Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Good afternoon my friend, I know your probably busy right now so no rush.
Just curious I know 5.6 is as close as can be to 5.8 so I get that. ;)
But your girls in soil are getting the same feed?
I think you will find over time they will loose their color and not be able to absorb as much nutrients as they need.
It takes time for your pot to return to its normal ph after you flood it with 5.6 ph water.
The roots will not be able to unlock the nutrients at that lower level until it returns to its normal ph.
Which takes time, time your roots are missing out certain nutrients.
Shortening the time she can actually eat properly.
Up-to 40% of plant energy goes into roots.
If your roots aren't 100% of the time your not maximizing plant growth and health.
Potassium silicate will help with weather fluctuations.
Helps strengthen cell walls among other benefits. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
Hey Bill didn’t make it to the interview that hospital is busy! Yes I was wondering the same thing, I normally don’t add a lot of water for the one in ground just Calmag and very little water as it normally gets more when we water the grass but I’ll start giving it 6.6 ph water and look into the silicate is it just add to the water like Calmag?
Hey 12! Sorry I hadn't seen your journal. I'm in for your journey if you don't mind.

It will take me some time to catch up but I might skip ahead.

Do you guys think I could use my welding skills to fabricate anything for the grow room when the time comes? Was thinking of making a shelf for my nuts and tools
How about fan holders on the tent poles. Something not plastic but not too heavy. I'm not a welder but I'm currently thinking of some wood solutions.

Ok...I need to skip ahead and see what the future holds for you. Or would it be your past?:smokin:
Update Time!
So today I watered and gave the girls some 4,4,4 on @DYNOMYCO Stretch doesn’t seemed stressed over the topping and I topped Grand Daddy. Suprise MOFO is going threw a growth sprout and got her first round of dynomyco as well as 4.4.4 all plants were fed with Calmag and 5.6 ph water
All caught up!!! Garden is looking beautiful.
I normally don’t add a lot of water for the one in ground just Calmag and very little water as it normally gets more when we water the grass but I’ll start giving it 6.6 ph water and look into the silicate is it just add to the water like Calmag?
You pH the water you give the plant in the ground? Am I understanding that correctly? Have you tested your soil pH?

If I am understanding you correctly, why do you feel the need to do that? You may be adding more work/product than you need to.

You had me cracking up about shaking like a leaf when you first fimmed the plant. I still shake! :laugh:

Wonderful garden you have. Looking forward to watching it thrive!
Hey 12! Sorry I hadn't seen your journal. I'm in for your journey if you don't mind.

It will take me some time to catch up but I might skip ahead.


How about fan holders on the tent poles. Something not plastic but not too heavy. I'm not a welder but I'm currently thinking of some wood solutions.

Ok...I need to skip ahead and see what the future holds for you. Or would it be your past?:smokin:
Hey no problem Baked welcome aboard! That’s a great idea I was also thinking about making some small ladders to mount the light and fan wires on to cleanly manage it. It’s all aluminum 10’ lengths fully welded are 20 lbs or so so a 4’ won’t weigh to much if anything at all.

Hope you enjoy the journey and I’m happy to have you here!
All caught up!!! Garden is looking beautiful.

You pH the water you give the plant in the ground? Am I understanding that correctly? Have you tested your soil pH?

If I am understanding you correctly, why do you feel the need to do that? You may be adding more work/product than you need to.

You had me cracking up about shaking like a leaf when you first fimmed the plant. I still shake! :laugh:

Wonderful garden you have. Looking forward to watching it thrive!
Well right now we are on Plan B, Plan A fell apart when my first sprout got decapitated fucking squirrels either way lol then I tried planting more and out of the 6 seeds in Stretch who is the only auto in the gang now and the in ground survived. So having bought soil bites and everything I wanted to try coco and the one in ground still hadn’t surfaced so I’ve been watering based off coco and the advice of @Bill284 and others.

