Coffee Tries To Grow Again

Noticed this when I brought her in

Girls are downstairs until weather clears up a little and at least they are getting light

Stretch 30 days old PH water was 5.6 and she got a tsp of @DYNOMYCO can I top her yet or is she going to get bigger?

Grand Daddy Death Bubba Day 25 Ph water 5.6 and 1 tsp of dynomyco

Death Bubba still sick Day 17 ph water 5.6 and 1 tsp of dynomyco

Not much to show in todays update hopefully this overcast doesn’t stunt them to much
Girls are downstairs until weather clears up a little and at least they are getting light

Stretch 30 days old PH water was 5.6 and she got a tsp of @DYNOMYCO can I top her yet or is she going to get bigger?

Grand Daddy Death Bubba Day 25 Ph water 5.6 and 1 tsp of dynomyco

Death Bubba still sick Day 17 ph water 5.6 and 1 tsp of dynomyco

Not much to show in todays update hopefully this overcast doesn’t stunt them to much
I'd normally wait until the 5th or 6th node to top, but you can do it whenever she has as many nodes as you intend to grow out, as long as she's a photo.
I'd normally wait until the 5th or 6th node to top, but you can do it whenever she has as many nodes as you intend to grow out, as long as she's a photo.
This one is a auto just want to try new stuff but I’ll wait till Grand Daddy is ready and learn on her
Glad the weather is finally nice again! We're completely overcast until 2 here these days. And congratulations on the expanding family Coffee!
Thanks Shed going to be interesting with a newborns and a toddler but I love myself a good adventure and I am a little bit of a masochist lmao
I top at 3rd node, and when I say top, I mean pinch out the tiny tip, not cut its head off
Gives you good branching close to the roots
Cut off the two snots at the very bottom and you should get a good canopy
Indica mixes that is, I let Sativas do their buds-on-a-cane thing
I top at 3rd node, and when I say top, I mean pinch out the tiny tip, not cut its head off
Gives you good branching close to the roots
Cut off the two snots at the very bottom and you should get a good canopy
Indica mixes that is, I let Sativas do their buds-on-a-cane thing
The snots are the original leaves that grew can’t remember what the false ones were called that fall off but I mean the ones just after it? Would that be the centre where your saying to pinch it I’m assuming where the cola would grow?
Finishing Satin on the woodwork, done now - done my entire flat in a week apart from 3 walls which will be a feature Granite/Dove Grey or similar in the room that isn't the bedroom lol
The first leaves are cotyledons, no shoots come from those
I mean the lowest shoot from the first set of leaves
Pinching the tip - leave the two formative leaves and just remove the tip that is pointing upwards

Just the v

Com ca :hookah:
Finishing Satin on the woodwork, done now - done my entire flat in a week apart from 3 walls which will be a feature Granite/Dove Grey or similar in the room that isn't the bedroom lol
The first leaves are cotyledons, no shoots come from those
I mean the lowest shoot from the first set of leaves
Pinching the tip - leave the two formative leaves and just remove the tip that is pointing upwards

Just the v

Com ca :hookah:
Very nice I was telling Bill woodworking was my first love before welding just couldn’t make money in what I was interested in doing which was restoring. I think I understand but I don’t think Stretch is at the point mind you I’m probably going to wait to do it with grand daddy
There's good money in both upcycling, restoring, and French polishing antiques over here
Mate of mine made megabucks, then suddenly varnished out of sight
Sadly, he used to drink the stuff but died with an appropriate funeral - it was a lovely finish
There's good money in both upcycling, restoring, and French polishing antiques over here
Mate of mine made megabucks, then suddenly varnished out of sight
Sadly, he used to drink the stuff but died with an appropriate funeral - it was a lovely finish
Lmao I see what you did there lol personally I’m just in the wrong area for this type of work cottage country is prime for good woodworking although I have thought about combing both trades and making some cool desks or tables.

Now that you I’m back at my old job when I get a plan together might make some cable management trays out of their scrap they don’t take inventory so I could help myself but I don’t want to steal
Lmao I see what you did there lol personally I’m just in the wrong area for this type of work cottage country is prime for good woodworking although I have thought about combing both trades and making some cool desks or tables.

Now that you I’m back at my old job when I get a plan together might make some cable management trays out of their scrap they don’t take inventory so I could help myself but I don’t want to steal
I know a guy makes shelves and tables from pallets and scaffold boards with Victorian brass fittings for brackets
Nicely rustic-looking and costs him £12 to make
They sell for about £70 but I'm happy to give the guy the money for the work, good on him for doing it
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