Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Distilled for which? The coco ones?
Just in general read a lot about reverse osmosis which I honestly have no clue what that is and distilled water when putting seeds for germination just figure that what if tap water adds calcium wouldn’t that be a good thing? Sorry if I’m rambling a little
Folks in DWC tend to run low ppm water (usually RO) because it's the only medium the plants are in.

RO is water pushed through a number of filters to take out almost everything but the water. It wastes lot of water though.
Ah ok makes sense so in almost every sense dwc is the most expensive
Alright so I did a thing now I know @Melville Hobbes said to wait until mid June but I needed the other 5 gal pot for the smallest Death Bubba.

Grand Daddy is in her new home transplanted by Julia (I knew I would get her into this as much as she denied any interest lol)

Stretch never ceases to amaze me I’m assuming since her leaves are up high she’s happy just loves it when I give her attention
I'm sure the plant will respond just fine. Like you said. Don't water too much and she'll be good to go!
Thanks Baked how’s your evening going?

I’m just a little worried because of the topping then transplant could have been a little bit to much stress but we shall see.

Just got to stick to the plan and the first toke will be glorious haha
Thanks Baked how’s your evening going?

I’m just a little worried because of the topping then transplant could have been a little bit to much stress but we shall see.

Just got to stick to the plan and the first toke will be glorious haha
Hey 12. I'm doing ok. Been puffing on some Trainwreck lately. My buddy that gave me some, dropped off a new gift for me. Am awesome glass pipe that was blown by his nephew. Such an awesome gift. Hits great too.

I think it will be fine. Did you use some mycorrhizae during the transplant. That can really help keep stress to a minimum. The topping will push those hormones back to the roots and it will shoot right back to the plant to recover and grow some more. She'll be great!

I'm excited to see your garden transform. Blessings man!
Also @Bill284 i meant to ask eariler but if I switched grand daddy over to advanced nutrients would I get any negative outcomes?? I feel like she’s not benefiting from the Gaia Green and wanted to try another.

How much does PPM matter when it comes to it can I wing it or do I need to buy another meter?
Hey 12. I'm doing ok. Been puffing on some Trainwreck lately. My buddy that gave me some, dropped off a new gift for me. Am awesome glass pipe that was blown by his nephew. Such an awesome gift. Hits great too.

I think it will be fine. Did you use some mycorrhizae during the transplant. That can really help keep stress to a minimum. The topping will push those hormones back to the roots and it will shoot right back to the plant to recover and grow some more. She'll be great!

I'm excited to see your garden transform. Blessings man!
Nice my man! I used to only smoke pipes but they make me cough way to much now which wouldn’t be a huge problem but my son has moved into our bed again sigh lol

So it was a good thing to top before trying this I’ll keep that in mind! After cleaning the pot that Grand Daddy was in I’m going to transplant the Death Bubba in it hopefully will help it grow bigger. When transplanting Grand daddy I put some @DYNOMYCO in then covered the root ball with it as well hoping this leads to a growth sprout and as you said with topping this most likely will happen.

The one thing I didn’t do was layer the powder nutes like I did before. Reasoning is I want to try the Advanced Nutes designed for Coco
So it was a good thing to top before trying this I’ll keep that in mind!
Well...I didn't say that exactly. I tend to lean on the side of caution when it comes to high stress stuff (transplant, topping, supercrop,etc.). I think I got that mindset from many here which prefer to keep high stress tasks at least a week apart. When you have photoperiod plants and time on your side, then that's not a problem. Top and then wait a week, sometimes two, before transplanting.

Here's my alternative thought on multiple high stress actions in one go. Make sure your plant is healthy and ready for what's about to happen. So making sure there's enough nutrients and strong growth so it can skip through the stress, potentially without issues.
As I recall, folks have better success with AN at closer to half the recommended amounts, but double check that for coco.

Saves a lot of money too.
I’ll keep that in mind not sure if I’m going to pull the trigger yet or not but I do like the idea of saving money! The one I’m looking at is designed for Coco and claims you don’t need to ph but I’m still going to check. I can’t see one solution working for all ranges of ph.

Well...I didn't say that exactly. I tend to lean on the side of caution when it comes to high stress stuff (transplant, topping, supercrop,etc.). I think I got that mindset from many here which prefer to keep high stress tasks at least a week apart. When you have photoperiod plants and time on your side, then that's not a problem. Top and then wait a week, sometimes two, before transplanting.

Here's my alternative thought on multiple high stress actions in one go. Make sure your plant is healthy and ready for what's about to happen. So making sure there's enough nutrients and strong growth so it can skip through the stress, potentially without issues.

Ah sorry misunderstood you there but makes sense to give it time in between. She seemed pretty healthy and happy this morning until Julia hit her with the hose then she got droopy but I think she will recover.

Hey I learned how to use the quote button pretty nifty feature there
Haha I’m normally on mobile when I’m on here since the computer is in the basement I remember the old days when you had to use html and css to do half the features that you can now a days and don’t get me started on designing websites in adobe then having to cut the design apart and code it into dreamweaver used to smoke hella lot of joints back then couldn’t code if I was sober
Oof...hose shots can be killers. I've killed a couple plants that were too young for even a blast from the shower setting. Snapped the stem at the base around the soil. Never a bad idea to stake them and give support after a transplant. So when they do droop, it doesn't take as much energy to force itself back up. Also, to protect them from crazy garden watering people! :laugh:
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