Coffee Tries To Grow Again


@Mars Hydro the light is beautiful thank you again!

This is not permanent we are supposed to be getting hit by a storm tonight. I couldn’t get Grand Daddy in so for now I hope she makes it. Light is 20” from the top of Stretch dimmed at 25%
Sorry I meant to say feed as close to sun up as you can 9:30 ;)
Then at peak sun so around noon to 100 ish.
So before you go to work.
Yes once you get a canopy it shades the bags.:thumb:

Stay safe :cool:
Awesome thank you Bill I’ll get those nutes ordered hopefully this weekend and alright I can do that just got to get it while Dante is napping or watching cartoons
Did I have the light to close did she burn? I’m confused it didn’t feel warm when I held my hand over it before work


The leaf looks like it started to bubble a little bit
There isn't light damage visible on her.
That's great bring them in at night under the @Mars Hydro brilliant. :thumb:
How did work go today?
Any cooler ?

Stay safe :cool:
There isn't light damage visible on her.
That's great bring them in at night under the @Mars Hydro brilliant. :thumb:
How did work go today?
Any cooler ?

Stay safe :cool:
That’s wonderful news I was freaking a little bit not sure if I’m bringing them back out tomorrow or not haven’t looked at the weather.

It went alright did a little to much now my back is tweaked but I’ll live. It was a bit cooler but was doing galvanized all day in the leather so I was sweating like a pig. No real complaints but it’s official now Julia is 2 months into the pregnancy gonna be some fun times!!!

How was your day Bill did you get anymore work done? How’s Stacy and Howie?
That’s wonderful news I was freaking a little bit not sure if I’m bringing them back out tomorrow or not haven’t looked at the weather.

It went alright did a little to much now my back is tweaked but I’ll live. It was a bit cooler but was doing galvanized all day in the leather so I was sweating like a pig. No real complaints but it’s official now Julia is 2 months into the pregnancy gonna be some fun times!!!

How was your day Bill did you get anymore work done? How’s Stacy and Howie?
Congratulations again my friend. :cheer:
A girl this time?
Or a little brother for Dante?

Make sure you drink lots of water when your sweating like that at work.
It was really really windy here today.
Like trying to mount a sail during a hurricane.
So poly got put on hold till Thursday hopefully.
We are all good my friend enjoying the sunshine finally.
I got the 13' x 10' gazebo finished finally.
So we can hide from the bugs.
It says it takes 3 people to build it.:eek:
A little ingenuity and blood and I did it by myself.
I must have lost a pound in blood alone out there.
The bugs are a little thicker than I would like.
Alfred Hitchcock's the birds comes to mind.
So the gazebo will help.
Get some rest my friend and I'll talk to you in the morning. :thumb:

Stay safe:cool:
Congratulations again my friend. :cheer:
A girl this time?
Or a little brother for Dante?

Make sure you drink lots of water when your sweating like that at work.
It was really really windy here today.
Like trying to mount a sail during a hurricane.
So poly got put on hold till Thursday hopefully.
We are all good my friend enjoying the sunshine finally.
I got the 13' x 10' gazebo finished finally.
So we can hide from the bugs.
It says it takes 3 people to build it.:eek:
A little ingenuity and blood and I did it by myself.
I must have lost a pound in blood alone out there.
The bugs are a little thicker than I would like.
Alfred Hitchcock's the birds comes to mind.
So the gazebo will help.
Get some rest my friend and I'll talk to you in the morning. :thumb:

Stay safe:cool:
Yes sir drink 8 bottles of water when I’m there. I’m hoping for a girl even though I don’t think I’m prepared or will be for when puberty hits lol.

You built a gazebo well done my man I hear you on the blood part my work is close to Lake Ontario so many maseqitos but mainly at night. One more night to go update coming in soon as well
Stretch is really starting to get bushy, time for training this weekend. I think at the pace she is going



You can see the FIM trying to over come her sisters.

Grand Daddy survived though I might remove all the pipe cleaners lol

Death Bubba seems to like the soil

And Surprise looks like she’s ready to top
Grand Daddy survived though I might remove all the pipe cleaners lol
I saw her with all those pipe cleaners, and thought to myself "What the Fuck"? :hmmmm:
I didn't realize you were doing it to support her in the wind...that's a damn good idea!
I saw her with all those pipe cleaners, and thought to myself "What the Fuck"? :hmmmm:
I didn't realize you were doing it to support her in the wind...that's a damn good idea!
Lmao I was like fuck I got to go to work what should I do it was that or make a trellis out of vaping wire lol
Grand Daddy is looking foxy!!! :rollit:

look at the broad lush green on them fan leaves. :circle-of-love:
Haha thank you she’s a little more temperamental compared to the auto but I think she’s slowly starting to like me more and I think she really likes that 10 gal container
Opened my bottle of nutes to this lol

Fek , is there anyway you can get a hold of them and get a new one sent out?
What is it?

Stay safe :cool:
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