Coffee Tries To Grow Again


Fixed it I think
Tape her up and she’ll be fine. I snapped clean off my top limb of my Mango Sapphire outdoor girl last year. I took the limb, smushed her back on, taped her up and grew perfectly fine. Hopefully the same can/should work out for your gal there
Don't let up on spraying for bugs (and rinsing after it dries)! Every 3 days for now and once you stop seeing the white spots on new growth go to every 5-7 days since they're outside. It's a never-ending supply of bugs out there!
Will do sorry shed:x I’ll start the mission again tonight! Kill them all hehe love that song
Tape her up and she’ll be fine. I snapped clean off my top limb of my Mango Sapphire outdoor girl last year. I took the limb, smushed her back on, taped her up and grew perfectly fine. Hopefully the same can/should work out for your gal there
Thank you sir how do you know if it’s working without taking the tape off?
Thank you sir how do you know if it’s working without taking the tape off?

like what @danishoes21 said. I just the tape on my plant and I knew it took because the plant kept responding to every watering and never wilted dead on me. It’ll look wilted kind of for I would say maybe a week and then you’ll see signs of life again. If it wilts away on you after a couple weeks, then yank her off again as she dead. Although I still think it’ll heal on its own with the tape applied
same thing happened to me in my current grow, I left the tape like a month lol, to be extra sure it was completely healed. my 2 cents.
It was so weird I didn’t really put any pressure at all lol was so proud of myself then snap and I’m like nuuuuu tape!!!! Where are you?! Btw could electrical tape work if it happens again? Got tons of that

like what @danishoes21 said. I just the tape on my plant and I knew it took because the plant kept responding to every watering and never wilted dead on me. It’ll look wilted kind of for I would say maybe a week and then you’ll see signs of life again. If it wilts away on you after a couple weeks, then yank her off again as she dead. Although I still think it’ll heal on its own with the tape applied
Will do thank you hopefully it grows and heals good I felt really bad lol
Is this a healthy friend?

Can't see it clearly. Only things I like to see on my plants are spiders, hornets, hoverfly larvae, and any kind of ladybug. They eat pretty much everything else.
Can't see it clearly. Only things I like to see on my plants are spiders, hornets, hoverfly larvae, and any kind of ladybug. They eat pretty much everything else.
It was like a Beetle but clear. After Julia and Dante go to bed I’m gonna lights out then spray down with safers. The little death Bubba has a deficiency not sure what yet will add a picture soon
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