The in ground was truly a suprise and very unexpected so I never ph’d the soil and didn’t pay as much attention to it as I should have so maybe extra work and product but now I need to adjust. It’s growing great at the moment but I don’t want it to get nute lockouts or anything
Well right now we are on Plan B, Plan A fell apart
Right there with you man. Don't worry about it. Working on plan C myself.
The in ground was truly a suprise and very unexpected so I never ph’d the soil and didn’t pay as much attention to it as I should have so maybe extra work and product but now I need to adjust. It’s growing great at the moment but I don’t want it to get nute lockouts or anything
I wouldn't worry about that plant. Feed the soil with some of that great gaia 4-4-4 every 2 weeks. Mulch it and just water it in. That plant's roots have already reached far down into the top soil to drink. Now it's just the purpose of feeding the soil around the plant's dripline and keep it moist to encourage the microbes and worms to put in work. They will release all the goodness your plant's feeder roots will be thriving and pumping into her cells like a turbo engine. The deep tap roots will keep the plant alive for its sole purpose to reproduce. Your abundance of nutrients and microbiology in the top few inches of your soil will put your plant into overdrive.
Right there with you man. Don't worry about it. Working on plan C myself.

I wouldn't worry about that plant. Feed the soil with some of that great gaia 4-4-4 every 2 weeks. Mulch it and just water it in. That plant's roots have already reached far down into the top soil to drink. Now it's just the purpose of feeding the soil around the plant's dripline and keep it moist to encourage the microbes and worms to put in work. They will release all the goodness your plant's feeder roots will be thriving and pumping into her cells like a turbo engine. The deep tap roots will keep the plant alive for its sole purpose to reproduce. Your abundance of nutrients and microbiology in the top few inches of your soil will put your plant into overdrive.
Thanks for the help Baked it seems to be doing fine but I will adjust the ph of the water to be safe it’s been raining most of the day so that plus the water I gave it this morning it should be ok for a day or two now I see why they say do one or the other trying to keep track of both is confusing
Hey Bill didn’t make it to the interview that hospital is busy! Yes I was wondering the same thing, I normally don’t add a lot of water for the one in ground just Calmag and very little water as it normally gets more when we water the grass but I’ll start giving it 6.6 ph water and look into the silicate is it just add to the water like Calmag?
Everything go ok at the hospital?

The ones in bags of soil aim for 6.3 ph.
The one in the ground should be fine with plain water and your nutrients.
Top dress right?
Follow the schedule for them.
Silicate I mixed .5ml / l in plain water once a week.
I gave everyone a little drink after watering.
Best if not mixed with other nutrients.

Stay safe :cool:
Everything go ok at the hospital?

The ones in bags of soil aim for 6.3 ph.
The one in the ground should be fine with plain water and your nutrients.
Top dress right?
Follow the schedule for them.
Silicate I mixed .5ml / l in plain water once a week.
I gave everyone a little drink after watering.
Best if not mixed with other nutrients.

Stay safe :cool:
Yeah just took forever to get his X-Rays done when he was 1 he broke both sides of his shin trying to get around Julia. I had to hold him down for the. X ray hearing him cry and scream broke my heart but it needed to be done.

All of them are in coco aside from the one in the ground I am considering putting the smallest one in soil if I can’t get pearlite tomorrow if I can grand daddy is going into her 10 gal bag and that one can use the 5gal grand daddy is in.

Been top dressing with 4.4.4 once a week as it’s a slow release originally intended for once a month. I’ll order some silica tonight cause I doubt I’ll find it at Canadian Tire tomorrow
So I cut these?
Looks like they might have bugs on them anyway to feel free to take them off and dispose of them. If the plant needed them it will grow more on top where you want growth anyway.

Regarding pH, it doesn't take soil long at all to balance the pH of the water you pour in. The proof is that slurry testing is the standard for pH testing soil. If it took the soil a long time to deal with the pH of the water slurry testing wouldn't work.
For example, I take soil and add the same amount of distilled water (pH 7) to make a muddy slurry, which is a lot more water than we put in a pot. Within an hour the slurry will be the pH of the soil, not the a very small container. That's how quickly soil buffers water pH.

So feel free to use tap water for the pots if it will simplify your life. Only folks in coco, hempy, or DWC need to pH their nutes.
Looks like they might have bugs on them anyway to feel free to take them off and dispose of them. If the plant needed them it will grow more on top where you want growth anyway.

