Coffee Tries To Grow Again

I know a guy makes shelves and tables from pallets and scaffold boards with Victorian brass fittings for brackets
Nicely rustic-looking and costs him £12 to make
They sell for about £70 but I'm happy to give the guy the money for the work, good on him for doing it
Good profit to! It’s all about finding that niche when I was in high school I made a tv cabinet with built in fans that I soldered to an ac plug to cool my consoles down totally should have started selling those haha
Good profit to! It’s all about finding that niche when I was in high school I made a tv cabinet with built in fans that I soldered to an ac plug to cool my consoles down totally should have started selling those haha
Had you combined your woodworking, welding, and growing skills to make a vertical cabinet a few years ago you would have made a mint by now
Lit one, so I'll be concise - do what you love best if you have a talent for doing it
The World will find you
Had you combined your woodworking, welding, and growing skills to make a vertical cabinet a few years ago you would have made a mint by now
Lit one, so I'll be concise - do what you love best if you have a talent for doing it
The World will find you
True true hahah sadly I didn’t know this world existed back then but I could probably design some cool stuff for anyone that would be interested just finding the time to build it haha I weighed myself today 176 lbs 2 years ago I was almost 300 lbs IBS hit me hard not crying about it I mean my butt still is that was a painful few months on the toilet lol
Update time!
Stretch Day 33 since sprout ph 5.5-5.8 nutes on friday

Grand Daddy Death Bubba day 28 ph 5.5-5.8

Death Bubba is still sick day 20 ph 5.5-5.8

Suprise MOFO not sure on age but same ph
I know I'm late but I'm here now, if you'll have me. I live near to you as well in the Dundas area.

Your plants look nice and healthy.

Ring. We got a good deal on them, and a year of recording free. I'm still looking for one that records to a computer instead though. $100 bucks a year is a bit more than I'd like to spend, and it doesn't work if the internet is down which really makes no sense. I get the lack of recording, but it should still be able to alert me to motion.

Some 420 growers use Wyze cameras. I don't know anything about them other than some people use them.
I know I'm late but I'm here now, if you'll have me. I live near to you as well in the Dundas area.

Your plants look nice and healthy.

Some 420 growers use Wyze cameras. I don't know anything about them other than some people use them.
Thanks Hash better late then never ;) my biggest concern is the one that looks like it has a calcium deficiency even though it gets cal mag might try to not feed it cal mag for the next few days to see if it helps. I think we were looking to Waze brand but after changing jobs I don’t think I can afford it at the moment
Hi TC - no nanas there my friend - check out my BB & GC thread, just found a baby nana today - eek lol
Nope, you're good.
They can't grow nanners until they're in flower.
Thank god lol I freaked cause it looked like little bananas lol

Also I know I said I wouldn’t but I topped Stretch with the help of @Azimuth and @bluter I don’t know why I couldn’t understand the node concept but I tried and FIM lol



First time I tried to fim I missed :laugh:
Ended up topping the plant instead.
Holy shit I woulda shit the bed man but I guess it’s a learning experience. I learned something new and it’s gonna be a super noob thing to say lol but I was playing with my son and all I could smell was skunk it was stretch lol blew my mind
Update Time!
So today I watered and gave the girls some 4,4,4 on @DYNOMYCO Stretch doesn’t seemed stressed over the topping and I topped Grand Daddy. Suprise MOFO is going threw a growth sprout and got her first round of dynomyco as well as 4.4.4 all plants were fed with Calmag and 5.6 ph water
Update Time!
So today I watered and gave the girls some 4,4,4 on @DYNOMYCO Stretch doesn’t seemed stressed over the topping and I topped Grand Daddy. Suprise MOFO is going threw a growth sprout and got her first round of dynomyco as well as 4.4.4 all plants were fed with Calmag and 5.6 ph water
Good afternoon my friend, I know your probably busy right now so no rush.
Just curious I know 5.6 is as close as can be to 5.8 so I get that. ;)
But your girls in soil are getting the same feed?
I think you will find over time they will loose their color and not be able to absorb as much nutrients as they need.
It takes time for your pot to return to its normal ph after you flood it with 5.6 ph water.
The roots will not be able to unlock the nutrients at that lower level until it returns to its normal ph.
Which takes time, time your roots are missing out certain nutrients.
Shortening the time she can actually eat properly.
Up-to 40% of plant energy goes into roots.
If your roots aren't 100% of the time your not maximizing plant growth and health.
Potassium silicate will help with weather fluctuations.
Helps strengthen cell walls among other benefits. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
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