Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Now Miss @Trala won’t be able to seee my dirty face Muhahahah forgot my leathers hope I don’t get burned to much
Good morning :)

I still haven’t got to your journal. I’m hoping to catch up thiscarvo.

Tbh I’m more interested in you cleansing those bacteria ridden fingernails!
Good morning you don’t want to see them now covered in paint and oil lmao my boss told me to cut down some wood so we did it was to small so they put the cuttings back in with a nail gun lmao.

Take your time T I’m not going anywhere
couldn’t find neem oil but I got safers 3 n 1 also couldn’t find pearlite strangely enough but I was chasing the toddler
Toddlers help you get your 10,000 steps in! In veg, neem is a lot easier because no rinsing, but the 3 in 1 will work in veg. Not in flower because it has sulfur in it, which is not a good idea to burn and inhale.

For flower see if you can find regular Safers Insect Killing Soap spray.
So I just spray this stuff on at night then hose off?
Toddlers help you get your 10,000 steps in! In veg, neem is a lot easier because no rinsing, but the 3 in 1 will work in veg. Not in flower because it has sulfur in it, which is not a good idea to burn and inhale.

For flower see if you can find regular Safers Insect Killing Soap spray.

I didn’t hose it off last night but it seemed fine this morning not sure if I should spray again tonight I won’t be home until 1:30am and I think sun comes up around 6am don’t want to burn them. With that being said I didn’t see any bugs falling after I sprayed yesterday at dusk but I also know it’s a continuous process we shall see what they look like when I get home

Yes I agree on the toddlers mine now knows how to open the door god help me lol
Can I do any LST with Stretch?
You could start to pull out the lower branches, but I wouldn't bother outside, she'll do it all by herself
Stretch this morning

Grand Daddy starting to grow more
Nice! Looks like stretch is really going to fill out!
Can I do any LST with Stretch?
You could start to pull out the lower branches, but I wouldn't bother outside, she'll do it all by herself
Sometimes I would agree with @Growings, but watch the side branches grow. If they start growing up the stem then you should pull them out. I had that issue with a couple of outdoor plants last year. If you're still interested in controlling her height it would be a good idea to train the top two shoots more out than up as well.
Nice! Looks like stretch is really going to fill out!

Sometimes I would agree with @Growings, but watch the side branches grow. If they start growing up the stem then you should pull them out. I had that issue with a couple of outdoor plants last year. If you're still interested in controlling her height it would be a good idea to train the top two shoots more out than up as well.
I think she likes the presence of the honey bee nest in the fence. So just bend them lightly once a day? I’m not to worried about this one getting tall but ya if starts stretching to much I may have to do something.

In my the middle of the new growth are those bud sights? Maybe colas? When more developed can I top them?
lol, yeah
Conversation yesterday:
GF: Oh, you left your watch here at the weekend
Me: I know
GF: What time will you be over this evening?
Me: Don't know, I've lost my watch - what are you up to at the mo?
GF: Storm has caused a power cut, so internet is down; gonna watch TV instead


Dunno if it's a UK thing, but PITA is pain in the arse, so wtf is a pita pit??
I think she likes the presence of the honey bee nest in the fence. So just bend them lightly once a day? I’m not to worried about this one getting tall but ya if starts stretching to much I may have to do something.

In my the middle of the new growth are those bud sights? Maybe colas? When more developed can I top them?
I'd let them grow for a few days and then decide.
They'll grow bud sites in flower, not yet. You can top side branches, but you may not want to when they've grown out a bit.
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