Regarding pH, it doesn't take soil long at all to balance the pH of the water you pour in. The proof is that slurry testing is the standard for pH testing soil. If it took the soil a long time to deal with the pH of the water slurry testing wouldn't work.
For example, I take soil and add the same amount of distilled water (pH 7) to make a muddy slurry, which is a lot more water than we put in a pot. Within an hour the slurry will be the pH of the soil, not the a very small container. That's how quickly soil buffers water pH.

So feel free to use tap water for the pots if it will simplify your life. Only folks in coco, hempy, or DWC need to pH their nutes.
Thanks Shed, I will grab some safers in the morning when I go grab some supplies going to price out pvc tomorrow for a tent think it’s probably the most affordable option for the moment.

Should I wait since it’s been so soon since topping or just go to town? So what your saying is I can feed them all the same water and it wouldn’t matter?
I will grab some safers in the morning
Get some neem oil as well so you can use that until you have pistils. No rinsing!
Should I wait since it’s been so soon since topping or just go to town?
No need to wait after topping to deal with pests!
So what your saying is I can feed them all the same water and it wouldn’t matter?
Even if you bought the worst soil ever made with completely wrong pH for soil, the water you use won't change that pH. Your top dress nutes don't care about the pH of your water, they just want to dissolve and get to the roots.

It's the pH of the soil that matters, since it's obvious that the soil's pH will quickly overcome whatever water you use as I said, or slurry testing wouldn't be a thing
Get some neem oil as well so you can use that until you have pistils. No rinsing!

No need to wait after topping to deal with pests!

Even if you bought the worst soil ever made with completely wrong pH for soil, the water you use won't change that pH. Your top dress nutes don't care about the pH of your water, they just want to dissolve and get to the roots.

It's the pH of the soil that matters, since it's obvious that the soil's pH will quickly overcome whatever water you use as I said, or slurry testing wouldn't be a thing
So I saw some black beetle/ant looking things in the coco I thought coco wasn’t supposed to inhabit bugs? Is it because it’s surrounded by plants in soil or just because it’s outside? These are the two leaves the one with all the gunk on it wiped off pretty easy.
So I saw some black beetle/ant looking things in the coco I thought coco wasn’t supposed to inhabit bugs? Is it because it’s surrounded by plants in soil or just because it’s outside? These are the two leaves the one with all the gunk on it wiped off pretty easy.
Sorry I didn't know you had some plants in coco. Those need to be pH'd to around 5.8 as I mentioned above.

And most bugs live on the leaves, but I've even seen fungus gnats live in the roots of DWC!
Sorry I didn't know you had some plants in coco. Those need to be pH'd to around 5.8 as I mentioned above.

And most bugs live on the leaves, but I've even seen fungus gnats live in the roots of DWC!
It’s all good I have one in the ground and 3 in coco so they aren’t to be worried over? If I can get a picture of one I will but they move fast! I’ve been checking every day on the leaves for mites etc.

The only one that has had any signs of pests is the one in ground had a bite taken out of one of the leaves but haven’t seen anything else lately on it meant to grab stuff to lay down around it to deture any other pests. I’ll see if I can find the neam oil tomorrow if not safers is the next best bet.

PS I even washed my hands before I took the leaves off I’m an adult now! Lol
Good job on the hand washing!

I have one in the ground and 3 in coco so they aren’t to be worried over?
I'd say you're fine using the 5.8 water for the one in the ground, but the hose is easier!
I’ve been checking every day on the leaves for mites etc
Mites are really tiny so what you see is the bite marks on the leaves, but they're similar to the marks of thrips. Either way, spray away. Outside plants are almost always going to get nibbled!
Good job on the hand washing!

I'd say you're fine using the 5.8 water for the one in the ground, but the hose is easier!

Mites are really tiny so what you see is the bite marks on the leaves, but they're similar to the marks of thrips. Either way, spray away. Outside plants are almost always going to get nibbled!
Will do sir and thank you occasionally I try to adult it haha Julia was saying the hose water is really hard this place is so run down we have to run it threw the basement window into the laundry room sink.

Ah so need a magnifying glass haha and will spray my little heart away might even let me son have a shot at it lol.


Big ass sandwich for $20
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