey with me.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :ciao:
Make sure Dante doesn't run over one of the girls.
Hey TC :ciao: good morning.
Hope you had a great weekend.
Guess what, remember I said Stacey wasn't well ?
We both have Covid fek.
Locked in sick for 10 days.
At least I have Stacey with me.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :ciao:
Good morning Bill! That sucks! We all got it end of March just stay in bed and catch monkey pox you got 10 days ;) just kidding I hope both of you feel better just take care of each other it’ll be done and over with before you know it
Interview on Friday :) bigger company and bigger projects for atleast $1 more and benefits and day shift which will allow me to find a second job :)
Good luck!

I am always attracted to doers. Piss and moaners who do zero to try to improve their circumstances not so much.

Makes me so happy to know you’re a doer!
Good luck!

I am always attracted to doers. Piss and moaners who do zero to try to improve their circumstances not so much.

Makes me so happy to know you’re a doer!
Been there don’t like sitting around, not going to say I haven’t enjoyed being at home this weekend with my son but being home drives me crazy I’ve been working none stop since I was 16 it’s my escape.

Me either. Does it rinse off?
Guess you'll find out, rain just started here.
Yeah looked like it was going to pour down I’ll check after if it doesn’t then I’ll be super worried it’s not the plant cause I saw some of whatever it was on the ground
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